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Has President Obama forgotten his campaign promises?

This is the second time my job has been outsourced... I'm tired of starting over and over and over...


IBM earned BILLIONS last year and has it's hand out for stimulius money to "create jobs" but they don't say where they are creating them... They have quietly laid off upwards of 5000 US jobs just in the last month... Go figure.

15 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think he's probably been too busy trying to fix Bush's mistakes to take on every single issue immediately. Give him some time. Besides, they can't keep every single promise. Remember "no new taxes" from GH Bush?

  • 1 decade ago

    No, he hasn't forgotten, just ignoring them. He knew when he was making those promises that they could not be kept. Not only IBM, but look at AIG. They also received bail out money and began sending it overseas. Now they want some more. The automobile manufacturers and oil companies knew they were gouging the public and did nothing about it. BP made over $350 billion in profits (not gross) last year and yet their pump prices remain among the highest. Shell Oil is another one. Since Obama stated to the Pakistanis that he is Muslim and they cheered, maybe it is a sign that we will be learning Arabic in one form or another. Put a man in charge who has no experience or understanding and this is what you get - a man with his own world agenda. Time to start thinking about impeachment.

    Source(s): Able to use my mind, see and hear what's going on.
  • 1 decade ago

    Truth is yes of course he has, like most others before him have!

    Barack put his foot in his mouth right from the start. His claim that lobbyists would not have a place in his new administration & look what he does, Another case as do as I say , not as I do politics. Nothing new in my books.

    I say yes hire the right person for the job who ever, but why say something and do the other ?

    Because he can that's why & its not the only one. Not finger pointing at him, they all do it.

  • 1 decade ago

    One would hope so. The only way the President could help the private sector is get out of the way.

    Unfortunately, he is keeping them. Some at least. Your own experience is of the American economy being brought to its knees as companies run to friendlier countries that won't take them over or tax/regulate them out of business.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Of course he has. Hussein pandered to the ignorant masses and was elected.

    Sad thing is that most of his electorate are ignorant kids under the age of thirty who heard nothing but Bush bashing. Well, Mickey Mouse could have run as the dummycrat nominee and won because of the hatred spewed by libbies.

    Oh, Mickey Mouse did run and he won aka Hussein Obama.

  • 1 decade ago

    What campaign promises? Oh, you mean what he said to get elected? Like he’ll ever follow through with any of that. He promised apposing things to apposing groups and they all bought it. Goes to show just how gullible liberals can be.

  • 1 decade ago

    He hasn't forgotten them, he never had any intent on keeping them. He said what he did to get elected. He duped a lot of people didn't he.

    Where's the change? Where's your hope?

  • 1 decade ago

    Yep, just like Bill Clinton & Jimmy Carter. Hey, do those names ring any bells????

  • 1 decade ago

    Politics 101, lie then lie some more.

  • Like most Politicians, he said at the time whatever he needed to get your vote and truth be damned. "New and Change" my butt!!

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