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If a person living today were to live without sin, would they live forever?

Some say it is impossible for man to live without sin. If that is the case, then weren't Adam and Eve screwed from the start?


So, let me get this straight...the Bible says it is impossible to live without sin. That means that God designed us knowing that we would sin. Then He gets mad at Adam and Eve when they sin and later he floods the whole world because everyone was sinning. Then He sends his son to be killed to redeem man for the sins that He himself designed man to commit. Alrighty then.

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    After Adam and Eve's fall, all man is marked by original sin.So it would be impossible for a persom living today to be sinless. As for Adam and Eve, they were created in a sinless state, and they screwed it up themselves.

  • 1 decade ago

    Both Adam and Eve were created perfect with free will as God did not want people to worship Him because He programmed them to do so, but because they loved Him. They misused the privilege of free will. Until then, there was no sin.Just like has been the case since then, everyone has free will. Even with the inherited sin from Adam and Eve we are still capable of making the right choices for the right reasons although because of our being imperfect we do make mistakes and God understands this. Its when we do wrong deliberately that causes a serious problem.

    Source(s): Bible
  • 1 decade ago

    It's physically impossible to live forever. Different religions believe differently. Some say that seeing a doctor or taking medication is a sin. How would someone of a religion like that live forever?

  • denzer
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Marriage is super while it is created from 2 preserve, mature people who particularly look after one yet another. regrettably, it is the exception extremely than the guideline. a million/2 the marriages bring about divorce, and maximum persons of people who do no longer divorce stay is a under happy subject. To have a super marriage- first confirm which you're totally able to helping it, and then seem for a miles better half with the comparable means. On suitable of that it takes the chemistry and suitable situations, so it is not an basic ingredient to discover. yet once you do- it is the main suitable existence has to furnish.

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  • 1 decade ago

    The only two people reported to have lived without sin died, so I'm going to say that on the Earthly level, no, but the eternal level, yes. Being dead here doesn't necessarily mean that you're screwed forever, but I haven't been dead enough to know more about that yet.

  • 1 decade ago

    Its not possible for mankind to be sin free. The Bible says so in many ways.

    Adam and Eve were sinless until they disobeyed God.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The "wages of sin" is spiritual death.

    Humans have physical bodies that age, get sick, and die...just like animals.

    So theoretically, a person living today would not live forever because their bodies are subject to the physical realm. However, their souls would go to be with God.

    Think about it, Jesus never sinned...and yet he died.

  • no, they would make it to heaven though. and yes it IS impossible, have you ever told a lie no matter how big?, ever lusted after the opposite sex (or the same in this day and age)?? youve broken the commandments

    adam and eve was sinless, WAS

    @Ratfuzz ROFL@YOU

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You can be down to earth nice and completely sin-free. You will not live forever. Nothing can.

  • Nono
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    yes .. sin = death ..

    living forever was the plan of God .. but everything was messed up when they ate from the tree (tree of knowledge) :(

    since God told them not to eat from it and they did .. he couldn't take back his words so he came to earth to save us ..

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