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  • Attachment image

    Dog dry tears?

    Hi there, recently my dog has started having mucus like tears and in his eyes.

    At first I thought it was from pollen.

    Can someone please see picture and let me know if this is anything serious or if anything needs to be done before I take him to the vet. As he is not seem to be bothered with it. And I usually see other dog breeds having that kind of thing but we had him for 3 years and this is the first time I see this.

    He is English springer spaniel will be 3 years old next week. His food diet is good and very happy dog and always wiggling his tail.

    Can you please let me know if I should be worried about this?

    Thank you

    3 AnswersDogs6 years ago
  • help moving flat van hire with help?

    Hi guysin planning to move flats ASAP

    Looking for some sort of moving company that will help me with my boxes to load it up on their van and move it to my other flat.

    Do any of you know any company that will do such stuff?

    Private or normal not care much.

    I would really appreciate your help.

    Thank you

    2 AnswersRenting & Real Estate7 years ago
  • council tax uk london hounslow?

    Currently living in the uk/london/hounslow.

    student, and have 2 days at uni. and i have been here since 2008...

    i started work in december and today i got a letter from "council exemption"... with the bill of 2300£...

    as far i remember srudent dont pay tax:

    or am i wrong or not getting anything right? and if there any way of getting rid of this thing? plz let me know thanks if any questions ill update the notes.. thanks

    2 AnswersUnited Kingdom9 years ago
  • Bingoli Translation needed?

    help need someone to translate this image for me... which is written in bingoli.

    thank you very much

    1 AnswerLanguages9 years ago
  • 20 boxes of tea in the airport!?

    Going back to my country and want to take some tea back to georgia. I've got 20 boxes of it that's 6KGs of it! I was wandering during the check in if airport will confiscate them?

    1 AnswerPacking & Preparation10 years ago
  • 20 boxes of tea in the airport!?

    Going back to my country and want to take some tea back to georgia. I've got 20 boxes of it that's 6KGs of it! I was wandering during the check in if airport will confiscate them?

    1 AnswerOther - Destinations10 years ago
  • can human change to adapt to surroundings?

    hi there

    Ive got this kind of Stupid Q? that i cant get it over with.

    lets say for e.g:

    if there is not much air around- will human lungs change to adapt that surrounding... not straight away but slowly slowly to survive...

    or or if its cold can human skin change or it might grow hair...?

    or n e other e.g but i hope u got my idea..

    thanks so much..

    look forward for Ur answers

    8 AnswersBiology1 decade ago
  • Windows Recovery Disk/HDD Maker?


    Im Looking For Software That Will Let Me Create Recovery Disk Or HDD Partition... Now At The Moment Ive Got Clean Windows Installed. With All Drivers And Software. And For The Next Time I Would Like TO Save My Time. Now Ive Googled It But I Couldn't Find N E Recovery Disk Maker(Proper One)... Im Looking For Software Like Acer/Sony/Hp Provides To Make Recovery Disk.

    So Please If You Know Where To Get It PLZ Let Me Know.


    Software1 decade ago
  • Canon 350D wot can u say?


    im planing to buy professional camera was thinking of canon.

    and found 350D wot do u think? is it n e good? (at the moment i have canon 80I* its a small poket camera.

    i like photography so i thought ill buy one but im just starting to use D SLR cameras never used one before. and for start its seems kind ok camera. wot would u reccommend?

    6 AnswersCameras1 decade ago
  • TV SHoW - Which is The Best?

    hi there.

    which tv shows you guys watching now.

    cos i just finished THE TUDORS (it was amazing) - gosh im so sad now. looking for new season which is in 2009.

    meanwhile i would like to watch something els.

    wot would you recommend?

    look forward 4 ur unswers.


    5 AnswersOther - Television1 decade ago
  • Mobile to recommend?

    hi all

    currently i'm an owner of nokia 6300. good phone but tired of it.

    has good sound(but music player sucks if u have over 300 songs on it).

    so i was thinking phone with good music player: SE w910i but when i read the review 10/10 says that its a Bad Phone. like the style but dont like the review.

    i would like to go for something new with good music player (good sound) Sony Ericsson or Samsung. but prefer SE.

    so which phone would u recommend.

