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Fundies, can you do me a huge favor?

Stop saying atheism is a religion, we have no scripture, or tenets, or anything that even remotely resembles a religion. It is almost as aggravating as your over use of pascals wager.

Look, attack us all you want, just get your bloody facts strait


I just get tieard of arguments that they know are faulty and just keep repeating. It is like a cheese gratter rubbing against my sanity.

Update 2:

fine then "god is in a good mood" prove me wrong, go ahead, name one reason that atheisem is a religion.

Update 3:

"the atheist churches, creeds, dogma, fundies, denominations, US Court rulings and evangelists." none of these things exist my dear, you have no proof, provide me with a source for any of this please

16 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I second Markyy's sentiment. As an Irish atheist I fail to see how US court rulings effect my atheism.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    why do you care what any of us think?

    not that I think it's a religion or anything,but why do you care if I did?

    you hate us so you shouldn't be so concerned about what we say .

    let me explain to you what a fundamental Christian is,K:

    We believe that God created the heavens and the earth. We believe Him to be almighty, omnipresent, omniscient. There is none higher or more powerful than He is.

    We believe that Jesus is God's begotten Son who was born of a virgin . We believe the conception of Jesus was done by the Holy Ghost which is God. We believe that Jesus is God, who put on a body of flesh to dwell among us. We believe that Jesus was crucified, killed on the cross at Calvary, and buried in a tomb which was not His own. We believe that he was raised from the dead on the third day.

    We believe the Bible to be the Word of God given to man for instruction, reproof, doctrine and for instruction in righteousness. (2TImothy 3:16)

    We believe that Jesus ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of God the Father. He is the judge of everything and over all things.

    why is this so threatening to you guys?

    I know there are some out there who you call"fundies"

    who love to condemn people,but you can not say that about all of us,

    you ask us to stop insulting you and all the while you insult us.

    I don't get you people.

    reminds me of a story about a pot and a kettle,

    ever hear of it?

  • 1 decade ago

    I've never considered Atheism,a religion...Favor granted

    Please understand that Fundamentalist Christianity,is descriptive of those who hold a common understanding and conviction,concerning 5 major tenets of the Christian faith...The derogotive use of the term Fundie,in rebuking a distinct group of peoples,is akin to asking,"What specific code of morality,do all Atheists share in common"..

    Any group of peoples gathered around a specific school of thought,are generally not carbon copies and are capable of peripheral,independent belief,not germain to their principal commonality...

    Basically...We ain't all the same

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm still trying to figure out how this "US court ruling" would mean that I (Dutch atheist) am all of a sudden part of a religion.

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  • Eds
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago


    I have never done so and I promise that I never will. I am a full-fledged and card holding member of the Fundie Club (by the way). Have a great day.





    Just let me add "AMEN" to what you said.



    That is a pretty smile. Please try not to be offensive toward others.



    Source(s): ~~~~~ LOVE I F E . . .
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Understand you are imploring people who hear voices in thier heads and pretend to eat the blood and flesh of a 2000 year old Jewish zombie to be reasonable and get their facts strait.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They are just parroting. If they really knew their bible, there would never be any such ridiculous accusations as atheism being a religion. Those who study for themselves aren't caught up in the "repeat after me" syndrome. I call it the rote quote. :))

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    fundies tend to ignore anything inconvenient like facts and stuff

    the fundies tend to repeat the same old nonsense and so do some moderates

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm not a fundie I just thought I'd read this question...

    "It is like a cheese gratter rubbing against my sanity."

    That's a great metaphor, ...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Atheism is not a religion, but a lack of.

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