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What was the worst date you ever had?

Long story, short...

He "forgot" his wallet and I was stuck with the $65 bill at a restaurant that he picked. He tries to get me to go to a swinger party, then have sex with just him.

I got out of his car at 3AM and hailed a cab home.

How about you?

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I went on this date with this complete caveman last year after a mutual friend said it would be a good idea. It was a blind date for me, and when I saw him I wanted to cry. I'm not too superficial but he was one of those weirdos that walks with their chest out and has no neck.

    We went to a bar and he proceeded to say "go on, get the drinks in" even though he was a banker and I was a lowly student. Fair enough, I can pay for the first round, whatever.

    I wouldnt have minded if the conversation hadnt just been him going "you are a fit bird, you are, yeah I can see you and me together, see people seeing you with me"... I actually made excuses and was glad to go to the bar just to get away from him. He then proceeded to get drunker and tell me all about his psoriasis and dandruff how he had to put paste on his head most nights. Then he told me about his body dysmorphia for a good while. He finished off telling me how many girls he had been on dates with this week and how I was "the fittest one" so he would cancel his two dates tomorrow. Calling some of the girls from the previous week "dumb bitches".

    This guy was not attractive in mind, body or spirit. He showed me a scar he had on his back and his back was covered in hair. Ugh!!

    I drank to get through the pain of it, in the end he insisted getting me a cab and we could go halves on the price. Not very first date behaviour.

    After the date he preceeded to text me for a week saying he had never had such a connection with someone before. Ugh, what a hairy, cheap creep! Last time I do anything for my friend.

    Source(s): repressed memories
  • 1 decade ago

    After an awkward movie of him staring at me instead of the movie screen we left the theater and ran into an "old friend". They talked and talked and talked and he finally decides to take her home instead of me..... and then the next week has the nerve to tell me that he thought the date "went well" and asked me out again..... THE NERVE!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    worst date i was on was where the guy was just a complete azz he was all talking about him self and was just being rude and very self centered and when i order what i wanted to eat he was like you shouldn't eat that fattening stuff making me feel like he calling me fat and he just wanted sex

  • 1 decade ago

    my very first date, we went to a bowling alley and we were eating cupped noodles.

    I finished first and went to the bin, but I tripped over someones foot and spilt the remaining HOT juice from the noodles on my leg and started hopping around screaming "augh! it burns!!! help!! augh!" and then when I thought things couldn't get any worse I fell butt first in the bin.

    EVERYONE including him saw it.


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  • CJ
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Wow, that's horrible. Worst date for me, was going out to dinner and having not much to say at all. Very awkward..

  • 1 decade ago

    it wasn't planned as a date, i was meeting my friend and she was bringing her friend , funnily enough she didn't turn up and her really fat friend, with white head spots all around his mouth, and greasy hair, was waiting at my bus stop. i'd never met him before and he kept trying to kiss me, and put his arm around me and had really bad BO but i was too nice to tell him to go away, needless to say when i got home, i never returned his calls, SICK.

  • 1 decade ago

    went to the movies, he told me he had money and then when we were buying tickets he said "i think i lost my money, can you pay for me please and ill give it back to you next time?" so i payed for him.

    while we were watching the movie, he started kissing me and then tried to get in my pants but that didnt lead anywhere. he also tried to talk me into giving him a ******* right there. i got so sick of it, i got up and left.

    never got my money back.

  • 1 decade ago

    being set up that's always a buzz kill when you have the afternoon planed to the precised moment

    Source(s): the world
  • Olivia
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    well im young so i havent been on many but prob the first one with my bf now. Hahah it was soooooo awkward!

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