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ra†ia asked in Arts & HumanitiesPhilosophy · 1 decade ago

In the universal law of cause and effect...?

what is the cause and effect of our thoughts and ideas [actions]?

We think that we are the cause and effect of our thoughts and ideas... but aren't we being acted upon? For 'we are legion'... there is no 'Real I' within us... we are multiplicity of being... one moment THIS... and another moment THAT.

do you have any thoughts to contribute to this 'self conversation' which is a question... as i ponder and muse about the universal law of cause and effect?


an example of the universal law of cause and effect...

someone asks a question... and you respond.

there is most certainly a law... think about it... if you want to. no drugs necessary. although... they are nice at times.

Update 2:

another example might be Newton's Third Law of Motion: "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction."

Update 3:

thank you to all hoo have responded... i truly appreciate it as i continue to consider this very important law. i am listening to what you say... the best that i can.

"The law of cause and effect is best described as the law of life. It is the law by which all the other universal laws are based upon. Understanding that everything in the universe is energy and therefore everything is connected. Then we can see how through this interconnectedness, what happens to one thing must effect another thing. The old saying “what you give is what you get” is entirely true of life and directly describes the law of cause and effect."

as far as quantum physics is concerned... though things apparently seem to wink in or out... there has to be an underlying cause for these particles to 'wink'. If this is true... and the 'Big Bang Theory' is true... then there had to be an underlying cause for this explosion. i.e. it did not just happen.

Update 4:

Abraham said, "My LORD is He who gives life and causes to die. Surely Allah causes the sun to rise from the East." [Qur'an 2:258] [Alhamdulillah!]

Update 5:

"He causes the grass to grow for the cattle,

And vegetation for the service of man.

That he may bring forth food from the earth,

And wine that makes glad the heart of man.

Oil to make his face shine,

And bread which strengthens man's heart." Psalm 104:14-15, (Psalm 104:24)

Update 7:

Say: O Allah, Owner of the Kingdom, Thou givest the kingdom to whom thou pleasest, and takest away the kingdom from whom Thou pleasest, and Thou exaltest whom Thou pleasest and abasest whom Thou pleasest. In Thine hand is the good. Surely, Thou art Possessor of power over all things. [3:26] Subhan-Allahi wa bi hamdihi!

Update 8:

in my meditations about this question... i realize that i have made a mistake in my posting... i retract the statement that "we have no Real 'I' within us." That is incorrect. We are all born with 'Real I' (Essence). i apologize for my mistake. Thank you once again for your comments and thoughts.

27 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Exactly right. From the electron slippage to the influence of the moon, we are inundated with sources of duress. And personality is a complex, not a simple springboard.

  • The law of cause and effect is best described as the law of life. It is the law by which all the other universal laws are based upon. Understanding that everything in the universe is energy and therefore everything is connected. Then we can see how through this interconnectedness

    as far as quantum physics is concerned... though things apparently seem to wink in or out... there has to be an underlying cause for these particles to 'wink'. If this is true... and the 'Big Bang Theory' is true... then there had to be an underlying cause for this explosion. i.e. it did not just happen

    Source(s): Fun Happy Movie Cartoon all best
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    What makes you think the law of cause and effect is universal at the first place? That is very newtonian, which doesnt work well in quantum physics. For example, there is a theory called "vacuum fluctuation", things pops in and out of existence without any cause(as far as we know).

    We did not evolve to find patterns in the universe, the idea of A causing B might not always stand.

    Now, back to your question.

    I think its a mix of many factors, your genetic predisposition, experience, your mood, etc. These causes us to think and act. And i might add: a cause could create a reaction, and that reaction could be a cause to another reaction.


    >as far as quantum physics is concerned... though things apparently seem to wink in or out... there has to be an underlying cause for these particles to 'wink'.

    Apparently that is only your opinion. The burden of proof is on you, if you are trying to argue back with this reasoning. Humans did not evolve to find patterns in the universe, like i mentioned above. There is a limit to our logic and speculation. You are applying your own notion you speculated from point A to point B, which are proven to be different.

