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What has the MTV/Reality generation done to perpetuate our downfall as a society?

Both Culturally and Economically does this have any effect on the so-called dumbing down of America?


Mommanuka~ "No, You don't understand"??? What is it that I don't understand? I was not making a comment nor did I rant on my beliefs. I don't think you understood the question. I didn't ask about what your parents did to "perpetuate" the problems nor did I list anything as the definitive answer to the problem. I simply asked what has your generation done.... At some point in your life you will have to take responsibility for your actions now is a good time to start!

Update 2:

Mommanuk~ Again I am not insisting that all of our current problems stem from my generation your generation the generation after yours or the generation before mine. WHAT HAS MY (THE 80's) GENERATION DONE TO PERPETUATE THE DUMBING DOWN OF AMERICA AS A WHOLE??? If you truly believe it is nothing because our parents made us lazy you missed the point. My parents raising me on tv and McDonalds did not stop me from learning, thinking, or leading. Nor do I let failure become my reality because they may have. I agree with you that my parents generation left us high n dry so to speak. Must we continue the cycle of apathy because the ones before us failed? Help sound the alarm. Cut the marionette strings and be free to form your own thoughts. This is how we can help every generation change the way they think!

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    they are more into sound bites, fancy technologically adept campaigns using facebook, twitter, email, text messages, etc, and celebrity and celebrity endorsements than in the past.

    They have short attention spans and don't want to dig deep into issues.

    They also have a sense of entitlement from beng spoiled by their parents. Ask anyone who has been teaching for 30+ years how children have become more coddled. Time was a child who got into trouble at school got into trouble when he got home. These days, mommy is up at the school complaining that her little angel is innoncent and being picked on by the teacher!

  • 1 decade ago

    No, you don't understand. The Reality generation is the way it is because their parents didn't care enough to make sure their child was not dumbed down. So they learned what they were allowed to watch, that everyone should be a celebrity, that everyone should have everything they want when they want it, etc. Had the parents not been living their lives on credit and showed their kids what it meant to only buy what you need and to save up for anything else, we would have a different generation.

    Edit: I understood the question. What I was saying was that it wasn't the Reality generation that caused the downfall, except maybe that they participate on the principles they were taught, by the generation after mine, btw. I'm 57. It's all well and good to blame someone for acting the way they were taught, but it isn't a very productive way to look at the problem. You can't insist that someone take responsibility when they were raised to believe they didn't have to. Today's problems are generational, and just blaming one or the other doesn't get us anywhere. What can you do to change the way your generation thinks?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It hasn't had anymore effect than the old scary questions just like yours in relation to...let's look WAY back. Frank Sinatra was labeled as dangerous to society because those bobby soxers lost their minds over him. Dire predictions of societal downfall. Same thing with Elvis, same with the Beatles. The MTV generation began in the 80's - when MTV was actually doing little but showing actual music videos. Now they have expanded to reality shows for the following generation. It just seems like there is always an outcry trying to blame these types of things for changes in society (and now economically too?). If only it were so simple.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well for one they elected a first term junior senator to the most powerful position in the world, he's also the most liberal candidate we've had to choose from in a long time. The MTV generation also blindly follows the elite media causing the war for Iraqi freedom to become unpopular. Economically I'm not so sure yet. They also are completely buying into the whole "global warming" scam and they flaunt it. The whole generation is naive and ridiculous... I am ashamed to be considered part of this generation.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They are usually apathetic regarding politics.

    This time around, they were mobilized by the 0'Bama campaign to vote for him as a practical joke on the 'establishment'.

    Yes, that contributes to the downfall. Now we have an administration that amounts to not much more than graffiti on the White-House.

    Watch 0'Bama's body language when he leaves Marine One on the South Lawn. He looks and feels out of place.

    I'm sure he longs for the days when he was the Pope of South Chicago dealing only with adulation and no criticism.

  • gone
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Nothing. Through out time the younger generation has been under ridicule. Let them be. They have the right to learn and grow as the rest of us. If they make mistakes so what. To try to lay blame on them for what is your perceived downfall of this country is ridiculous.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They tend to be more irresponsible with their credit cards, making it easier to pile up large amounts of personal debt.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The downfall of American society is pursuant to the Protocols Of Zion....a jew blueprint for destroying America. MTV is owned by a is 96% of all media.

  • Sarah
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    They make it seem cool to be complacent... Read my answer to this question, it's relevant to this;_ylt=AkYiF...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    look who they voted into office this past election

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