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Is there more funding for scientists who's findings do support AGW than for those who's findings don't?

The idea for this question came from an exchange with another answerer on the topic of climate scientist's salaries. Which "side" has deeper pockets? For example, since Exxon made a ton of money, does that mean a ton of money was made available for contrarian scientists? Or since carbon credit corporations are handling hundreds of billions of dollars per year, does that mean AGW scientists have access to that money? Please provide supporting evidence for your answer.

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    There is one massive hole in your argument.

    Funding was put in place on Climate Change BEFORE the results were known, and that funging, outside the USA anyway, is still in place no matter what the results.

    Thats because outside the USA we see it for what it is, a scientific issue, not a political one

  • 5 years ago

    My question is somewhat diverse, yet can provide to learn AGW might join the respond. this is toddler's play to present a compelling argument for help in use, and finally removal, of fossil fuels - devoid of ever pointing out anthropogenic worldwide warming. this might dodge the debate over a form that stopped working 15 years in the past and the area of furnish money in figuring out a situation to resolve. So, why is that this argument no longer being made as a exchange?

  • davem
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Scientists are as good and bad as the rest of us. The fact that some have unscrupulously sided with Gore and his agw crowd is no surprise, but it proves that they're in it for the money.

    The longer they keep this charade up, the richer they (or their organizations) get. Nobody knows where all that money goes that's collected through carbon credits, other than it's no secret that tens of billions of it have been funnelled to China. The rest is likely being used to push 'green living' and other left-political agendas.

  • 1 decade ago

    Most scientists get their research funding from government grants, from organizations like the National Science Foundation (NSF). This includes all scientists, including those who are skeptical of some aspect of the man-made global warming theory.

    Scientists who are skeptical can also get money from private industry which has some sort of agenda regarding fossil fuels. For example, one of the more prominent skeptical scientists is MIT's Richard Lindzen. Lindzen charges oil and coal interests $2,500 a day for his consulting services (or at least he used to).

    It's also important to note that a scientist's salary doesn't depend very strongly on his research grants. Most scientists work for universities on a fixed salary. They have to bring in some number of research grants to help pay for their research, but they don't see that money. So a great way to for a scientist to make some extra cash is the way Lindzen does it.

    Climate scientists don't see any money from carbon credit companies. As I said, their salary comes from their employing university, and their grant money comes from scientific institutions like the NSF.

    Since all scientists have an equal opportunity to get federal reserach grants, but only skeptical scientists can get money from oil and coal companies, I'd have to say there's more money available for an individual skeptical scientist.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Funding for science comes from government or universities. Unlike money from fossil fuel industries and ideological think tanks, there are no "strings attached" with regards to their results. Skeptical scientists receive government funding too - it's just there are very few skeptical scientists with any credentials. I'm not aware of any funding that comes from "carbon credit corporations", but there's plenty that has come from fossil fuel and so-called "free market" organizations. Exxon alone has contributed to the following propaganda groups:

  • 1 decade ago

    Speakeasy is right. For the last 8 years, George W. Birkenstock and his liberal tree-hugging lap-dogs like Cheney have driven the global warming agenda, all to line their Ivy League pockets. The Bush EPA forced carbon controls on industry and gave billions to scientists who would validate his contrived theory of theory of "Global Warming", which they originally picked as a joke. When 9/11 happened, Bush used it as an excuse to on a mad anti-CO2 campaign, some rubbish about freeing America from foreign oil. Which perfectly aligns with W. Bush's personal vendetta to destroy the oil industry.

    Of course the rest of the world just sucked it right up, being huge fans of Bush. They're horrified at our new president and can't understand why we didn't elect Rumsfeld. Now with the election, Americans traveling overseas have to pretend to be Canadian just to not get tomatoes thrown at them! It's a national disgrace.

  • 1 decade ago

    The guys promoting the AGW theory are getting paid with an endless supply of OUR TAX DOLLARS. They are doing "government studies" to justify seizing more of our tax dollars so they have a huge financial incentive to justify prolonging their feed at the tax trough.

    Al Gore has also tapped into this stream of seized cash with his "Generation Investment Management Corporation" - look that one up!

    And scientists whose findings contradict Al Gore are getting fired from government jobs.

    Source(s): Oregon Governor Set to Fire State Climatologist Over Global Warming Washington Associate State Climatologist Fired by Democrat Mayor Greg Nickels for Exposing Warming Myths
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Corporations fund these studies just like big tobacco did in the 1980s. We have to stop these evil corporations from polluting the earth and the minds of our young children.

    Our organizations help by reaching out to youth and showing them the horrors of global warming. We are in every college campus and many high schools. Stop being hypocrits and save the earth. Stop all CO2 and we will hold off global warming!!!

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