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The Forehead Kiss: What does it mean?

A friend of mine that I've known since high school stopped by the other day. I've always like him as a friend and then some. We've always had this cool connection and we've made out a few times in the past, but remain pretty cool friends. As I was sitting on the couch, he puts his arms around me from behind and kisses my forehead. I know he cares, but could this mean something more? Help a sista out!

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    To be honest, I think this shows deep friendship. It shows he loves you. He wants to take care of you, and is protective of you. But I don't mean romantic love. I mean, from what you've said, its a definite possibility. But to be honest, I think it shows he cares deeply for you. You mean a lot to him, but friends more than anything.

    Make sense?

  • 1 decade ago

    I think since he's a good friend the forehead kiss could be considered brotherly. On the other hand, before my boyfriend and I officially dated, he kissed me on the forehead and it definitely meant more.

    I think this is a way for him to show he cares for you and maybe more, but he can also back out and say it was just friendly. It's a no risk situation for him in case you don't feel the same way.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    A forehead kiss is a sign of affection without overt sexual intent.

    Personally, I applaud him for being something like restrained.

    Could it mean more? Ask him; don't guess. We don't know.

    And in any case, he wasn't hurrying so don't you hurry either.

  • 1 decade ago

    Ask him if he meant anything by it, but do it in a way so that you can give him hints about what you thought about it (i.e. liked it vs. don't want to ruin friendship so it can't happen)... possibly use the tone of your voice? (excited = would like to go further into a relationship)

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  • 1 decade ago

    It means he really cares, like deeply, you should feel special.

  • 1 decade ago

    well girlfriend it mean im into you but im not fully there but give it ome time you ll be n your way

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