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  • Is Nolan Ryan among the top ten starting pitchers in MLB history?

    Please provide some reasoning behind your answer and be respectful of others opinions. Thanks!

    11 AnswersBaseball7 years ago
  • If you attend any baseball game ever played, what game would it be and why?

    Please provide some general reasoning behind your choice. As usual, politeness and respect for others is always noted and appreciated. Thanks in advance for your thoughtful responses!

    6 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • Barry Bonds, Cal Ripken or Mike Piazza?

    If you somehow knew in advance exactly what their careers would bring (the good, the bad and the ugly), which one player of these three would you draft?

    Consider whatever aspects of the players you think are important in making this decision. It would be cool if you provided the reasoning behind your response. Finally, as always, please be respectful of other opinions. Thanks in advance for taking the time to answer!

    9 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • Position by position, who are your favorite baseball players of all time?

    Doesn't matter if they were stars, good players or journeymen. For whatever reason, you just liked the guy. Please list one player per position (excluding DH), one starting pitcher and one relief pitcher. That's a team of 10!

    As always, respectful answers and commentary is much appreciated. Have fun!

    15 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • Do fans and the media make too big a deal of being a "first ballot Hall of Famer"?

    There's no distinction between players once they are voted into the Hall, regardless of when and how they were elected. Once you're in, you're in. No one goes back and says, "Well, he was elected on the 12th ballot so the honor means less." What do you think? As always, please be respectful with your answers. Thanks!

    12 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • In a perfect world if you could 'fix" one of the following things about MLB, what would it be and why?

    (A) Institute salary caps (maximum and minimum)

    (B) Either eliminate the DH or use it in both leagues

    (C) Employ instant replay on bang-bang plays at first base

    (D) Add 2 teams in the American League so each league has 16 teams

    (E) Limit the number of times a catcher can go to the mound in one inning

    (F) Eliminate the batter's ability to call timeout (unless it's a real emergency)

    I realize there are many other possibilities - and some of these are complex issues - but let's assume the stars were aligned and you could make one of these changes with minimal fuss.

    As always, please by respectful with your answers. Thanks!

    7 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • What ever happened to losing with class?

    The Yankee team, from the manager to the players, handled last night's defeat like true professionals. However, it's not the same here in Y! Answers. From accusations about Cliff Lee using pine tar to brazenly predicting a Yankee sweep in games 2-5 to accusing the FOX announcers of anti-Yankee bias to smacking down Chase Utley's performance, the attitude of a portion of Yankee fans in this forum makes you wonder where dignity in defeat has gone. All these lame excuses and it's only one game!

    9 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • For Mets Fans: Who will you be rooting for in this nightmare of a World Series?

    Please be civil and respectful with your answers. Rants and insults belong elsewhere. Thanks!

    4 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • Steroids & PEDs aside, who do you think had a better career: Roger Clemens or Greg Maddux?

    I know some folks will have difficulty taking drug use out of the discussion, but try to give it shot!

    Also, please provide some basic reasoning behind your response. Bitter rants and abusing the opinions of others belong elsewhere. Thanks!

    4 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • If it were up to you, how many pitchers would you generally carry on a typical MLB team and why?

    Please remember, the maximum number of players on an active roster is 25.

    Respectful, thoughtful answers are always appreciated. Thanks!

    5 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • The end of the 300 game winner?

    Many people bemoan we have seen the last of the 300 game winners. They point to the increased use of bullpens and the five man rotation (among other things) as the reason. However, of the 24 men who have achieved this milestone, 6 played before 1900 when inning counts were extraordinarily high and it was not unusual for pitchers to win 30 games a year. 8 pitched the majority of their careers in the 70 year span between 1900 and 1970. The remaining 10 - almost half - reached 300 wins pitching primarily after 1970 when 5 man rotations and the more defined role of the bullpen began to mature. And 4 of those did it in the era of the modern bullpen when complete games got left along the side of the road. This all seems to indicate that we will not only continue to see 300 game winners emerge, we'll see them at a much larger rate then we did for the first 3/4 of the 20th century.