    >then there had to be an underlying cause for this explosion. i.e. it did not just happen.

    The big bang is not an "explosion" its a rapid expansion. There is no need for the big bang to have a prior cause.

  • Naguru
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    In all such things, the basic intention for the action and the motive behind such action is important. One should have universal outlook and not have a narrow selfish outlook. Then each and every action even if it is found bad may have the support from infinite forces which is a part of so called Law of Causation i.e. cause and effect or action versus reaction formula.

    Source(s): 0wn
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  • 1 decade ago

    Actions are different -- the thought does not act, it is the body and emotions that can act. However in regards things such a law of attractions, this is why it is flawed. Man is a legion. What will the universe give him, when he shifts to and fro, at one moment reflecting a certain desire, at another something quite contrary.

    However, we are divided within ourselves, a person will get back what they put in regardless. They need to struggle to reconcile this division -- to unit the yes and no, so that it can through the struggle produce a result.

    In regards to responding, it all abides within the Divine Pattern: male, female and child -- active, reflective, neutralizing. The third force doesn't often partake in discussions, because people are often incapable of truly listening to one another, and incapable of holding what appears to be conflicting views and reconciling them, if they are not too loss of reason. To see the truth in things and bring the paradox to a conclusion, rather than its mechanical result. Because how one will respond to what one does will be determined by their unconscious-divided state, which is their mechanicalness -- reflective -- divided. The reflective always pushes the active back upon itself (this is a law). However people are never really causes, or they would be free. They are on a long line of different effects, which leads back to a cause. All of your life is effects. A cause has no cause before it.

    However the "law" of karma is really this: Everything returns to its source. Cause and effect is just the expression of this -- that is divided into the active and reflective. Bring about the third force.

  • 1 decade ago

    We vibrate energy, what we think, say, or do is like ripples in pond it has an action and subsequent reaction. Only we aren't alone in the pond and in some ways we are the pond. Each individual water molecule moving together as a collective liquid and at the same time and individual not sure to go with the flow or to fight the current.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    The Golden Rule is not the same as cause and effect. Atheists tend to believe that we should do good for its own sake, not for a reward some magic man will give us.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    When I think and act from ego, my thoughts and actions induce a personal cause and effect of the individual me in that moment of action and they produce an appropriate karmic reaction.

    When I think and act from Spirit my thoughts and actions are melded into the greater Consciousness and are used for the greater good of all concerned and the best possible outcome for all concerned and no karma is attached to them.

    A very interesting question. Thank you


  • 1 decade ago

    well whether we know it or not we have control to some extent about cause and effect. Some one asks a question and I choose to answer or not. This is the thing a bout the way our psyche works though, it is very hard not to answer but it can be done. Cause and effect, if some one gets knocked down by a car, they can`t stop it but they can limit the damage by being strong and not let it effect them. we have some power when it comes to interacting with others.

  • 1 decade ago

    Here are some examples of Cause and Effect, which i hope can clarify your doubts:

    >>Slap a friend, acquaintance or stranger on one cheek without a good

    reason, and you are sure to get a slap or two on both cheeks, in return!

    >>Learn to smoke, drink alcohol, or experiment with drugs when in

    primary school, and you end up addicted, troublesome and peddle in drugs in later life.

    >>Try to drive your dad's or kind uncle's car when you haven't had a licence yet, and you will end up in the nearest ditch or you collide with the first vehicle on a busy road.

    >>Continue misbehaving and being rowdy on the bus, train or cinema and you get a telling off by someone for being rude and inconsiderate.

    >>Not preparing your home with emergency boat, tools or equipment in a disaster-prone area with flood, hurricane, wild fires, etc and someone is going to be drowned or burned.

    And the list goes on with thousands of other items and situations. You will realize the Effects and become wiser, as you read and experience life more. So if you are a teenager or youth, you may still have lots of doubts and not knowing how to handle certain situations. We all make mistakes throughout life, and learning from them, to become safer and happier.

    Keep learning more about science, trekking, camping,boating, swimming, geography,history, philosophy, psychology, etc and you shall be well-armed in time to come, to handle most situations. Best of luck!

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