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Wedding photographer has..lost some of the photos, what to do?!?

I was married on janary 24th and got a dvd of the photos about 5 weeks later. The last 100-200 photos which happened to be the ceremony photos are curropt and I just thought he burnt the dvd badly and asked him to do it again. He said sure and said he would send it that week. 5 weeks later we still havnt gotten it so my DH called. He said that he had a computer problem and did not have our details. DH also mentions that we want the group shots with all the guests put onto the dvd as he forgot to do it last time. Than the photographer says that he cant find the group shots and they must not have worked at the time of shooting....Also there are no bouquet, garter, receiving line photos and they are just the ones I know he took that are missing. So now i want 50% back from the labour for the day considering there are photos missing from the start, middle and end of the day and i cant ever see them. He has ruined the memory of my wedding and doesnt seem very sympathetic or caring that he has some how destroyed the photos. Any ideas on how i can get my money back?


No contract was signed. He has agreed to giving refund for wedding album as he no longer wants to do that if we arnt happy. My brother in law is a lawyer, well 1 yr off being one, i might get his advice.

6 Answers

  • Woods
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Have you asked for part of the money back? You need to read the contract and see what you are entitled to in case of a problem. There might not be any recourse because sometimes things happen that are not in our control.

    I agree with you, but you might have to search the contract to see if you have any grounds to stand on if you decide to ask for a partial refund.

  • 5 years ago

    Well, without seeing just how bad the photos are, it's hard to say. Obviously, for the missing family members, all you can do is solicit photos from other people who were at the event to see if they got photos you can get copies of for memories. Most people will oblige this request. Then, I'd recommend purchasing Photoshop Elements. I'm not sure of the price in the UK, but I can assure you that you can make the photos look better! You may have a friend who can help? If not, I would suggest reading some tips online then playing with the software. The good news is, you own the originals. So if you get better with Photoshop, you can always go back and do an even better job of retouching/cropping etc. This was a shame, I hope you are able to recover enough from the photos you have to give you some memories of this special time. Cheers.

  • 1 decade ago

    Go talk to your brother in law and ask if he can talk to his peers about it as well. I'd say you got scammed. Did the photographer claim to be a pro or just someone starting out? If they were just starting out then that's just the chance that you take with someone like that.

    Again, the person to be asking is a lawyer, or a lawyer to be at any rate. You've already been screwed by a non pro, now go get some pro advice on the matter.

  • 1 decade ago

    Did you sign a contract with the photographer? If so, what does the contract say? Whatever is in the contract is what you and the photographer go by.

    If no contract was sign, then pretty much you are screwed. All you can do is keep on the photographer's butt.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Yea, ask your brother. Sometimes a strongly worded letter is sufficient to get the $$$ from them.

    Sorry about your photos.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You can always try small calims court or report them to the BBB

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