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Let's go! I'd like to hear the Pro-Gun side of the issue, any takers?

I am, of course, Pro-Gun. I believe that the Second Ammendment is a right of the people, and any restrictions upon gun ownership represent an infringement. Personally, I DON'T think RPGs belong in civilian hands. I also think that if the Federal Government doesn't want something to fly in their direction, it sure better not come flying in ours. We are in fact an ingenious people, and under duress, we are fairly inventive. We WILL repel tyranny. Now, Pro-Gun folks, where do YOU stand...where do your limits lie? What do YOU believe?

This pretty much sums it up for me. This is Penn & Teller on the topic.


Organism69: If you want me to propose something, don't turn off the email! Dang! What I propose is this: When will the gangbanger obey any regulations on assault weapons? The violence got WORSE during the Brady years, not better. I could hook you up with an Aussie cop who would paint you an ugly picture of crime statistics in Sydney. He had to requisition a Kevlar vest, in AUSTRALIA, becuse they outlawed guns!

Update 2:

Mike S- Great point on the suppressors. I am beginning to lose my hearing due to the .45 ACP+ my buddy Dave shoots. I have to make him stand a few benches down, even with muffs and plugs in! He's deaf as an old artillery man, so it don't bother him. I get to suffer.

Update 3:

Foolosifer- YES!!! Safety is vitally important.

Dreamgirl- I would NOT shoot my neighbor. I invite my neighbor to my table, and I would gladly share my last food and water with him. I prepare, and so I put away extra, as does he, specifically to help HIS neighbor. We Are Americans, not chimpanzees. (NOT a racial slam, I refer to the actual animal, folks).

Update 4:

Louiegirl_Chicago- VERY well put!

23 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Louiegirl_Chicago you hit the nail right on the head. You are a very intelligent woman and you are a true patriot that believes in our Constitution . I applaud you.

    I also believe that if you are a community activists, or you know anyone that is, perhaps you should talk to them and attempt to gather people together that are pro-gun, and try to vote out all of the anti-gun legislatures in Illinois like Senator Dick Durbin, Senator Rolland Burris, and all of the City Council members in the Chicago area.

    Our 2 Senators Durbin and Burris will always vote for anything OBama decides to do, because they don't care about the people of our state. If you are not sure of who is pro- gun or anti- gun, just check their voting record on or any other government website, and that will show the voting record of every Representative from every state.

    I realize that this is a hell of a job that I am asking you, myself, and every other pro-gun person in this state to do, but that is what will be needed to be done before this state will make any changes to benefit the people of our state.

    Burris just came into the Senators Office, but Durbin has been in office since before there was dirt, and he won't change his voting style at all. That is an established fact that can't be disputed. Becoming a pro-gun activists or talking to one about joining our cause is what needs to be done, before Illinois will be a pro-gun state again, and a state that the Representatives actually Represent the people.

    I am from the Peru area here in Illinois which is downstate from you, and I totally understand where you are coming from.

  • DAR
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    If gangs have RPGs and the big earthquake hits LA, how much good do you think my little revolver will do me?

    The bad guys shouldn't be the only ones with fire power. I personally don't want an RPG, but I'd feel safer if I knew good guys had them, too.

    There was a bank robbery in North Hollywood not long ago that took the swat teams AGES to put down because of the sophisticated body armer and arms of the criminals.

    Criminals get the weapons. Why should only the law abiding be prevented?

  • 1 decade ago

    Early on in our history, many people had guns for hunting (McDonald’s wasn’t around yet), protection against Indian attacks, and to guard against possible government oppression.

    Today, few of us are serious hunters, Indian attacks are not an issue, and we seem to have little fear of government oppression. But today we are the hunted, preyed upon by criminals who may want to rob us but may be willing to kill us. We need our guns to protect our families and homes from these criminals.

    Months ago, I heard now-President Barack Obama say, “We need to get the guns off of our streets.” I’ve been hearing that for more than 40 years, but it hasn’t happened. So his next step is to try to disarm the people.