    Agree or disagree? As always, please be respectful to others opinions and save any bitter rants for elsewhere. Thanks!

    7 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • You bought the team. Now what?

    You just bought an underachieving, established major league baseball team. You play in a relatively new neutral park (favors neither pitchers nor hitters). Your payroll budget is about league average. As a matter of fact, everything about your organization is average, from your minor league system to fan amenities. You purchased the team because you have a plan for baseball and economic success; you can rebuild this organization! Assuming you gave yourself 5 years to turn things around, what would you do? Where would you focus? I’m not looking for specific players, rather an overall organizational philosophy. Some examples:

    - Proven veteran players or young, promising (but unproven) talent?

    - Pitching focus or hitting focus?

    - Speed or power?

    - An experienced, older manager with some success or a younger man with no MLB managing experience?

    - Invest more heavily in player development or free agency?

    These are just some areas to consider. There are many, many more. I also realize there are many shades of gray and I’m not giving you much information up front with which to work. Nonetheless, give it your best shot! Tell us how you envision your ideal team, your perfect organization!

    As always, please be respectful and thoughtful with your answers. Thanks!

    2 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • If David Ortiz retired today, would you vote for him for the Hall of Fame (assuming you had a vote)?

    Please give specific reasons why you would or would not. Thanks in advance for your thoughtful answers!

    17 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • If you were a GM would you sign Ken Griffey Jr. to a multi-year contract?

    And if so, where would you play him? Please explain the reasoning behind your opinion. No divisive or bitter rants please! Thanks!

    20 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • If you were a baseball General Manager...?

    ...and you wanted to offer Manny Ramirez a contract when he becomes a free agent, what would you offer? (Length of contract and money, specifically.) This, of course, assumes you have the resources to do want you want.

    Please include the rationale behind your answer. As always, thoughtful, respectful answers are appreciated. Please refrain from negative rants and comments which don't apply to the question. Thanks! :-)

    5 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • Who do you believe was a greater pitcher, Nolan Ryan or Greg Maddux?

    Please provide some reasoning behind your answer other than "He's my favorite pitcher and he's awesome!" lol

    Thanks in advance for your thoughful responses!

    22 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • Would you vote for this player for the Hall of Fame?

    I like to hold back the name out so people aren't influenced by a personal feelings. All stats are approximate, but close enough so you get a sense of the player. I'm sure you can figure out who it is if you try, but that's not the objective. :-)

    He's a center fielder.

    15 year career (1990's - 2000's)

    1,800 games

    .290 BA

    .375 OBA

    1,800 hits

    370 home runs

    1,100 RBI's

    1,150 runs

    .530 Slugging percentage

    Less than 75 stolen bases (55% SB success rate)

    1,600 strikeouts

    Had about the same level of post-season success in 50+ games, albeit with a little more power.

    4 time All Star

    7+ Gold Gloves

    No MVP's, but did finish in the top 5 twice

    Among the top 5 players in his league in the following categories in any given season:

    Slugging - 2 times

    OPS - 1 time

    Runs - 2 times

    Home Runs - 1 time

    Walks - 1 time

    Extra base hits - 1 time

    Did not finish among the top 5 in any other positive offensive catergories.

    In your opinion, is this player a Hall of Famer?

    31 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • If Derek Jeter retired today, would you put him in the Hall of Fame?

    Please provide the reasoning behind your opinion. Thanks!

    18 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • How would you rank these hitters?

    Strictly as ballplayers, please rank the following 4 players in the order you would draft them. Take into account hitting, defense, speed, power, leadership and whatever other factors you would consider if you were forming a team. Brief explanations of your thought process would be appreciated!

    - Roberto Clemente

    - Pete Rose

    - Carl Yastrzemski

    - Robin Yount

    Thanks in advance for your thoughtful responses!

    17 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago