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Anonymous asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Why do conservatives think liberals are supposed to tolerate everything?

Quite listening to Rush and Hannity's bullshit vversion of what a liberal is supposed to be. Most liberals don't give a dman about politcal correctness. rmember Bill Maher had a show named Politically Incorrect. No it is not liberal to tolerate sexism, racism, bigotry, ignorance, nationalism, human rights abuses, violations of civil liberties, or dishonest and delusional conservatives who cry like babies everytime anyone points ou the massive inconsistencies in their positions. To tolerate those things would be a contradiction. Liberals do tend to prefer logically consistent ideas arrived by the application of reason and empirical data. We will not tolerate or accept the view of the enemies of civilization who lon for a return to the dark ages.


We teach tolerance of diversity not stupidity.

Update 2:

Sorry bit I have not yet encountered any conservatives whose logic does not break down to the fear or hate at the heart of their ideology.

Update 3:

Funny how so many former conservatives are turning libertarian all of a sudden. Is this because of the whackos on the religious right?

Update 4:

yeha mesnblu, that's why the more highly educated a person is the more likely they are to define themeselves as liberal. Check you facts. Sorry cons don't use facts just gut feelings like your God Bush.

Update 5:

trin, if so you are not a conservative. Conservatives want more government control over women, gays and immigrants. They only complain about welfare when it goes to poor people. So wither cahnge your label or admit that you are dishones, delusional, or confused.

Update 6:

Libertarian is NOT conservative. Libertarians believe in the constitution not just those amendments they agree with like conservatives.

Update 7:

SugarBear because their inconsistencies prove that they only apply their values to themselves and people like them not to others.

Update 8:

You people make me sick and hope Obama comes to kill you all soon.

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Amen babe.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't condone Racism , Sexism , ignorance , or violation of Civil rights . I also don't condone over taxation , welfare , social Programs that drain America's pockets , thinking that everything that happens to someone is always someone else fault , or that people are Owed a living and that the Govt is suppose to take care of me . I do however condone Freedom to make it or fail on ones own merit , hard work , Personal Responsibility , less Govt Control in my life .

    I think the Govt should stay out of my life and my pocket , the Govt has two jobs Defend our Country and Deliver the Mail

    I had rather see my sister in a whore House than be a Liberal , I am a realist not a Kool-aid drinking Liberal and you my good person need to understand what the Liberals are out to do , and the only thing Conservatives want from the Illegals is for them to stay out !!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Dont forget, There are logical conservatives too.

    But I just wish both partys weren't so stubborn and could tolerate EACH OTHER.

    Both parties act a like in many ways.

    [Libertariann here!!]


    There are some, but also: Theres MANY stupid liberals too. Each party has their intelligent members, and their stupid ones.

    Also, as for the libertarian thing..

    I was a "democrat" before I realized I was more Libertarian than democrat. xD I wasnt a republican before. After researching the Libertarian party, I realized I agreed more with the LP party then both Democrat or the Republican party.

    But I'm not sure why Republicans are turning LP, but it could very well be the Religious reason. But I'm not sure. Ask a previous Republican ?

  • David
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    You said, "Funny how so many former conservatives are turning libertarian all of a sudden. Is this because of the whackos on the religious right?"

    I say, no - it's because a lot of people (former Republicans) have finally HAD IT with the wishy washy non-stick-to-their-guns politicians. These people that you reference are simply expressing their staunch BELIEF in CONSERVATIVE values.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    "Liberals do tend to prefer logically consistent ideas arrived by the application of reason and empirical data"

    Well, I know there are intelligent and stupid liberals and conservatives, BUT, most that I know do not let facts get in the way of their belief, do not apply any reason and will not look at data unless it comes from sources that agree with beliefs.

