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blueyeznj asked in SportsBaseball · 1 decade ago

If David Ortiz retired today, would you vote for him for the Hall of Fame (assuming you had a vote)?

Please give specific reasons why you would or would not. Thanks in advance for your thoughtful answers!

17 Answers

  • NY33
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Reasons why:

    Reasons why not:

    Everything else.

    Doesn't play in the field

    .286 batting average, 289 homeruns, 972 RBIs... are you really asking this question?

    If you're going to make it into the Hall of Fame on the merits of a total of 5 decent seasons, they'd better be more productive than a .302 batting average, 42 homeruns, 128 RBIs (his average for 2003-2007).

    I disagree that a DH should never make it, but if a DH does make it, they have to be a GREAT hitter for a long time. Ortiz has 2-3 years as a great hitter, 2-3 as a pretty good hitter, and 6-7 years of mediocrity at best.

  • Hoss
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    He doesn't have the numbers to be a Hall of Fame player. He got starting way to late and it almost seems like he will be done. I don't think he will be getting into the Hall of Fame at all. He doesn't have enough time to get the numbers necessary.

    Not to mention he is going to have to do some serious work. No one likes to see a DH in the Hall.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well I'm a Red Sox fan but I say no.. If he does and McGuire, Rose and EVEN Barry Bonds aren't in there it's just a shame.. He's not a good hitter.. He can't play defense at all... He has no use on an NL only team and his batting average really isn't Hall worthy...

    Pujols will make it WAY before Ortiz.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    no, from '97 to '02, he was a mediocre player who couldn't do much. When he joined the Sox in 03, he suddenly became amazing. Still, there are tons of hitters not in the HOF with similar overall stats as Ortiz. So no, I wouldn't vote for him. However, I bet he'd get in anyway just b/c he was on 2 WS champion teams

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  • 1 decade ago

    Are you serious? Big Papi was real good, and was legitimately dominant, but only for an extremely short period of time. Does 289 HR and 972 RBI for a pure power hitter with not really much else going for him sound like a HOF career to you?

    To be in the HOF you have to dominate your position for an extended period of time, and 5 or 6 years is not an extended period of time. To make the baseball HOF you have to play at that level for around 15 years.

    So, my answer is ABSOLUTELY NOT.

    Don Mattingly was 20 times the all around player Big Papi is, and he's not getting in the HOF.

  • 1 decade ago

    There are so many players that deserve to be in the hall of fame that aren't, so no i wouldn't vote in a designated hitter.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    no i wouldnt. he only had a few good years in a row. that doesnt qualify as a hall of fame career. he was dreadful in Minnesota. he does not play a position. sorry, but he will be one of those great players of the era, but not hall of fame.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    nope. i think hes a great guy, above average hitter, but you put him on a team in the NL and he wouldn't last half the year. hes too out of shape. i believe you have to be great with the glove and the bat in order to be considered a HOF player

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    No. even if im a sox fan, he doesn't belon there. he was only dominat for 4 seasons. even though he had good postseason memories, he just doesn't belong in that higher class of players

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    no way he hasn't really done much but win a world series, i mean he has never won an mvp and he only has 290 home runs

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