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Pandora asked in Social ScienceGender Studies · 1 decade ago

If feminism didn't exist, would there be any man-hating?

Anti-feminist propaganda portrays feminists as man-haters.

So imagine a society without feminists - what do you see ?

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    All these man hating accusations come from men who believe opinions in women indicate man hating. What do I see? Women who know they better not ever express an opinion that contrasts with the chauvinists, or they'll be accused of being man haters.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    All these misogyny accusations come from women who believe opinions in men indicate misgyny. What do I see? Men who know they better not ever express an opinion that contrasts with the femiinists, or they'll be accused of being misogynists.

    See it works both ways. Maybe if feminists didn't try to pay men back for their "oppression," things would've turned out better.

    I abhor the political machinations and social engineering of the radical/gender feminists and believe they have done infinitely more harm than good. When things were fairly equal by 1990 or so, they should've disbanded and let things take a healthy natural progression, before they started a systematic legal oppression of men's rights.

    I don't think that feminism never should have occurred though. A male perspective on things should be balanced by the female one -- sort of a checks and balances thing, which has worked fairly well in American gov't. The problem is the political arm of feminism is occupied by avid man-haters, which is sad since they are the ones that push lawmakers to make overly broad, sexist laws that discriminate in favor of women while simultaneously infringe upon the rights of men. They don't realize that in eroding the foundations upon which our legal system is based only gives more oppressive power of the gov't over the populace. The leaders of feminism have given the movement a bad name. They tend to spew malicious and false statements as truth to garner support for their agenda, duping regular women, or sane feminists, into towing the party line. Most feminists don't hate men, but have been tricked into seeing sexist, the patriarchy, and oppression everywhere, especially where it is not, but everyone loves a conspiracy there, right?

    Probably should directly answer your question. There would be man-hating if fem. didn't exist by any group that felt shortchanged by the system. It wouldn't be institutionalized and as openly acceptable as it is now though.

    We would have a society that men would think was wonderful, but it wouldn't give women any opportunities. It would be the same way it was before in the 1950's. I think that feminism appeared around the same time as the birth control pill is no coincidence, and it is more a less of the result of the sexual freedom women then had, no longer constrained by the specter of unwanted pregnancy. The sexual revolution is also probably attributable to effective contraception also.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It would be significantly less.

    Now whats happening as I see it is - Feminism is converting into sexism. But most women are oblivious to that - they are eager to contribute to the movement that they think is all about "Girl Power" and about reducing female oppression. And when they encounter people who criticize feminism they tend to take it personally and start on with the man hating. The man hating is done by both the fundamentalsts of the feminist movement as well as the oblivious amateurs. Therefore if feminism wasn't such a big issue there would be less man hating going on. Some of us actually supported the feminism ideologies initially but then the feminists got greedy and thats why some find feminists to be unpleasant nowadays as well. Again the not very intelligent feminists assume those people hate women as a whole and not only feminists and there will be more man hating going on

    Source(s): My Night Vision Goggles
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1st, anti feminist propaganda fails to exist ; you are fabricating, Miss.. Outside of a few temporary cases, man hating was quite non existant prior to the 1970's, when the ugly movement of feminism began to snowball.. A society without feminism/ feminists is MUCH less complex to live within, lacking the added stress the movement needlessly created.. The most important concept I see would be countless more successful, happy marriages ; it's no coincidence that the divorce rate began it's significant rise perfectly timed with the onset of this "womans rights" malarchy.. A society without feminists Miss, is happy people proliferating society..

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Of course there would still be some man-hating. I've known ( some) women that have stated opening that they hate men. They were women that had bad experiences, and it had nothing to do with whether they identified themselves as feminists or not.

    Source(s): Observation
  • 1 decade ago

    I see a society much like 50-100 years ago. Stereotypes were everything and if you didn't toe the line, you would be ostracised. I certainly don't see any openly gay men, or those with an alternative lifestyle. Fathers spent very little time with their children, and were responsible for all the breadwinning. I think a society without feminism would be a much poorer place for everyone, men included :-)

  • 1 decade ago

    there would definitely be a lot more man-hating, in my opinion, every woman would hate men because without feminists most of us you be sold, traded, beaten, raped etc...Feminism is about equality, the only thing that keeps me believing in men, is that we are equals.

  • 1 decade ago

    A society without feminists would be a society where women wouldn't have any rights.

  • Rawr
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I see women still oppressed, and men not hated. If feminism took a different route, then there wouldn't be men haters. And if we're talking about propaganda here...what about "All men are rapists, and all women are their victims." which is from a women's studies study guide. Suuurreee...cause thats not propaganda!

  • 1 decade ago

    Sure they would. Any existing man-haters might be quieter, but they wouldn't change their mind. There would be a hell of a lot less baseless accusations of misandry, I'll say that much.

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