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I have a beautiful baby boy - Born 26th May 2008. Im getting married on january 24th 2009
can u put a "blow up mattress" onto a slatted bed?
I have a spare room with a slatted bed base in it, no mattress as of yet as i dont need to buy it until well into next year. I have an air mattress/blow up mattress that i use for when guests stay over but with the spare room being taken up entirely with the slatted bed base i have no other floor space to put the blow up mattress. Can i put it on the bed base without wrecking the mattress?
3 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade agoCould i still be pregnant?
My period was the 15th of september and im expecting next one on the 13th. I took a pregnancy test on the 8th and 11th and both negative. Could i still be pregnant?
3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade agoCan i test yet for pregnancy yet?
My periods due monday 12th, can i do a pregnancy test on the 8th? Would it be accurate? I was going to use first response
3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoIs there any possibility of me being pregnant? a high or low chance?
My period was the 15th of September and i had unprotected sex on the 22nd of september. My cycle is 28 days. Is there a possibility of pregnancy?
2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade agoShould my 15.5 month old be saying more than a few words?
He says mumma, dadda, hi, has said pizza and yeah a few times and thats it. Should he say more than that by now?
4 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade agoDoes this sound like implantation bleeding?
My period was on the 1st of may and baby making was on the 22nd. Yesterday when i wiped there was pink discharge and today theres a little more slightly darker. My cycles usually are 30-31 days so i shouldnt be getting my period until the 1st of June. Anyone have any experience in this?
I never got implantation bleeding with my first.
2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoDoes this sound like implantation bleeding?
My period was on the 1st of may and baby making was on the 22nd. Yesterday when i wiped there was pink discharge and today theres a little more slightly darker. My cycles usually are 30-31 days so i shouldnt be getting my period until the 1st of June. Anyone have any experience in this?
I never got implantation bleeding with my first.
1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade agoDo you think im pregnant?
My period was on the 1st of May and TTC was on May 22nd. Cycles are usually 30-31 days.
I looked at ovulation calenders and they say i would of ovulated from the 16th to 20th so i would of been a couple of days out. What do you think my chances of being pregnant are?
3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoCan you add hot food to already frozen food in the freezer and re freeze?
We made too much spaghetti sauce and want to add it to the container of spaghetti sauce in the freezer and than freezer it again.
I dont think this can be done but my husband does.
6 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade agoDo you like this name for a girl?
Emily Rose (middle name rose)
Also i like Thomas and Toby for a boy but together it doesnt work. Any ideas for boy names?
15 AnswersBaby Names1 decade agoIs going from 1 to 2 children hard?
I have an 11 month old boy and would like a second but want to know if others found it easy or hard going from 1 to 2 children?
9 AnswersParenting1 decade agoDoes this sound like an unusual period?
I started my period and all was normal. It started slowing down day 3 and disappeared entirely on day 4. No Period for over 24 hours than it starts back up again, all brown blood. This lasted for than 4 days.
My periods usually last 7-8 days. Could this mean pregnancy? What else could it be?
I have an 11 month old and that was my 4th period after finishing breast feeding. All others were normal.
2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade agoIs a ragdoll cat suitable to enter a home with a young toddler?
I have a 1 year old son and in the near future wanted a cat. The breed i was considering was a ragdoll but are they a suitable pet with my son? I dont want the kitten or my son to get hurt. Obviously.
Do cats and young children go together?
3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade agois a ragdoll cat suitable to enter a home with a young toddler?
I have a 1 year old son and in the near future wanted a cat. The breed i was considering was a ragdoll but are they a suitable pet with my son? I dont want the kitten or by son to get hurt. Obviously.
Do cats and young children go together?
5 AnswersCats1 decade agoPrecautions to take when going to Bali with a toddler?
Im going to Bali in October with my 17 month old son. He will be up to date with his immunisations according to Australian Standards. I know not to drink the water or use it to brush teeth etc. Any tips for the temperature, what to bring, what to do etc? Im staying in the Novotel Bali, has anyone had an experience with them?
1 AnswerToddler & Preschooler1 decade agoUsing car seat on an international flight for my toddler?
Im going from Sydney to Bali in October with my 17 month old son. My husband and mother in law will also be flying with us and im not sure whether to bring his car seat for the flight. Its a 6 hour direct flight and will cost us 75% of an adult fair if we bring his seat.
If we dont bring his seat its 10% of the adult fair and his considered a lap passenger.
Anyone who has done this got an idea on what I should do?
6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade agomy wedding photographer said the photos didnt work at the time of shooting, how is this possible?
My wedding photographer said the group shots (over 20 photos) the bouquet, garter, receiving line and now it seems half the ceremony photos as well (100+ photos) did not work at the time of shooting and he doesnt see how he can retrieve them. I payed for a professional service and in my mind this isnt professional. Any tips from other photographers about why this would happen and if this seems like an okay service to receive? Am i right to want some of my money back?
12 AnswersPhotography1 decade agoWedding photographer has..lost some of the photos, what to do?!?
I was married on janary 24th and got a dvd of the photos about 5 weeks later. The last 100-200 photos which happened to be the ceremony photos are curropt and I just thought he burnt the dvd badly and asked him to do it again. He said sure and said he would send it that week. 5 weeks later we still havnt gotten it so my DH called. He said that he had a computer problem and did not have our details. DH also mentions that we want the group shots with all the guests put onto the dvd as he forgot to do it last time. Than the photographer says that he cant find the group shots and they must not have worked at the time of shooting....Also there are no bouquet, garter, receiving line photos and they are just the ones I know he took that are missing. So now i want 50% back from the labour for the day considering there are photos missing from the start, middle and end of the day and i cant ever see them. He has ruined the memory of my wedding and doesnt seem very sympathetic or caring that he has some how destroyed the photos. Any ideas on how i can get my money back?
6 AnswersWeddings1 decade agoPaper mache is going mouldy, is there anything I can do to stop it now?
I only added flour and water and the top is starting to go moudy, is there anything readily available to stop the mould growing? I thought sealing it with glue or clay might stop it. Any thoughts or ideas appreciated.
3 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade agoDo you like these 2 baby names?
For a girl - Lilly Rose (middle name Rose)
For a boy - Toby Thomas (middle name thomas)
I really want a girl as I have a boy. My sons name is Luca Marc.
Not pregnant but i do want another one when my 10 month old is a little older.
15 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago