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What is it with religous-right fanatics when they expect everyone else to obey the 10 Commandments?

They themselves only observe some of the 10 Commandments, yet they expect the rest of us to obey them without question.

They specifically make sure that they themselves obey the 4th and sometimes the 2nd, but the rest of us must obey all 10, or be consigned to "a scorching hot realm of eternal torment". We commoners must especially obey the 6th Commandment, or they will make our lives a living hell here on Earth, but they are exempt from it...

Your comments?

1. Do not worship other gods.

2. Do not worship idols.

3. Do not misuse God's name.

4. Keep the Sabbath holy.

5. Honor your father & mother.

6. Do not murder.

7. Do not commit adultery.

8. Do not steal.

9. Do not lie.

10. Do not covet.


This IS a political question...

Update 2:

Why is it OK for some so-called Christians to willfully break some of the Commandments, but others just better not even think about it?

Update 3:

I am going to pick the answer with the "unstated assumption" that often, the 10 Commandments are codified into secular law, which seems to apply to some, but not all. I apologize that I didn't see the need to add more details regarding enacting religous laws into secular laws.

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I am a republican and loathe the religious right.

  • 1 decade ago

    Do you have children? Can you honestly say that any of these comandments are okay for your child to break. Sometimes I wonder why some people think that there is a big deal about the ten comandments. I bet in one way or another your mother or father taught and told you these very same things just maybe not in the same words. I am thankful for the ten comandments, Face it, these are the greatest morals and beliefs that can help you, or break you if you dont follow. And yes, God will punnish those who do not keep these very simple rules. The bible states very clearly that the wrath of God will be upon those who do not obey them. AND YES THAT MEANS AN ETERNAL BURNING. Hey If you dont understand it, thats fine, open the bible and look and find what answers you need, believe me they are there. But for your own sake, dont down grade someone for trying to help you save your soul. There are hippocrites out there, but the thing is, you are only responsible for your own actions and thoughts, they will be judged on theirs. The 10 commandments has never had a problem, its the people who dont understand them or think that they dont apply to them, that is where the problem comes from. Hippocrittes are everywhere you look, just remember that the only person you have to worry about is yourself. And you must be crazy to think that christians or people of faith think for one second that we can break the 6th. But I can say that regardless of your beliefs or customs, the best thing for anyone to do is pray about anything and everything that you question. The rewards far out weigh anything you could ever imagine.

    Source(s): HOLY BIBLE
  • 1 decade ago

    Interesting that several point out this question belongs in the religion section, yet some believe, even insist that political and policy decisions be based upon religion. As for applicability of the Ten Commandments... selectively applicable as is adherence to the US Constitution.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    properly, in case you suspect lots of the prophecies, if all people in the worldwide obeyed the ten Commandments for a undeniable volume of time, then it would reason the commencing up of the Messianic Age.

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  • Janie
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    i think this belongs in the religion section lol.

    but i agree with you. i think that people are definitely entitled to their religious beliefs but should NOT push them on other people. i hate it when people preach their religion and say randomly in conversation 'and thats why i accepted jesus christ as my savior'

    it's just annoying. not everyone believes that.

    and the commandments are just the churches way of controlling people and manipulating a society. or at least thats how it originiated. religions are unnecessary. people can live happy and good lives without religion. it's overrated.

  • donk35
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Ignore them. Pay attention to the people yelling about Sharia Law though.

  • Dutch
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I have never observed Christians harassing others to obey the commandments. How, exactly, do they make you "obey" the commandments? This sounds like a crock of crap-ola.

  • 1 decade ago

    Does this apply to Clinton, Frank, or Kennedy?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Specifically I think you meant to post this in the religious forum

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It doesn't matter, because Christians are not perfect, just forgiven. All they have to do is say that they are sorry and all is forgiven.

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