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How To Deal With Trolls?

Things to do:


Things not to do:


Do you people not understand the nature of a troll? He says controversial things in order to provoke a reaction from you. He wants you to call him names, get agitated, and respond to him. A troll that gets 0 responses won't troll anymore. A troll that gets 10 responses will be back the next day. Which do you prefer?

On top of that, the very act of responding HURTS you and yahoo. If you reply to a troll on yahoo (whatever it is) it becomes harder to delete. I've reported trolls that have asked a bunch of questions and guess what? The only ones that didn't get deleted immediatly were the ones with a bunch of responses.

Lastly, responding to a troll puts yourself at risk. YOU may get in trouble with yahoo because responses like "Thanks for my 2 points" or general insults are against Yahoo's rules, and I've seen posters get reported before for such responses.

Do you have any other advice or insights into the nature of the allusive creature known only as "the troll?"


Christian.... I went and looked up one of your responses to Faith. You said, "And you are a ******* ****."

Making the troll laugh at you, and giving her exactly what she wanted on a large silver platter, is hardly what I would call "playing their little game and beating their ***es at it."

Oh and MD, I saw you were the first person to reply to Faith on at least one of her questions, so :/

Update 2:

Oh, and guys and gals, I'm ONLY being a hardass because I don't want to see trolls around here, just like the rest of you.

28 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    i know i replied. but hey, i'm a n00bie and i didn't even know you called them trolls until an hour ago. but it's too damn hard to resist the temptation to respond ._.

    but in future, i'll try and stop. ;D

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I see what you saying there. If we don't respond to them, they will go away. These trolls only come to Y!A to be popular. They want attention and all these people talking about them. It makes them get a big head.

    I also see what you're trying to say about reporting trolls. My rule is if I don't like it I block it. But if I end up answering a question by a troll I just answer it like it's just another question.

    I hope I helped you by giving my option on trolls

    And I have not answered any questions by Faith.

  • J. H.
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I responded to Faith, however that was before I knew she was a troll. Once informed about this fact, I quickly deleted my answer. If question by Trolls are hard to get rid of by people responding to the questions. We should encourage people to go back and delete their answers, like I did.

    Also we talk about trolls in the MAL account. Once a new person becomes a C&A reg we should encouraged them to get one. The first time I heard about Faith was over at Mal.

    So information about Trolls is key and one must stay ever informed.

    In fact, I can't believe you had to do this. I thought it was common knowledge not to respond to Trolls.


    Once you played there game you automatically lose. Because winning for them is getting you to play. They kick your @$$ they win. You kick there's. They still win. It's basically a no win scenario

  • 1 decade ago

    Thank you Mat! I may have been one of those who have responded from time to time to some of their questions. I didn't mean to pi$$ anybody off by doing this, but now that I know to NOT respond is better, I shall not respond. I only hope I realize the question for what it is first.

    As for your request for how else to deal with trolls, I really do not have much to say other than not responding seems like a good way to go. Not giving them the attention they crave would serve them right.

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  • 1 decade ago


    I still don't know who this person Faith is. (I'm assuming he/she is a troll, though)


    Oh, I didn't know if a troll gets more responses, it's gets harder to delete.




    Yeah, I agree with you, Matt. I don't usually reply, but sometimes when they insult you too much, it's kinda hard to resist. Haha. =P

    And if you block them, remember that they could always make a new account.

    Um... well, still, it's good to block them, I guess.

    And in some sections when you click on the trolls question, it's already deleted, anyway. <== Just saying.

    They just like to get people annoyed, and ignore them -- just like you would anyone who insults you. (Agh! I'm such a hypocrite! DX)

  • 1 decade ago

    I know what you mean........and for now on, I just won't answer them. Usually if I see a troll, I will answer in a single word or face icon, not show any emotion though.

    If I see a troll, I just don't show my anger because that is truly what it is trying to bring out in us. It's like with bullies. If you just give them a staring face, there's a 80% chance that they will lose interest in you and leave. (the other 20% are just weirdos).

    >>I've learned from experience. As soon as I stopped paying attention to bullies at my schools, they found no interest in trying to make me agitated. Also, I helped out a good number of people with their home work one really wanted to deter that maybe. =/

    Anyway, I apologize for answering that troll's questions with a face or a word. But, I tried my best to show an emotionless answer.

    nya nya

  • 1 decade ago

    I answered one of Faith's questions.

    Granted that was before I realized they were a troll. Should I have noticed right away? Am I too naive?

    Oh well..

    I usually just ignore Trolls. If they are asking a question a minute, I will report them but usually I just ignore them.

    Reporting them will get rid of them yes, but if people don't answer them they will eventually go away wouldn't they?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Trolls are very dangerous creatures. I thought most of them came from Norway so Im not sure what theyre doing online. If you have a baby I would definately watch your baby, Trolls have been known to steal babys and leave you with a changeling and whatnot. if you really want to deal with a troll i recommend hiring some freelance knights now im not sure where they hang out. Possibly in England, England would be a good place to start.

    Source(s): Hope this helps :)
  • 1 decade ago

    My response usually comes after people have already given the troll what they wanted, to which the typical answer is

    "Successful Troll is successful"


    "Obvious Troll is obvious"

    I've actually gotten points for those as well. They feel like wasted points however.

  • 1 decade ago

    Thanks! I'll keep that in mind, although I hardly even respond to troll questions. If I do, its usually on Others - Cultures & Groups 'cause, sadly, sometimes I can't tell if a troll is a troll on there.

  • 1 decade ago


    how hard is that to understand?

    Get in, Report and Get out.

    A little advice to everyone, try not to brag about reporting a troll and getting their Q/A deleted it just makes you a target.

    at least don't mention the specific troll.


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