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Has the MSM completely convinced you we are headed for a civil war?

From the media coverage and the angst of many a Dem. it seems as though the Neo-Cons highjacked the display of civil unrest making this once again a left vs. right issue and furthering us down the road to serfdom. When will we as Americans get it? Obama, Bush, Clinton, HW are all in the same gang they are dividing and conquering this nation with different means to the same goal.

War is Peace

Freedom is Slavery

Ignorance is Strength

Truth is Treason


WNC~ Well said they don't see it! They are to busy trying to divide us over non issues!

Update 2:

Marcia~ You never have seen the MSM try and divide the public on hot button issues? Wow I wish that I lived in your world!

Ignorance is Bliss

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I can't even watch the national TV news any longer.

    All they report is gloom and doom. They get facts wrong or deliberately twist them. They even make up news with polls and then report that as news. If nothing terrible is happening in the world, they'll whip up some non-story to be terrible. Remember "year of the shark?"

    I'll still read the local paper. I'll catch NPR on the radio. And I hit a few sites on the internet. That's about it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That largely depends upon what is decided at the G20 meeting. If we go along with the British plan for a new global reserve currency, then we will see a world-wide collapse of the physical economy and billions will die. The MSM doesn't see the big picture. Check out this webcast of Lyndon Larouche from Saturday:

  • 1 decade ago

    No cable here! It's the carpetbaggers & Congress that are pushing the issues here not the common person or conservative . The deviates from the norm of civil order (peace) can't not be tolerated to the point of anarchy(war). We the people know this , it's our elected & hired that are in denial of their insignificance! So they'll show us ?

  • 1 decade ago

    Its the Wingnuts on sites like this one who seem to thing a civil war is likely...I've never seen any MSM outlet make such a report.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    stupidity is golden...I really like the one "truth is treason",you should have added "if you are a liberal".

  • 1 decade ago

    Glenn Beck sure seems to be itching for one.

  • No

    But the FOX NEWS has convince me that they are nothing but a right wing political machine.

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