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princess asked in Beauty & StyleMakeup · 1 decade ago

My eyelashes have been pulled out because of Hollywood lashes? Help?

I have been having hollywood lashes done for the past couple of months (where they use individual lashes and glue it with a super strength glue so they last for weeks at a time).

They had started to scratch and I just wanted my own eyelashes back after a while - especially as they started to look daft when a few fell out here and there.

So I decided to carefully pick the glue - once I took all of them off I have hardly any eyelashes left. Mine used to be really long and thick (dunno why I got the treatment done in the first place and it cost me £60) .

There's very few left and there so short - I feel like crying!

When I pulled the hollywood ones out the glue yanked clumps of mine out at the one time by the root.

Will they grow back? :(

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    yep they will

    use some falsies in the meantime - where the glue goes on your lid above your lashes, not on them. lil expensive to use everyday but at least you won't have to worry when walking about.


    sorry to hear - i cut my lashes really short when i was 12 and mine actually grew back a lot thicker and longer maybe they will for you too ^^

    Source(s): my eyelashes
  • janzen
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Hollywood Eyelashes

  • 6 years ago

    This Site Might Help You.


    My eyelashes have been pulled out because of Hollywood lashes? Help?

    I have been having hollywood lashes done for the past couple of months (where they use individual lashes and glue it with a super strength glue so they last for weeks at a time).

    They had started to scratch and I just wanted my own eyelashes back after a while - especially as they started to...

    Source(s): eyelashes pulled hollywood lashes help:
  • 1 decade ago

    fortunately, eyelashes DO grow back. it does take some time though. every hair on you body, even eyelashes, start from a follicle. Which is what the hair grows out of. just because you pulled out your natural eyelashes, does not mean you took out the follicle, which is actually impossible. So the follicle will start for produce as much eyelashes as you used to have :)

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  • 1 decade ago

    they will grow back, but not as long as thick and it will take a while. i used to have super long thick eyelashes and a few years ago they all got pulled out anr ripped out from eyelash curlers. etc. i had likeNO eyelashes at all left, my sister called me sponge bob because i only had like 3 on each eye. but they are back now and they are long but not as long as they used to be.

    just use eyeliner to cover up the missing eyelashes.

  • 1 decade ago

    They will grow back, my friend cut them off cuz she was bored and they grew back. You could use the lash blast mascara from covergirl for the time being so it could look like u have more eyelashes.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    wow, sorry hun.

    It depends on your genes for grow back. I think they will. My cousin had her lashes burned off (accidentally) and they never grew back.

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