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How do you know your faith is correct?

Why do you believe that your faith is correct? How did you find out it's true? Why do you believe it if you don't think it's true?

This applies to non-belief as well. How do you know you're correct?

28 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Because I receive answers to prayer, increased light, happiness, joy, knowledge, strength, peace, wisdom, and guidance from what could only be divine, and the words of prophets are fulfilled, obeying their counsel brings about the fruits of happiness, peace, and security.

    Basically, God has confirmed it to be true.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The truth is that NO ONE knows the truth. I was raised a Catholic and still go to church every Sunday. Although I wouldn't consider myself a Catholic. I would consider myself a theist agnostic. This means that you believe that the existence of god is unknowable.

    Not a day goes by where i don't wonder what our existence means if anything. It's a scary thought to think that this is the only life for us and i think that's why many people are scared into a certain religion that promises eternal salvation rather than truly believing in their religion.

    The bottom line is that it is impossible to know if your faith is the correct faith. Faith itself is defined as belief without proof. Which to me, is an oxymoron. Just try to live a good honest life that you can enjoy and be proud of.

    Source(s): myself
  • 1 decade ago

    It doesn't matter if your faith is correct or anything, it's your opinion really, it doesn't matter if other people don't like what you have faith in, that's their choice if they don't believe the same. If you keep changing your faith just because someone has said something then you're not following what you believe, you're following what they believe and you could change completely and act like someone you're not, and that could be bad because soon you would forget who you really are and just rely on other people to lead your life.

  • 1 decade ago

    The short answer is, you don't. That's why they call it a "leap" of faith; you believe with no expectation that the truth will unveil itself. This is incredibly difficult to accept, I know, but faith is a matter of personal conviction. I have had a hard time with this myself recently, with trying to understand how I can possibly believe when God will in fact never make it apparent to me. The best quote I can draw an analogy to is one found in a book called The Gift of The Red Bird:

    "Ultimately God remains mystery to me. Sometimes friend, or father, mother, listener, guide, lover, distant...silent. Always he says, WILL YOU FOLLOW ME? Even if there's nothing to give you stability? Even if you can't understand where I'm leading you? Even if you must wait for the things you desire? Even in the darkness? Will you risk your incarnation to follow the mystery? Will you listen to the earth and let it speak? Will you follow me into the wilderness? (136)"

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  • 1 decade ago

    I just know its right. Its in my heart. I found Jesus and I have soo much faith that it is right. I BELIEVE. Islam is kinda like Christianity...They believe there Muhamad is a descendant from Ishmale which is funny cause he is Abrahams son that is not blessed by God. Issac and his son jacob are also from Abraham but his mother is Sarah who couldnt have kids but God blessed her and said she will have a son and you will call him Issac and he will make many nations out of him. But at the time Sarah couldnt have kids she had an egyptian servant na,ed Haggar and she told Abraham to have a kid with her since she could not. This is all Gods plan....its such a long story but you can understand it better if you read Genises and Exodus. :) I just believe in Jesus and that he will come back...Its scary cause the prophets are true! Read Ezeikel 38 and 39....It talks about a war in the future with Israel....and revelations! Cathlics call themselfs christian but I dont agree...In the holy bible it says you do not worship man.. you dont ask forgivness from man....does the Pope and a confession to the prist sound familer to you? yhea so honeslty I have strong faith in the Christian religion. People who just plain dont believe in anything are stupid and are not the bible. I dont push my religion on NO ONE...and yhea there are false religions out there...Hello the bible warns against false teachers....Satan wants to trick as much as people as he can so they cant be saved and go to hell...he doesnt want you to be with God!!! lol ;) Jesus says he is the way and the truth...If you ask you will recieve...come to him and he will open many doors in your life... :)

  • 1 decade ago

    I saw a video where a muslim was asked why other religions were not permitted in some Muslim countries. His reply was "If you were hiring a math teacher, would you hire the one that says 2+2=3?" I found that hilarious. I think people are just afraid to be wrong, and they like thinking that they are right while so many others don't know their special truth.

  • 1 decade ago

    I’ve explored just about everything…. Besides the Bible, I've read The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (JW), the Book of Mormon, Holy Blood Holy Grail by Baigent Leigh & Lincoln, The Quran, Darwin's Descent of Man, History of Freemasonry by Albert Pike, the Aquarian Conspiracy by Marilyn Ferguson, Confucious, Life & Teaching of the Masters of the Far East by Spalding, etc......

    and the EMPTY tomb STILL speaks VOLUMES…….

  • dude
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Faith simply cannot be "correct." Faith is faith.

    You can learn much more about other beliefs and decide for yourself what you can believe.

    There is no "coorect", man.

  • 1 decade ago

    My faith is based on what the bible says, because it is presented as the word of God. He has promises for us of eternal life. The bible tells us about how he wants us to live, ways to be happy and love people. It does work and makes my faith grow much more each time I experiment what the bible says is true.

  • 1 decade ago


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