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  • True or false: Plants on land have unlimited access to sun for photosynthesis?

    This is for a science test and I am 99% sure the answer is false since there are plenty of plants that due to a variety of reason do not actually have access to the sun, but still function. Am I right in assuming it is false?

    2 AnswersBiology9 years ago
  • As someone who is new to Mac, which one would you recommend?

    I am upgrading my computer and I have decided to give this whole Mac thing a try.

    I've been on their website and I would like to get one that is refurbished, but I am not too sure as to which kind of laptop to get, the Pro or the Air. I am a college student, majoring in history with a minor in education. I will not need this for anything too crazy such as photo editing or film making.

    The Air looks like it should be good enough, mostly because of it's weight. However, I am concerned about the lack of a disk drive and also I am concerned it maybe too light and child like maybe. The Pro looks to be a good catch, but I am afraid I maybe going for more than I need (not to mention I already have to carry what feels like 40 pounds worth of stuff on my anyways).

    Thanks guys for your help, any other insight would be amazing.

    4 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks9 years ago
  • What negatively affects glaucoma?

    I am a 24 year old male who has had glaucoma since 18. I find that (well clearly) that not being on drops has the worst affect, but what substances or anything else can harm the eyes. I hear that caffeine does.

    2 AnswersOptical9 years ago
  • Should I mention a disciplinary action in the application process when applying to a university?

    There's no real way for me to full state what I want to in the title box, so here it goes.

    I am 24 now, when I was 16 I was expelled from my high school. I still graduated on time from a different school, but in transferring from my community college to a university I'm not sure how to deal with the subject.

    The background: I was expelled because this one girl I was friends with in high school called the sceretary of our school from my home phone and gave a death threat. I turned her in the next day and was still expelled, however some leanancy was given to me, I believe simply because it was clear I was guilty by association, its not on my record. I have offical copies of the high school I graduated from as well as the one I was expelled from. There's nothing about an expellision or anything.

    The transcripts have a box there called Reason for Leaving, under it one says "Graduated" and the other simply says "Public in Dist." It also states me leaving that school when I would have graduated, not when I was expelled. I have searched every box and I can't find one thing in there that says anything about it. Here are the transcripts (the only info that is marked out are ones which somehow identify me:,mjwFW,sN6FC#0

    Here is my explanation to the school that I am applying to under "Have you ever been suspended or expelled from any school":

    "When I was 16 and in high school, a friend I had at the time choose to make a prank phone call from my house that I did not condone. She threatened the secretary using the phone from my parent's house. I kicked her out and the next day I turned her in. However, I was suspended for the rest of the year despite my not having any involvement other than that person using my phone. I was still able to graduate on time by attending another school.

    I learned a very big lesson from this event. I learned the importance of the friends you have and how the things we do affect our opportunities the future may hold for us.

    Since then, I have managed an impressive GPA in college, an internship with the Democratic National Convention Committee in the department of Communications and Public Affairs, joined a LGBTQ group called SPECTRUM at Central Piedmont Community College, and even joined Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society.

    Please, let this mishap in no way affect your decision."

    Thanks so much for the insight! I want to be as mature about this as possible. I am even considering simply making an appointment with admissions and just seeing if I can explain it face to face.

    2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)10 years ago
  • What does this mean on my high school transcript?

    Out of 2 high school transcripts, one says under reason for exit it says "Public in Dist."

    What does that mean? Im 24, so its not as though I can call the counsler! Thanks a million!

    2 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education10 years ago
  • Can I request a high school transcript for myself, and if so, will it show any disciplinary acts?

    I'm 24 and I am applying to a university. When I was 16 I was expelled, though still graduated on time thanks to simply going to a different school. I believe as part of a deal with the school it will not be on my record, but I just need to make sure given the intense nature of the action. Will it be the same transcript as what the university will receive? Thanks!

  • Help with a math question regarding APR?

    I am having the hardest time trying to solve this.

    Terry buys a new TV for $450 with 0 down, with 39.56/month payments over a year. What is the APR?

    1 AnswerMathematics10 years ago
  • Will something I got expelled for in high school show up when I apply to a university?

    In high school, a friend and I one time decided to skip (as in those days we quite often did) and paid homeless people to pretend to be our parents. Well, the secretary who answers the phone happens to know my dad (1 in 3 chance it would be the one that knew my dad) and calls up my real dad to tell him I am skipping. The next day we are making prank phone calls at my house and she decides to call our school. Though I should have probaly not allowed this to happen, she ends up giving a death threat to the secretary. Next day police come in and threaten to take me in if I don't reveal that it was her, which of course I do. She and I both are expelled (though I didn't make the call or even speak on it, because it came from my house I was punished).

    Well, on the university application, here is what I have wrote. Keep in mind I haven't submitted this and I am wondering to be completely frank if I don't even mention this if they will find out. I don't want to jeoperdize my chances of getting in by not mentioning this. Any input would be nice!

    "When I was 16 and in high school, a friend and I foolishly choose to skip school. We were caught by the secretary of my high school and were punished by our parents, not by the school. One of the days after the incident my then friend choose to make a prank phone call from my house that I did not condone her doing. She threatened the secretary using the phone from my parent's house. I kicked her out and the next day I turned her in.

    However, I was suspended for the rest of the year despite my not having any involvement other than that person using my phone. I was still able to graduate on time by attending another school. Since then, I have managed an impressive GPA in college, an internship with the Democratic National Convention Committee in the department of Communications and Public Affairs, joined a LGBTQ group called SPECTRUM at Central Piedmont Community College, and even joined Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society.

