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blueyeznj asked in SportsBaseball · 1 decade ago

What ever happened to losing with class?

The Yankee team, from the manager to the players, handled last night's defeat like true professionals. However, it's not the same here in Y! Answers. From accusations about Cliff Lee using pine tar to brazenly predicting a Yankee sweep in games 2-5 to accusing the FOX announcers of anti-Yankee bias to smacking down Chase Utley's performance, the attitude of a portion of Yankee fans in this forum makes you wonder where dignity in defeat has gone. All these lame excuses and it's only one game!

9 Answers

  • frank
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You are right...this just goes to show the immaturity of many of the people who post here, as well as the depth of their lack of understanding and respect for the game of baseball...I am a lifelong Yankee fan, and I will certainly be rooting for them in what I could consider a "must win" game tonight. But I understand the sport well enough to know that the right thing to do is tip my cap to Cliff Lee for a dominant pitching performance, realize we got outplayed and move on. The problem is most so-called "fans" have a "my team is great, your team sucks" mentality and they don't truly appreciate the sport or the game of baseball, they are more intent on cheering for their favorite uniform.

  • 1 decade ago

    ill take one game of announcer bias towards the phillies against years of yankee bias, seriously, ESPN and everyone is on their N U T S 24/7, but when the spotlight is off them and another team is given credit for playing a damn good game, the yankee fans get jealous. Typical sore losers on here, Philadelphia just plainly outplayed the Yankees, end of story, no pine tar, no bad calls, there is no reason to downplay Chase's performance, it was great. Yankee fans, get over it, and if you are real baseball fans, you should realize it was only one game out of 7, there is a reason its a SERIES and not a one game championship. So get over it and watch tonights game, another great pitching match up, with the Phillies having the better lineup, oh and im not a yankee fan, but im pulling for Hairston Jr., Previous Redleg baby.

  • 1 decade ago

    Thank you for not bashing the Yankees like most non-Yankees will after losing one game. Utley's performance was amazing definitely for a lefty against CC Sabathia. His second HR was a flat-out bomb reaching 396 feet. As for the pine tar incident with Cliff Lee it's a bunch of BS. It was clearly rosin that he rubbed onto your hat and he wasn't cheating. He pitched a great game but the Yankees lineup need to step up.

    I'm a Yankees fan praising Lee and Utley.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    One Game Yes. But An Important One At That. Its The Postseason.

    But That Does Not Excuse The Yankees For Their Cruel And Idiotic Behavior. They Get Paid Millions Of Dollars To Play Baseball. And Those Millions Of Dollars Cost Them The Heart You Need To Play The Sport.

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  • I agree with most of what you said, except for the last point. I do think that the announcers were pretty biased last night. They only talked about how great the Phillies were, even when the Yankees were up to bat. At one point, one announcer (don't remember which one) said that "Cliff Lee will strike out the side" when there was only one strike on the batter. But other than that, you make some good points.

  • 5 years ago

    A lot more negative things are accepted in society today. Dressing trashy, swearing, having a new boyfriend every week, etc. would have never been accepted back in let's say, the fifties. People often go off what the media presents as "in" and "fashionable." The 'important people' don't necessarily dress classy anymore either, so neither does the public.I just think that society is growing, and a lot more things are becoming widely accepted and pretty much everyday tasks, styles, etc.

  • 1 decade ago

    It worries me cause after what the Phillies have done, it's going to be extremely difficult to beat them. The Yankees never lost this bad at home in the postseason.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Jeter acted JUST GREAT! Along with the rest of the AWESOME YANKEE TEAM.

  • 1 decade ago

    That seemed to have gone out around the same time as grunge.

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