    Ordinary citizens who own guns do not prowl their neighborhoods in the darkness of night looking for a neighbor to shoot. They are stored security in a locked cabinet or drawer “just in case.”

    I will NOT give up my guns, and I know many people who feel the same way. The Supreme Court recently said as much. So the 2nd Amendment has been affirmed by the High Court. I will go with the Court’s ruling, not the personal judgment of an obviously anti-gun president.

  • Mike S
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    "I DON'T think RPGs belong in civilian hands."

    Why not? They're too expensive for anyone to train with, so they'll really just be part of the collection. Criminals already use explosives and it's not that hard to get that explosive to move if they want it to.

    "We are in fact an ingenious people, and under duress, we are fairly inventive."

    Asymmetric warfare is how you beat a superior force.

    "Now, Pro-Gun folks, where do YOU stand...where do your limits lie?"

    Well, I would like there to be no regulation outside of keeping it out of the hands of felons and the mentally unstable. Currently my limits are at nothing getting more restrictive than it already is, but would like to see suppressors and SBR/SBSs deregulated, as supressors help keep noise pollution down (Also saves my hearing without me having to double up on ear protection), and the whole SBR/SBS thing is pointless when you can buy pistols in the same caliber without having to register it with the ATF as an NFA item.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I am a strong believer in gun control! I believe every one who loves life, freedom and the Constitution should have the right to own any weapon they may have need for in the preservation of liberty.

    The gun control I speak of is, of course, that of knowing when, where and what to shoot . Safety is the number one thought and should always be when any weapon is concerned.

    Gun control starts in the head, only a sound mind should have one. Secondly, it is in the hand that holds the weapon and then in the eye that aims the weapon. The mechanical safety on the weapon is useless without the other three safeties.

    Aim once, squeeze, aim again!

  • 1 decade ago

    Owning a gun is nice, logical, and should be the right of responsible citizens. One should have they right to love peace and have a gun at the same time. The right to own weapons shouldn't be limited to those who terrorize people in Iraq and the former Yugoslavia.

  • 1 decade ago

    I should be able to carry a weapon whenever and wherever I want.. I don't have a criminal record, pay my taxes, and I was former military.. so I know what I'm doing...seriously, a lot of these shootings could have ended sooner if somone in the area was armed. Here's a prime example

  • 1 decade ago

    With our government turning their backs on the American people,and our society becoming more and more like that of a third world country,I think owning a gun will be neccessary for survival.

  • 1 decade ago

    the right of the citizens to be armed, shall not be infringed. it does not say how i should be armed. there are laws on the books that deal with criminals. but the gov't. refuses to go after them when their aim is to disarm the law abiding. all these attempts at stories to get the sheep to agree with the ones blowing smoke has worked in other countries, so why not use it here. lets hope there are less sheep than they think.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, I'll tell ya. Personally, I DON'T GIVE A RAT'S BEHIND what your interpretation of the second amendment IS, as long as WE work together to keep it OUR right. Congress planned to give Attorney General the right to ban guns AT WILL!~! DESPITE the 2008 affirmation from the U.S. Supreme Court that U.S. citizens have a right to bear arms. Except 4 of them DON'T fk/ing know what bear means, or the word keep. I SWEAR IT! To this DAY, 4 LIBERAL BIASED "justices" haven't figured out AFTER ALL these YEARS what the Second Amendment MEANS, or do they THINK WE'RE DUMBED DOWN ENOUGH to follow the PIGS in the White House, like SHEEP? $ justices LIED, twisted, turned, yanked, concocted, and even decorated a FANCT Tale about how the @nd Amendement was 4 purposes of State Militias ONLY, and not for PERSONAL defense. Agreeing with the banning of ALL hand-guns in an urban city with MAJOR CRIME, IS NOT ONLY INFRINGING the American people's Guarenteed RIGHT to bear arms, it's committing murder on law-abiding citizens, because ANYBODY with a FLIPPING BRAIN KNOWS Criminals aren't supposed to HAVE guns LEGALLY NOW, BUT WHAT DISTRICT DID I JUST SAY HAD MAJOR CRIME? Do law-abiding citizens commit MAJOR CRIME? NO? THEN WHY THE FK would the District of Columbia LIBERAL RULED want to take guns away from people who according to the justices are living in a VERY dangerous city, SO THEY ARE LEFT DEFENSLESS?????? ARE the Supreme Court f/king stupid? Come on! No, they just think WE ARE. Can't ya tell, Libs? LISTEN CLOSE. Notice it is ONLY Libs, and Dems want to attack our rights? ESPECIALLY #2, you KNOW why don't ya? I don't don't have to tell you. There's a reason why Obama is sending more, and more troops off to Ahfganistan, Pakistan.

