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jules b asked in EnvironmentGlobal Warming · 1 decade ago

Given there is so much proof how are there not more sceptics/deniers?

Given that the proof of either no GW or AGW howcome there are so few sceptics and deniers in goverments or science. I checked out the petition of 30,000 US scientists but they seem to be graduates and the 10000 phd were in things like vetenary, creation biology, dead!

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I presume this is in response to SWC's question "Why are there so many Global Warming deniers when proof is there?". Which I find incredibly amusing, because since when do deniers care about science? The number of deniers is totally independent of the scientific evidence.

    Less than 3% of climate scientists are "skeptics".

    Less than 1% of peer-reviewed climate science publications dispute the consensus on AGW.

    No scientific organization disputes the consensus.

    The reason there aren't more scientific "skeptics" is that the science is quite clear - humans are causing global warming. Really the only people who dispute this are ignorant or in denial of the science.

  • 1 decade ago

    There is no science to support AGW, only junk science.

    Science is about proposing theories that explain physical phenomena. These theories are then used to make predictions about the future and about the outcome of experiments. If, over time, all the predictions are shown to be correct then eventually the theory is accepted as being a good representation of the real world.

    Unfortunately the only predictions made by so called climate science have proved to be false. The global cooling since 2001 was not predicted in advance by any climate model. In all other fields of science this would lead to the theories on which these models are based being rejected.

    Unfortunately climate change is more about "belief" than science and it appears that no amount of falsification of theories will change that.

    Spending trillions of dollars on combatting the imaginary problem of AGW is a criminal waste of resource. If the climate is changing it is primarily because of natural variability and we are powerless to stop it. If anything we should be spending money on adapting to the change rather than making worthless CO2 sacrifices to the Carbon God.

    Please see the attached document for a complete rebuttal of alarmist hysteria.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because There Isnt a Lack Of Evidence, There Is Proof But Skeptics Will Always Worm There Way around Just So They Can Go back to there Normal Lazy lifestyle. Basicly they're either scared to believe it or Just Have no Heart.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have no idea.

    I go fishing every year and the differences between now and 10 years ago is astonishing.

    Mackerel used to be here in March now it is may they used to be gone by september now it is november, we are catching more and more ling in winter which is normally found in Norway, birds feeding and coming and going at different times as well, the proof is there for all you have to do is look.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    i'm undecided what YOUR info is however? are you able to be extra particular? BTW- what's this? Your words say: "The identify became initially held by skill of one guy or woman, what brought on the exchange to the Committee" the place did you get the perception that there became exchange? the place is your info? Please supply precise info of your declare with appropriate source textile. not something has replaced. In 1914—Christ Jesus began his royal presence. 3 and a a million/2 years later, in 1918, he got here to God’s non secular temple and fulfilled Peter’s words: “that's the appointed time for the judgment to commence with the homestead of God.” (a million Peter 4:17; Malachi 3:a million) It became time to settle bills. So Jesus began his inspection in 1918. lower back not something has replaced!! FYI At Pentecost 33 C.E., Jesus appointed a “slave” to furnish nutrition on the perfect time for his “domestics.” In 1914, Jesus became enthroned as King, and quickly it became time to envision that “slave.” For the main section, he chanced on that the “slave” had proved itself “truthful and discreet.” for this reason, he appointed it “over all his assets.” (Matthew 24:40 5-40 seven) in spite of the incontrovertible fact that, there became additionally an evil slave, who became neither truthful nor discreet. that's obtrusive that the truthful and discreet slave is a form through fact the scriptures communicate with regard to the evil slave in Matthew 24:40 8-fifty one. This "evil slave" is likewise extra effective than one....logically there are various that make up the evil slave, not merely one. comparable questioning applies to the "truthful slave"....get it! i'm hoping this helped.

  • 1 decade ago

    TerryO, amen... Yes, why is it that Mars is hotter? I guess those pesky, ignorant martians are driving too many SUV's too!!!

    Could it be that big ball of light in the center of our solar system? Is the sun not cabable of having cycles of change?

    Yes, the planet is warmer, but our scientists have no comparative data beyond the last 150 years. Are we not talking about a solar system that is BILLIONS of years old? Is our planet not billions of years old?

    What about the volcanic eruption dust-veil theory? The volcanic eruption of Mount Tambora volcano in 1815 was a main cause of GLOBAL COOLING during this time. It was a main factor in the Little Ice Age during Charles Dickens' time.

    I can't take the greenie agenda much longer... Yes, I recycle. Yes, I conserve water to the absolute best of my ability. I drive a fuel-efficient car. I love mother earth. But the greenie agenda is something I just cannot take! I just can't drink the cool aid.


  • 1 decade ago

    They are paid to believe in global warming. It is called selling your credibility when you can't sell your actual science. They are entirely leftist activists and bureaucrats with an agenda or often they are simply falsely added the the list by leftists with an agenda. They make statements like they think it is likely that most of the warming of the last century, a third of a degree in a century is what that amounts to, and that is supposed to add weight to the asinine claims of alarmists that predict 8 degrees C of warming. It is hardly making a statement of actual support. Only a politically motivated Kool-aid drinker could get harmful or catastrophic warming out of the data.

  • 1 decade ago

    I suggest that Dana 1981 has the best answer so least one of the more thoughtful ones...

    However, doesn't this question miss the overall point of what is the current state of the world and what are the trends for financial, environmental, and social survival?

    I would suggest redirecting your inquiry toward the broader issues of sustainability and how we will be ale to survive the coming challenge of reduced availability of oil and other fossil fuel for energy, toxification and acidification of the oceans, the leakage of highly toxic effluent from "sanitary" landfills, and fact that the most poorest folks in this world suffer greatly at the hands of our unsustainable industrial systems.

    If we wanted to design a system for total environmental, social and financial collapse, I am not sure we could do much better. Anyway, if you have 30 minutes check our William McDonough's various videos on youtube.

  • 1 decade ago

    Given all you folks are absolutely sold on the human causation of global warming, why is mars also going through global warming. I don't understand how we caused that.

    Also, I don't see any of you volunteering to remove you or your families from the problem. Stop buying your food, stop driving, stop using electricity in your homes, start being self sufficient in your daily lives, give up beef, pork and poultry to eliminate the problems of the gases they cause. Stop eating rice, that is on the EPA list of greenhouse gas producers.

    In short folks, I don't understand your position, you preach one thing and follow another.

    Sorry, forgot to cite a site.

  • 1 decade ago

    You pick and choose the things in life you want to believe, unfortunatly regardless of the science sometimes.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well it seems that there are TWO separate G.W. sections now on YA.

    The ones 'Denying&Blocking', and the rest of us ! LOL ! I see a sort of 'clone' to this Q, was posed by a "D&B" on here. I see them as stupid as the "deniers" of the tsunami, that ran out to gather up the recently exposed fish like it was a gift from 'god'. Some people on the beach survived by running for their lives when they saw the WARNING SIGNS !

    I know what is happening, and I don't need a washed up politician, that got cheated out of the election, to tell me anything !

    I see all these 'deniers' being the first ones lining up for FEMA help when their house is gone !

    (How about that second round of all time record flooding in S.D. ? Not exactly 'normal' is it ?)

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