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Favorite Answers24%

I am a dad, a husband, a warrior, and imperfect. I like different things, and different people.

  • Should University of Maryland AD & Football Coach Resign?

    Last year we went to a bowl and won it, with Coach Friedgen (a Maryland alum) winning ACC COach of the Year.

    We fired him, replaced him with a guy who has taken us to last place this year. 2010-Win a bowl and get ACC Coach of the Year. 2011-Go to last place.

    Should the Athletic Director and Football coach be asked to resign?

    Oh, if you think they should, please sign this petition.

    Please sign the petition to remove these clowns from Maryland.

    2 AnswersFootball (American)10 years ago
  • Why is a one way ticket more expensive?

    I am moving from the USA to Europe next spring and was shopping one way airline tickets. I was stunned to see them all going for roughly 2000 dollars. Yet, if I shopped for round trip tickets, they go for roughly 700 dollars.. My question is in two parts, first, WHY? Second, can I not just buy a round trip ticket, and then not use the return trip component?

    Thanks in Advance for all helpful responses.

    1 AnswerAir Travel10 years ago
  • What would you drive for Cannonball Europe?

    My best friend and I are going to do the European Cannonball. England to Moscow. It's a bucket list activity.

    We are looking at a couple of cars. Ferrari, Lamborghini, Aston Martin, BMW, or Porsche. We will rent a luxury car, and beat this thing like a mule from London to Moscow.

    I want a hot car, that is likely to take a 5 day drive across Europe, ideally without breaking down.

    What car would you drive, and why?

    We are serious by the way. We have both wanted to do this since we were kids and watched the cannonball run movie. About 6k pounds to enter, and we have airfare from US to UK, luxury rental fees, bribes for eastern european cops, all factored in and budgeted. It will be a 40k week easy.

    What car do you suggest?

    4 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation1 decade ago
  • Is government necessary?

    Belgium has not had a national government for 8 months now. People go to work, kids go to school, the trash gets picked up.

    So it makes me wonder. Why do we need Washington DC? Seriously? Belgium seems to be doing OK.

    4 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Spiritually speaking, these questions are all the same?

    Atheists, theists, those who cite endless scripture, those who are funny.

    It is an endless circle, should I get off the ride now?

    I feel like Forrest Gump after he ran across America.

    I am tired now, I think I will go home. Who is with me?

    Sayonara to the religion section?

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How can we promote internet civility?

    Anyone who looks at the comments section of any news story will read a lot of incivility, aggression, and rage. How can we combat this? Serious answers please. Have a good day....

    6 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Should America follow Egypt & Tunisia?

    Should we have a revolution? One only has to look through all the political corruption trials. They are all in it for themselves, and nothing seems to change. Disgust for elected and appointed officials is at an all time high. Look at city of Ball California. Should we have a revolution? I see some merit in the concept. Would you be willing to boot every elected official in the US, and hang a few of the worst as an example?

    6 AnswersCivic Participation1 decade ago
  • Do you think Humanity will last?

    Escalating warfare, disease, environmental pollution. Politics that seem to worry about fluff issues versus substance. People like Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, and Al Sharpton being public figures who are actually listened to. Actors making more money than scientists. Starvation.

    People like to think about survival, but I try to take an objective look, and I cannot see us lasting.

    What do you think? Try to be objective and real. Thanks.

    3 AnswersBiology1 decade ago
  • Orioles ownership change ever coming?

    So, it's hard being an O's fan. We stink, and are on track to have one of the 10 worst seasons of any team in history. Our owner and the front office lick the sweat off a dead man's testicles.

    Why can't he see how much we all despise this walking poopstain and sell? Does he enjoy owning a loser team, being reviled, and publicly proving his incompetence at being an MLB owner?

    Is he making money with Camden Yards (a great stadium) being so empty you can hear the crickets?

    I mean, WTF???????

    2 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • Why do people eat their boogers sometimes?

    I get having a nose pick every now and then. I cannot claim to have never done that myself. But eating it? I am morbidly curious, what makes some people eat their boogers after picking them? I am serious. I would not do that, unless fair sums of money were on the table. Why do some of you eat your boogers?

    6 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Is the government spitting in our faces by increasing IRS funding?

    Please star this question if you find it a worthy debate.

