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Why are liberals perceived as weak?

Just curious. I am a marine veteran, with a purple heart, lost a couple fingers just outside Fallujah. I love my country dearly, I have served it, and spilled blood (both mine and enemies) for it.

Why the constant steretypes that all liberals are weak? I dont assume every conservative is a 50 year old white dude from texas.


I guess I should have mentioned, I consider myself something of a liberal, as far as I support government at all, which is rare.

Update 2:

One thing I miss about the Marine Corps? Your politics didnt matter a darn once you left the FOB. Most of my best friends were conservative, but I wasnt the only liberal in the platoon. How could would it be if we stopped insulting each other and learned a nationwide buddy system.

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    People like to make generalizations and stereotypes about both of the major political parties (it doesn't stop there, of course, as we stereotype everything). Then they use those stereotypes as insults. It's sad, really, but people think that their insults make a valid argument. People often just end up putting their foot in their mouth.

    "You're wrong because you're a crazy rich white dude! Racist!"

    "You're wrong because you're a crazy pot-smoking hippie! Commie!"

    It really proves nothing.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because if you don't kill and hurt things just for the pleasure of it or for your own self gain, you are not a MAN. They don't tolerate kindness and caring for others. Instead of seeing mercy as a state of enlightenment, they see it as an opportunity not taken.

    If I were a religious person, I might ask what party would Jesus belong to? And the republicans would crucify him once again because he was just to damn wimpy and too damn nice.

    Would Jesus get rich as much as possible no matter who it hurt? Would he think that greed is good? Would he torture innocent people to death?

    And Buddha?

    Liberals actually have to be very strong to stick to convictions they know in their hearts to be right. Its hard to defend yourself for being a "nice guy".

    And I'm sure there are some nice conservatives out there, they're just afraid of sounding like a wimpy liberal. And some dems (congress) are not so merciful, either.

  • 1 decade ago

    First off you are a great American Hero and I thank you for your service to our country keeping us free and safe!

    One word is all you need History. Oh I forgot history is constantly being rewritten by liberals saying how everything in the world is America's fault. I looked at an american history book in our public schools and I surely must have slept most of my life away cause what I remember surely isn't what is being taught. The only thing certain is if you have been in power as a conservative the liberals want to put you, an American, in jail so I guess they aren't weak after all just weak against our enemies. Don't forget to pray for our leaders and our country. May God Bless the greatest country on the face of the earth.

  • 1 decade ago

    The liberal members of the public are not weak at all. The supposedly liberal Democrats, however, are perceived as weak because they are, in reality, a right-wing political party whose role is to deflect the anger of the majority working class public (left-wing) down a harmless channel while at the same time promoting as much of the right-wing agenda as possible. This means that they must always yield to Republican pressure while failing miserably on all real liberal issues -- such as a living wage and national health care. As such, they appear to be weak.

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  • TJ9
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Stereotypical liberals are non violent and won't fight to defend themselves. That is why they're percived as weak. I thought the same for a long time for those reasons.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Perceive them anyway you want, they are in charge for the next 2 or 3 terms.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    How strange, I'm a 50 year old white dude from Texas, and I'm a liberal, and a veteran, and a gun owner and I work for a living.

  • 1 decade ago

    well liberals as they are supposed to be defined, are more as libertarians..(atleast that's how it is worldwide just not here in the USA)

    liberal progressives however are weak because they believe the government should be the key provider in every area of your life. why is that weakness? it's the same as saying american's cannot make a life for themselves, and are good for nothing. It's like giving up on yourself and others. And giving that former drive to the government so they can tell you what to do and how to do it. in a nut shell..liberal progressives are weak because they stand up for the government rather than the people.

  • Many make that mistake. Thank you for your service and welcome home from a veteran of a different war.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    first off i would like to thank you for your sacrifice and service to our country. people like you make me proud to be an american.

    however next, you represent such a small percent of the liberal population it isn't even funny.

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