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Ur opinion on : Should guns be allowed in household ?

I'd like ur opinion on that matter ?

Are you ok with that movement ? People having guns , finding guns so easily ? Not registering all of them ?

Are you against that ?? People should register there guns ?

I'D like ur personal opinion and facts .


13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I absolutely favor private ownership and possession of guns. I'm not afraid of gun owners in the slightest. I own guns but I personally do not keep them in the house. I have them locked away in a storage locker elsewhere. Before I had kids I kept them at home.

    Since you mention registration twice, can I ask you a question about registration? Can you tell me how registering guns will in any way prevent violence or solve crimes? Because as far as I can tell, unless the attacker throws his gun down at the scene of the crime, it has no value in solving crime. And I can't figure out how the government having a list of who owns what guns will prevent crime.

    In fact, the only thing a list of who owns what guns is good for, is when the government decides they want to confiscate them.

    I do believe in background checks to keep criminals and mentally ill folks from purchasing them, preferably instant background checks.

  • Jesse
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

    Yes, I am a gun owner. Yes, I have a concealed weapons permit. Yes, I know how to shoot. Yes, I know my rights. Yes, I will protect my home and my person and persons around me from bodily harm if I do believe my life or their lives are being threatened.

    No, I would not have a problem killing an armed intruder.

    No, I do not believe our guns should be registered.

    Yes, I believe the government has no darn business knowing how many weapons I own.

    Yes, my God children have been taught how to load, shoot and clean a firearm since they were old enough to know what a gun is.

    Yes, they have been taught to respect the firearm and know to make that firearm 'safe'.

    No, I do not lock up my guns. By the time I get them out I would be dead. A locked gun does you no good.

    Yes, I am a member of NRA.

  • 1 decade ago

    Absolutely guns should be allowed in a household! It is my Constitutional right to have guns!! I do think that guns owners/purchasers should be registered and if a person is found with an unregistered firearm, then they should be fined appropriately. Households with guns AND children should have gun safes to prevent a child from getting their hands on the firearm. The parents or guardian of a child who does get their hands on a gun needs to be prosecuted.

    Source(s): My opinion!
  • 5 years ago

    Yeah buddy, through fact if there is one issue all of us desire our infants moving into between, its pass hearth. Are you people stupid or what. How approximately we artwork on retaining weapons out of colleges. confident its no longer an exceptionally elementary issue to do for some reason or yet another, yet jesus, we are going to arm the lecturers. consistent with risk sooner or later, they gets of venture to shoot an harmless new child they thought had a gun and then what can we do...yet another knee-jerk reaction decrease back any other way. We as a society should not be so knee-jerk and take time to come again to a rational end. fixing the issue the quickest infrequently ever potential fixing the issue the superb. yet on the grounds that we at the instant are a society of gotta-have-it-genuine-now, then we make many unwise and unthoughtful judgements which we finally end up procuring contained in the long-term through fact they have been carried out without appropriate talk and debate.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Should guns be allowed in the household? YES YES YES YES

    If its not there, then the child won't wonder about it and they won't ask questions and they won't want to LEARN about it.

    There's been at LEAST 10 guns in the house.. that's from when I was born up till now and I'm 18. My little brother and I have NEVER done anything we weren't supposed to do with them.

    Haveing firearms in the house teaches the kid to RESPECT them. You are SUPPOSED to teach what can be done with a gun- good and bad that way you'll realize what can/shouldn't happen.

    My dad's grown up around guns, my mom has, and so have their parents and their parents.. and in my family- ALL of the generations- there has NEVER been one case of someone stealing a firearm or someone in the family mis-using a firearm.

    The reason why there are school shootings and other things that happens with guns that's similar to that is because of IGNORANCE, plain and simple. The parents should also be held responsible for what happens to because they didn't step up to the plate of being a parent and teaching their child/children about firearms.

    Its our right to own firearms and as part of that right, the parents and kids should want to learn more about that right and what that right gives us- which is the ablility to own firearms, so in return, you should learn about it.

    And don't give me that 'fear is a good thing' about firearms. That's b.s. If you fear something, you should want to learn about it. Fear is just a cheap excuse.

  • 1 decade ago

    People have the right to own guns. Registering them should not be a requirement. There is no such requirement in the Constitution.

  • 1 decade ago

    We always have the right to bear arms. I favor guns to be kept in the household for protection from threats, you can help your family in a situation when you needed to.

  • 1 decade ago

    I believe in owning guns and intend to keep some in my household (permitted and registered because I'm law-abiding).

    I'm okay with people owning them.

    No, I don't believe it should be mandatory to register your guns.

  • I live in the US where the 2nd Amendment protects me from being stripped of my right to bear arms. I have a concealed carry license and I have my gun on me or within reach 100% of the time...I'm wearing a Glock 22 right now...we have the God given right to defend ourselves and our families.

  • 1 decade ago

    Not only should we never have to register them, it should be easier to (legally) carry a gun concealed with you where ever you go.

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