    BTW I'm not a girls so no Pink phones or something like it.

    place i live: United Kingdom

    my needs

    1. music player + sound

    2. camera 3+ pix + Flash

    3. calendar/alarm/organiser

    4. normal or slide phones [NO FLIP PHONES] [No Touch Screens]

    5. easy keypad 4 MSGing

    6. internet

    THnX you very much.

    3 AnswersMobile Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Windows Wont Start Up After Installing Web Cam?


    I just bought xbox live vision cam. and it works fine on xbox.

    then ive tried it on my mothers pc it worked fine too. but on my pc it works only for 5 min and then it disables wireless network connection. and only way to get only is to restart. but if i restart with webcam plugged in windows wont shutdown(sometimes) or windows will never start up if webcam is plugged in.

    on my mothers pc it no problems wot so ever.

    1. why im loosing network connection.

    2. why windows wont start up/shutdown

    3. how do i fix IT


    hardware was installed automatically just like memory stick...

    so plz help me if u can...

    thank u..

    5 AnswersAdd-ons1 decade ago
  • nvidia driver update.?

    i dont know why but i downloaded driver to update my graphic card driver

    nvidia 7300le geforce.

    i selected seres 7 win xp

    geforce. then downloaded install pack. i removed old driver and installed new one.

    but every time now i click on nvidia icon screen goes off for 1sec and comes back.. or n e thing in control panel...

    wot seems to be the problem and how to solve it..?

    asap plz

    thank you

    2 AnswersOther - Hardware1 decade ago
  • action adventure historical movie?

    hi there...

    sitting home alone and i dunno wot to do.

    i wanna watch some action adventure historical movie something like knight tale.

    national treasure.


    but not elithabeth the golden age or something like that.

    something light bit funny but good.

    somthing about templars or i dont knowtell me wot u know.

    thank you so much...

    3 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Driving Books Or CD?

    plaining to get my driving license. but first i need to learn some thing and i don't know which one to go for. books or cd/dvd?

    which one would u recommend?




    2 AnswersOther - Education1 decade ago
  • driving lessons game?

    hi there..

    i was looking for a game which would help me learn some road signs and some other things which i don't know...

    so i downloaded this Learn driving but its theory's only...

    as i am lazy to read so much...

    im looking for an easy way. i remember i had game that was like driving lessons. but i dont remember the name of it...

    if u know wot im saying, wot game i mean...


    2 AnswersOther - Games & Recreation1 decade ago
  • HDMI Digital Freeview BOX?

    i just bought digital free view box...

    its goodmans. and its got 2 scart and one HDMI.

    it says that with hdmi u nac select resolution up to 1080i...

    so if i buy hdmi cable and conecct it to tv with hdmi will i have better pic ?

    and why?


    1 AnswerTVs1 decade ago
  • publish website?

    hi guys.

    im looking for website where i can upload my site...

    easy to use. and lots of fress space and it must be FREE...

    something english PLZ...

    i know yahoo has it but its onlu 10MB its not even enought 4 me...

    thank u

    6 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • RAM upgrade A.S.A.P?

    hi there

    i just upgraded my pc with ram form 1gb to 2 gb

    i had 2rams for 512MB(ddr)

    when i aded this new 1GB ram my windows not starting up..

    i see bios screen it shows me that i have 2048 RAM=OK

    then i see windows logo and loading bar it loads windows. but after that i dont see n e thing instead of welcome screen i see black sreen and its not starting up and doing nothing at all.

    now ram they are the same only diference is the one i had was 512 and the new one is 1gig..

    i have cheked all the websites andive done lots of tests if my machine can support more then 1 gig of rams test showed me that my machine can support up to 4 gig..

    n e ideas?

    mey be i have to reinstall windows to make it work???

    why or wot is wrong with it?


    8 AnswersOther - Hardware1 decade ago
  • halo 3 achievement problem?

    i want to get the guerilla achievement where i have to score over 15 000 points but i only get 4 000

    can you help me maybe i have to play it on a different difficulty or something

    3 AnswersXbox1 decade ago