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This bible verse says we non-believers should be put to death? What are your thoughts on this?

"Anyone arrogant enough to reject the verdict of the judge or of the priest who represents the LORD your God must be put to death. Such evil must be purged from Israel." (Deuteronomy 17:12 NLT)


And homosexuals...

"If a man lies with a male as with a women, both of them shall be put to death for their abominable deed; they have forfeited their lives." (Leviticus 20:13 NAB)

Believers of other faiths...

"Whoever sacrifices to any god, except the Lord alone, shall be doomed." (Exodus 22:19 NAB)

Fear tactics, perhaps...?

Update 2:

I am an Atheist, i don't believe any of this tripe

Update 3:

No, I don't live in Israel. The original inhabitants of Israel have been forced from their homelands because of this ancient text.

I am merely trying to prove a point that people who take the "WHOLE" bible literally should be committing genocide...

Update 4:

Ah yes, "we are now in the new testament", I'm well and truly out of the new testament myself. Just proves that christianity hasn't moved anywhere in 1900 years...

Update 5:

Jedidoctor: I am well aware of where these verses come from, just trying to make a point

Update 6:

Another point, if the old testament no longer applies, why do you still hate homosexuals?

Update 7:

Actually I do know the bible, & I am atheist...seems difficult to understand doesn't it?

Update 8:

a bit belatedly i know, don't bother pointing that out, this question is what lead me to ask this question:;_ylt=AlPSC...

Update 9:

Also, I see that at least a majority of christianity has moved on from "everyone else will be put to death" to "everyone else must follow"

Update 10:

Angeltress: I used to be a Christian, once upon a time.

29 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Your first example deals with people who have gone to the law to satisfy a wrong-doing...anything from a disagreement as to a property line, maybe, all the way up to murder.

    In this agricultural society, the judges WERE the law. No society can afford to allow it's members to simply ignore the law.


    Again, this was a primitive agricultual society, where every single able body was needed to provide for the whole. "Recreational sex" probably happened, but the desired outcome would have been to reproduce more workers, obviously. Horrible as it seems to you, useless sex couldn't be tolerated.

    We can't even imagine how difficult life was for these folks. Have you ever thought what it would be like to have to carry every drop of water your family uses from a well a mile away? Suppose the alternative were for your family not to have the water they need? What happens when you get too old to do this chore any more?

    Finally, why should the community waste it's hard-gotten resources on you, if you aren't going to reproduce?

    Yeah, it's harsh...but understandable.

    And your final example....

    OK, sacrificing to God involved farm produce. In most cases, a portion of the gift was burnt, but most of the food went to supply the priesthood and the poor. Widows and fatherless children benefitted.

    Now consider the rival religions these ancient people encountered. For instance, the worshippers of Moloch. Moloch insisted on living children, burnt alive to his glory...

    You might think that the punishment for getting involved with these foriegn gods was harsh...but not as harsh as the requirements these gods had, I think.

    Now, I'm not advocating that you become a Christian. Obviously, you've got a lot to learn before you could ever consider such a step...and it looks as if a great deal of it would involve "unlearning" what you think you already know.

    I do, however, think you need to think these things through before simply regurgitating popular B.S.

    Much love!!


    I think we need to point out that hating homosexuals would be violating Christ's law, which is to love one another as He loves fact, it is the one and ONLY "commandment" Christ ever gave to us in His Own right.

    So, Christians who hate gays are violating their own law.

    Now, that doesn't mean that we are to condone their sin...far from it. It simply means that hatred is not okay.

    Also, I'd like to clarify that Christian laws apply to Christians. If you are not a Christian, then why are you worried about it?

    Let God deal with His Own children. He has, He does, and He will.

    You worry about you. As a Christian, I feel sad for you, and I do wish you could get rid of some of your prejudice and maybe get to know Jesus as I know Him. I think you'd be very surprised. In fact, I think you might actually love Him as I do...IF you could ever get yourself to let go of your rage.

    It's hard, I know.

    I can't even imagine how hard it would be without His help.

    *shakes her head sadly*

    I know you probably hate to hear this, but I do think I'm going to take a minute and say a prayer for you.

  • 1 decade ago

    All of these verses are from the Old Testament, or the Hebrew scriptures. This can be called the Mosaic Law, and applied to the ancient nation of Israel only. It had a theocratic goverment.