    I am curious. I am not a member of the TEA PARTY. I don't disagree with them on taxation, but it seems they also seem to have other issues and not all of them I agree with.

    I look at how the IRS is getting billions in more funding. I see how audits are skyrocketing, and when we are at our poorest, we get squeezed even harder. Audits cost money for a taxpayer to respond to, it is very much an inquistion. I went through one, and I was squeaky clean. However, I was made to feel like a cheater and criminal in the process, and spent about a thousand dollars on my CPA as he reviewed my records. It was demeaning. I am the people, I am a veteran. I think I deserved respect and got nothing.

    I think big picture though. I think about congressmen and senators who say "I represent the little man, I represent the average Joe"

    Well, I am the average Joe, and I feel that every single one of my congressmen and senators have ripped me off. Mob rule.

    I am just so disgusted. The only guy I look to in congress and give him credit is that guy from Texas, Ron Paul. However, by being in congress this long and not effecting change, one has to wonder if he just uses this position to keep himself in power.

    I really think our government is spitting in our faces. I really think it is no longer by the people for the people. I think it is by the people, for the congress.

    Is a revolution possible? Should it happen?

    I am truly curious, and welcome all views. I believe in respectful discussions. Intelligent answers welcome.

    I quote Voltaire. I may not agree with what it is you have to say, but I defend to the death your right to say it.


    4 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • R&S crowd, I have earthly questions?

    OK, so I have a BBQ grill that I love, and has these cast iron cooking surfaces. they rust a little. How do I remove the rust and season them? I know how to season a cast iron pan, but not so sure how to remove the rust.

    Secondly, some savage broke off the antenna on my toyota forerunner, and I was not fortunate enough to witness it ( i would have spanked that kid in the middle of the parking lot). If I install a Sirius satellite radio, with the hard wire connection to the radio, can I go without the antenna?

    Yeah, I know that this isnt religious or spiritual, and I know I am trying to squeeze a two-fer in here, but I truly could use some advice on these pressing issues.

    Deus est mea lux.

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • My fellow Catholics....?

    Are you generally of good spirit and humor on this site, or do you get all emotional? For example, I like the atheists generally, and although some of the born again splitters are a trifle irritating (some not all), I tend to be of good spirit with them too.

    What I am trying to drive at....I think of all the R&S regulars, I am wondering if we tend to be calm and cheerful as a group, or if it's just a few of us...

    Peace be with you.

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Are there any neocon atheists?

    Curious....there are liberal and conservative catholics, was wondering if the atheist side of the house had the same diversity. Any atheists listening to Rush Limbaugh for example?

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Spiritually Religious gangfights?

    Lets say the following religions all got onto a field of battle and duked it out....who would win? Assume 20 people each, equal weaponry.

    1- Catholics

    2- Mormons

    3- Scientologists

    4- Baptists

    5- Jews

    6- Atheists

    Who's your donkey? Who gets dropped first? Who stands victorious at the end. I didnt include muslims because that just gets the fun of this exercise too mired in current events.

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Spiritually Speaking, how would you handle....?

    I was diagnosed with Swine flu, and must admit it is not the worst flu I have ever had. I will easily recover, and get a solid 10 days on house quarantine, which is nice. and if it comes back more lethal in a few months, I will have developed immunity

    So I was scared last night, and in a rare moment of honesty and seriousness, I will tell you I was pooping apples.

    I prayed. It was nice.

    For my atheist brethren, do you miss the ability to sincerely pray? It has its moments. Yeah, I know the whole guilt thing about Catholicism can blow at times, but the praying is nice, and lets not even mention a solid church bake sale.

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why are liberals perceived as weak?

    Just curious. I am a marine veteran, with a purple heart, lost a couple fingers just outside Fallujah. I love my country dearly, I have served it, and spilled blood (both mine and enemies) for it.

    Why the constant steretypes that all liberals are weak? I dont assume every conservative is a 50 year old white dude from texas.

    16 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Will IBM or Microsoft acquire SAP?

    Oracle acquiring Sun seems to be a shot aimed at IBM or Microsoft.

    They could afford to acquire SAP, the only 2 companies who could.

    I know MSFT is pushing harder into the business software side of the house, and SAP has a strong dominance on this market.

    Seems to make sense you might see SAP get acquired. Anyone see pro's and cons of this?

    2 AnswersCorporations1 decade ago