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No_Ki asked in Science & MathematicsBiology · 1 decade ago

can human change to adapt to surroundings?

hi there

Ive got this kind of Stupid Q? that i cant get it over with.

lets say for e.g:

if there is not much air around- will human lungs change to adapt that surrounding... not straight away but slowly slowly to survive...

or or if its cold can human skin change or it might grow hair...?

or n e other e.g but i hope u got my idea..

thanks so much..

look forward for Ur answers

8 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    Sure, its called evolution, the only thing is we have "advanced" so much that we will (as a species) resist change and try to keep the status quo for as long as possible, so unlike an animal population that will loose all but its most adaptable and /or desirable qualities to natural population decline, man will still try to save the unsuitable individuals. Evolution is great for a species but nasty for the individualal :P

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There are certain physical adaptations that are possible and others that are not.

    People living at high altitude are adapted to the lack of oxygen - they produce more red blood cells. Anyone can do this if they live in one of these regions. Athletes often train at altitude for this very reason, when they compete, their bodies have a higher oxygen carrying capacity.

    On the other hand, cold conditions don't lead to hair growth as we don't have active genes that can produce this outcome.

    Humans can still adapt to almost every environment though, they use their large brains to solve problems - no hairy coat, make warm clothes from animal skins instead. That is why humans are the most adaptable animals on Earth.

  • 1 decade ago

    As someone has already said, humans already live in places so high up that the oxygen is very thin. At an altitude of 5000m, the barometric pressure is 56% of that at sea level, and the partial pressure of oxygen of the inspired gas in the lung is only 53% of its sea-level value.

    And as for growing hair on skin, that is unlikely as humans have learned to clothe themselves in the hides of other animals, so don't need to evolve or mutate in that way. However, see my second link for an alternative view.

  • 1 decade ago

    People can train parts of their body to be stronger or lungs to hold more oxygen but it would take a few generations for the human body to grow more hair or otherwise change to adapt to the cold

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    we CAN, but we WONT. because of technology, humans today are in a way halting evolution. for example:

    - if there is not much air around, we will invent a way to carry around portable air tanks...or something like it

    - if its really cold, humans might create someway to alter the weather

    my father and i were having a conversation about this today...

    so the answer is.....YES, but we wont let it happen.

  • 1 decade ago


    e.g. there are people that live around mount Everest, and they have adapted the ability to cope with the altitude and lack of oxygen.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    we can mentally as opposed to some animals but physically it usually happens because of a mutation not evolution

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    people take an prolonged time to conform. to boot, we don't even could desire to conform. we don't could desire to flee from predators or hunt for food. we've technologies and characteristic become lazy. for this reason, we don't could desire to conform and adapt to the so-referred to as atmosphere (city, street, etc.)

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