    There's a reason the Supreme Court won't have any hearings about Obama's eligibilty for the highest office in America, when he OBVIOUSLY is not a Citizen. Anybody who still is going to let that man slide mentally in their head as a true and legitimate President, has already been implanted with a microchip, or just the stupidest SHEEP on Earth. DUH! Why would an American who wants to be President and is ALL legal NOT show his Birth-certificate, and give over a million dollars on lawyers to get cases thrown out or not heard by any court? Whoever still thinks after all that, and actually accepts that green Internet image that reads Certificate of Live Birth, is a Birth-Certificate (I know, the wording looks the same to the blind) HAS NEVER LOOKED at their own, and COMPARED the difference, but again, Jesus did not heal all the blind, just the ones who KNEW they were blind, and wanted to see, and if no that, we now have a new visual model of Air-Head under the Title of Liberal. OOPS!

    5-4 split in the Supreme Court decided the District of Columbia BY BANNING ALL HAND-GUNS from LAW-ABIDING Citizens, INCLUDING the ILLEGALITY OF MAKING IT AGAINST THE LAW TO PROTECT AND DEFEND YOURSELF AND YOUR FAMILY IN YOUR OWN HOME(mmm, anybody surprised COMMIE/SOCIALIST RULED Capital of the NON-FREE USA Gov., and supported by BARACK OBAMA, and WHOLE-HEARTEDLY BY Attorney General...Eric Holder the racist that isn't going to investigate the alledged crimes committed towards, and harrassment of military clients of ONE REAL TOUGH Lady Attorney:Taitz, by and on behalf of Obama the Commie, and the NOSTRALS in a purple dress he calls wife.) WAS IN DIRECT VIOLATION OF THE SECOND AMENDMENT THE RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS!

    I do not appoligize for length, I had to get it OUT!

    By the way, the Supreme Court left suggestion in their conclusion that machine guns, due to the change in times, which was an excuse the Liberal BIASED misusers of power in the Court suggested as a reason why the 2nd amendment didn't apply to hand-guns....saying the law only applied to MUSKETS....I AM NOT JOKING!

    The real sad part was these words from justice diphead J. Breyer when he said-

    In my view, there simply is no untouchable

    constitutional right guaranteed by the Second Amendment

    to keep loaded handguns in the house in crime-ridden

    urban areas.


    For these reasons, I conclude that the District’s measure

    is a proportionate, not a disproportionate, response to the

    compelling concerns that led the District to adopt it. And,

    for these reasons as well as the independently sufficient

    reasons set forth by JUSTICE STEVENS, I would find the

    District’s measure consistent with the Second Amendment’s


    With respect, I dissent.



    I advise you to read the Syllabus, to SEE that the Libs ARE trying to DISENFRANCHISE American Citizens, and WIPE-OUT FREEDOM!

    Source(s): OCTOBER TERM, 2007 1 Syllabus NOTE: Where it is feasible, a syllabus (headnote) will be released, as is being done in connection with this case, at the time the opinion is issued. The syllabus constitutes no part of the opinion of the Court but has been prepared by the Reporter of Decisions for the convenience of the reader. See United States v. Detroit Timber & Lumber Co., 200 U. S. 321, 337. SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES Syllabus DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ET AL. v. HELLER CERTIORARI TO THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA CIRCUIT No. 07–290. Argued March 18, 2008—Decided June 26, 2008
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