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blueyeznj asked in SportsBaseball · 1 decade ago

In a perfect world if you could 'fix" one of the following things about MLB, what would it be and why?

(A) Institute salary caps (maximum and minimum)

(B) Either eliminate the DH or use it in both leagues

(C) Employ instant replay on bang-bang plays at first base

(D) Add 2 teams in the American League so each league has 16 teams

(E) Limit the number of times a catcher can go to the mound in one inning

(F) Eliminate the batter's ability to call timeout (unless it's a real emergency)

I realize there are many other possibilities - and some of these are complex issues - but let's assume the stars were aligned and you could make one of these changes with minimal fuss.

As always, please by respectful with your answers. Thanks!

7 Answers

  • Tom
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Eliminate the DH. Give me 200 chances to answer this question and I'll answer the same way 199 times. (Limiting the Molinas' trips to the mound would get the other vote.)

    Remember that the NFL can make a salary cap work because its income from national television rights dwarfs every other income stream in professional team sports. Even the most ineptly run NFL franchise - think Cincinnati (despite their current record) or Kansas City or Washington - starts the season with $90+ million in hand from the TV deals AND they can more easily dump contracts and reduce payroll because there is a lot of UNguaranteed money committed. The CBA in baseball - which isn't going away with Don Fehr - restricts teams' ability to adjust expenses this way and there's no comparable shared income stream. The Red Sox and Yankees don't divvy up the money they get from their local broadcasting/cable rights or from merchandise sales. That creates a huge income disparity that will not be bridged under current conditions.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    B) Eliminate the DH because the DH rule effectively eliminates a lot of late inning and very interesting baseball strategies which i think are a large part of the esence of the game

    Case in point:

    Tonight Lee is cruising along But still down by 2 runs when he comes up to bat in the bottom of 5 with one out and runners on second and third

    Without a DH Manuel has a really hard decision to make which could cost him the WS

    With a DH the decison becomes a lot easier and the 9 guy is probably lifted for a more studly pinch hitter.

  • 1 decade ago

    D. More teams == more baseball.

    All the other options are so much drivel, unnecessary tinkering or pointless rearrangement of the deck chairs.

    Adding two teams isn't necessary -- particularly not for the sake of symmetry -- but at least there's an upside, as I described.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    (A) Institute salary caps (maximum and minimum)

    Eliminate gripes about who has the money and winning and level the playing field so to speak.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I would create a mechanism on Yahoo Answers that requires repetitive questions about the Yankees payroll to be forced into the Discover section so they could find the old ones

  • 1 decade ago

    (H) Fold the Chicago Cubs. Demolish Wrigley Field.

  • 1 decade ago

    (G) Get rid of Bud Selig....that would be the first step to solving any/all of these problems

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