    Since Jesus did way with the old covenant, true Christians today know that these laws are no longer supposed to be enforced.

  • 1 decade ago

    Oh my, you just do love these old laws, dontcha?

    What you're apparently missing is not only the time frame but the entire law thing. The laws were written to God's chosen people but not just because they were to do or not to do certain things.

    The law was written to show man that they could not do everything right all the time. They would screw up. They would fall. They would FAIL. Yep, that's the whole purpose of the law. Gal. 3:24 "So that the law is become our tutor to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith." See, by trying to follow tons of laws and such man was to come to realize that we could not be perfect enough to be holy like God, we needed a savior.

    Enter JC, might have heard of Him, Jesus Christ. He is the one we must take by faith. Romans 10:17 "So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God."

    Start in Matthew and work your way forward, then go back to the beginning and put the pieces together. History is great but why focus on the past when the future is so much more exciting?!

  • 1 decade ago

    Who's "we?" Are you Jewish? what's your point?

    You don't even know the Bible, so don't even go there.

    If you did, then you'd know that Jesus came and died on the cross for everyone's sins. And if you accept Him, you can be saved, if not, then you WILL be put to death. It's called the "Second Death" after the White Throne Judgment, where you will stand in front of Jesus Christ and have to give an account for your life, then you will be thrown into the lake of fire. So, Yeah. unbelievers do get "put to death."

    The Bible WARNS you, so you don't have to go there. Get it?

    Ok, then how about the New Testament?

    1 Corinthians 6: 9,10

    Why do you people always leave out the GOOD part???

    Jesus came and died on the cross, so that if you accept Him and repent of your sins, you can be SAVED. GOD GIVES YOU A WAY OUT. Everyone seems to forget that part. You pick a verse out of the Old Testament (which BTW Jesus FULFILLED THE LAW) You were bought by the blood of Jesus Christ. He PAID for you and for me. We owe Him our lives, but He STILL gives us a choice to accept or reject Him. Since Jesus is the WAY to Heaven and Eternal Life, and God's Holy Word tells us that, doesn't it make sense that we have to ACCEPT Him to get into Heaven? He said He is the WAY. Heaven is the presence of God. Why should unbelievers get to go there? You people are always griping that God won't let you into Heaven. Then do what He says!! Obey Him, or pay the consequences of your choice.

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  • 1 decade ago

    First deals with authority. You respect the rulers of and judges of any nations and rejecting them is a punishable offense.

    Everyone knows that bible against homosexuality and homosexual acts. Places them along child sacrifice and incest.

    And the the last one deals with the fact that all people who aren't saved, are doomed to hell, as to kinda make the Jews and Christians to want to convert people. more of a, "Well if you don't do this for them..they're going to suffer."

  • 1 decade ago

    This has absolutely nothing to do with the question, but my real first name is Tristan aswell. I don't know, just felt like pointing that out.

    Anyway, I could care less about what the Bible says. The Bible also say that the Earth is flat, but I'm not worried about walking over the edge of the world. The entire book is full of nonsense.

    Source(s): atheist.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    As for the scripture on (Deuteronomy 17:12) I do agree with it. If you have a chance to learn about God and you reject that because of your "presumptuousness" in not listening to the preist who represents the Lord, you should have to face the consequences of dieing. You had your chance, and you ignore it. Why should you as a disobediant one get to live, opposed to an obediant one that listens to the preist or God?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Do you live in Isreal? No. Ok, what's your point?

    This first command was directed to the nation of Israel when God was their king and Lord.

    The principle, however, still stands. We are to respect authority (in Israel, priests ran the country, so they would be the government as we know it today).

    Same thing with the other verses.

  • 1 decade ago

    The Christians will just say that the Old Testament no longer applies. Of course, the question that naturally follows is why then are they so intent on having the ten commandments in courthouses?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Doesn't say that at all. You are reading a book written by an Israelite, detailing Israelite religion to (freely subscribing ) fellow Israelites.

    This is analogous to excommunication in the Catholic Church. You can't be excommunicated if you aren't Catholic.

    The opposite of fear tactics. It is saying : If you don't like the rules, don't follow our religion, but if you put yourself under it, this is the penalty.

    You have made a stupid willful mangling of the whole thing.

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