    Please, let this mishap in no way affect your decision."

    Thanks so much and I'm sorry it's so long!

  • How important is the following on a resume?

    I'm just updating my resume and there are a couple of things that caught my eye.

    1. "References available upon request", this always seems like it would be an incontinence to whomever is hiring you. Should I just provide them anyways?

    2. Listing interests. I can understand how your interests could be relevant to how much you are passionate about your job, but this seems silly.

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment10 years ago
  • Is this percentage accurate?

    This is a terribly stupid question, but I just need to make sure I am right.

    There are 744,800,000 shares of the company, therefore, by owning 10 shares I would own .0134% of the company.

    1 AnswerMathematics10 years ago
  • How can I go about making a pocket resume?

    I work in politics and I want to keep a some pocket resumes on me at all times, but how do I go about making them and should they be printed off on cardstock type paper? Could I just print it off at FedEx on my way into work one of these days? Thanks guys!

    1 AnswerOther - Business & Finance10 years ago
  • Who would you vote for on the right?

    Im pretty much on the fence for now, but I'd vote for Huntsman, he seems to be the only one with a sense of intelligence. Cain is someone who I will give props for trying to change the tax system.

    7 AnswersElections10 years ago
  • Since taking office, what have Republicans done to help the economy?

    I say this not as a liberal, but as an independent.

    7 AnswersElections10 years ago
  • Will the Herman Cain 9-9-9 tax be added onto what I already pay in state tax?

    Although I am not sure on his math for most of his economic plan, wouldn't the 9% national sales tax be added onto the already existing sales tax that a state makes you pay? In my state we have an 8% sales tax, so therefore would a $50 purchase go from a total of $54 to $59?

    Now, if I am wrong about this, let me know. This isn't a question that is made up to stir one side, it's just an honest question with how that 9% national sales tax works with an existing state tax.

    6 AnswersElections10 years ago
  • Can I buy a new suit before my landlord cashes the check?

    Im sure the question seemed kind of confusing. Today is the 6th and I called my landlord to see if she even recieved the check I mailed her over a week ago. She said she got it on time, but because she works an 8-5 job she can never run to the bank before it closes. So she says that she is going to go tonight after work to the atm or tomorrow sometime.

    I need to buy a new suit for work. I figured that I could go to the store and get it. I get paid tonight, which usually goes in between midnight and 1 am. So if she hasnt cashed it yet, I should be good to buy one and worst case scernio my direct deposit comes in tonight.

    Does this sound okay? The problem is I have an internship and work and school so I dont have time, I kind of have to do it when I can.

    5 AnswersPersonal Finance10 years ago
  • I start an internship on Monday, I don't know the dress code, how should I dress?

    I start an internship with a major political party in communications on Monday. I came to my first interview and my second in a suit, but for orientation on Monday, I don't know what to dress in. I feel like a suit once again is probably safe. However, their website lists the dress code for interns as dress code casual.

    So what should I come in?

    4 AnswersLaw & Legal10 years ago
  • Can you recommend a tablet that can replace a laptop for school?

    I have been very interested in getting a tablet for some time, but if it can't be used as a replacement for a laptop for school, then it just seems more like a toy.

    I was curious if you guys had any idea of for college students, what kind of a tablet could replace a laptop. A few of my friends have tablets and here's what I have pretty much gotten from them: One has a Motorola tablet (I forget the actual one) and she loves it, says it is a great replacement and very easy to type on and angle, good smooth running machine. 3 friends own iPads and although smooth running and simplistic looking, typing is a huge drag and they had to pay extra for Microsoft office.

    Of course I say all of that with no actual experience myself. Thanks for the recommendations!!!!

    3 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks10 years ago
  • How do I get a roommate out when he is on the lease as well?

    There are 3 of us guys, one of them (let's name him Sam) is someone who I have lived with for more than 2 years and it's been awesome. We were best friends before and still are. We just have a great time being in the same place; this things stay clean, quiet, peaceful.

    Well another guy (we will name him Hank, although some other choice words come to mind) is someone who has been begging to get a place with us for so long. So we decide to get a 3 bedroom house. At first things were good, but we had two rules before we moved in: keep the house clean and also no drugs in the house what so ever. He has smoked weed in his room more then 10 times and despite us talking to him and asking him to stop he won't. We have decided to move out.

    However, I prefer he get out because with college and work I don't have the money nor the time to move. I work at a coffee shop and I asked one of the cops that if we talked to the landlord and she calls the cops on him, would we get charged for drugs since he has them in his room. They said no as long as there wasn't a bong on the coffee table we would be good.

    So Sam wants to just move and not explain this to the landlord. My thought is we tell the landlord she evicts him (it says nothing on the lease about why she can or cannot evict him despite all of our names on the lease) or we move out and she loses the rental income. It also does not say on the lease any penalty for us moving out early. The landlord is an older women.

    Thanks for your help!

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate10 years ago
  • Is there a difference between how much financial aid you get when going to a community college vs a university?

    I'm transferring after next semester and am curious before applying for scholarships and loans. Thanks!

    2 AnswersFinancial Aid10 years ago
  • How do I transfer phone numbers from my Android to my iPhone?

    I don't think it matters, but it's the iPhone 3G and the LG Optimus (Android).

    Thanks guys!

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans10 years ago