    The old Arabian proverb He who Knows Not says it best..."He who knows and knows he knows is wise. Follow him". I contend that many times "He who knows not and knows not the he knows not is a fool. Shun him" can be interchangeable. Any person will believe he is wise when many think him a fool. It is better to be "He who knows not and knows he knows not is simple. Teach him"

    I believe our government is corrupt. I think the republicans are to blame as much as the democrats. But if you listen, the republicans are blamed for everything and i like to point out to the democrats that their guys are not the great upstanding people they would have you believe, either. This is why so many call the left sheep and koolade drinkers. When the republican is found to be bad, they usually get replaced. When a democrat gets found out, they still get reelected. Ted Kennedy kills a girl and leaves the scene while drunk driving. Bird the supposed "ex" clan member. William Jefferson gets the National Guard to take him to his house after Katrina to get what? His money from the freezer (some crook might sneak in and steal his illegal money).

    Now I agree we probably have more in common than not, but when the democrats lie and the media does not expose them we are in trouble. The bias is too far to the left from most sources. The conservative and libertarian talk shows point out a lot of inconsistencies with the media and politicians that will never be heard on the main stream media. How much was covered on MSNBC and CNN about Harry Reid and the 41 democrats that sent the letter to limbaughs boss? The letter sold for $2.1 million for a total of $4.2 million being donated to charity. That in itself is news worthy, but to continue from that Reid took the story out of context (lied).

    You too are biased. You say that liberals are educated and conservatives rely on their guts. OK where is your empirical data for that?

    It is simple to us. This country has been the most prosperous in the world due to our individualism and liberties. People work harder when there is something to be gained. Competition leads to discoveries and innovation. Unless you want civilization wiped out by an asteroid, you need competition.

    On the other hand, name one socialist country that has been anywhere near as successful. Is it logical for a liberal to be an extremist peace activist when a country like France was freed by us and like minded that stand up for freedom? Is it logical to burden companies with "Excessive" regulations when they compete with companies that are subsidized by their government?

    We could argue all day about logic, but we would spend most of the time finger pointing. I do think we agree on many things, helping the needy, honest companies, good education... but when we have a small disagreement it get exaggerated. Everyone goes to their know it all stance instead of trying so see what is in common and what is different. Conservatives are not the evil nut jobs many on the left make us out to be. Ask Liberal Gay former President of L.A. NOW talk show host Tammy Bruce. Obama and Palin said the same thing about abortion and gay marriage, but Obama got labeled as liberal and Palin branded as conservative.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    here's the problem.

    liberals do not understand the word "tolerance".

    you tolerate a headache.

    you tolerate your neighbor's bratty kids.

    you tolerate a person's bad breath.

    you tolerate an unfunny co worker's jokes.

    you do not tolerate your favorite meal.

    you do not tolerate your favorite song.

    you do not tolerate your favorite TV show.

    tolerance means putting up with things you despise, not putting up with what you agree with.

    and let's face it. liberals are extremely intolerant of any viewpoints different from theirs. don't believe me?

    ask yourself this. how tolerant are you of:

    the "religious right"

    people who own guns

    people who believe in God

    people who oppose abortion

    people who oppose gay marriage

    people who oppose the filth and smut on TV

    people who believe they should keep their earnings

    people who shop at wal mart

    people who are patriotic

    people who oppose illegal immigration

    right wing talk shows

    troop suppoters

    and the list goes on.

    liberals want us to be tolerant of their viewpoints and politics but show no tolerance for conservative viewpoints and politics.

    don't be a hypocrite!!!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    liberals themselves tout their tolerance of diversity as their superiority over conservative ideology.

    most of your posts are quite rude and intolerant of anything that doesn't fit into your personal ideas. you quite often use inflammatory names such as whacko,dishonest, delusional, stupidity, etc, etc. it seems very narrow minded on your liberal part.

  • 1 decade ago

    Why do Liberals think all Conservatives are God fearin' gay bashin', trailer park livin' racist nutjobs?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Liberals preach tolerance.

    They flip out if you do not "celebrate diversity"

    They are not tolerant.

    Look at the things that they post about Bristol Palin, Rush, Hannity, and other republicans.

  • 1 decade ago

    as a libertarian I think liberals are the most inntolerant people today! and judgemental!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i only hold liberals in goal is to enlighten Obama voters who are capable of rational thought and not all Obama voters are liberals..."liberals" are hopeless, they deserve nothing at all..liberals fall into two catagories, hardcore socialists, and just uneducated, unreachable cretins...for instance, i give you as a example of the former..

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