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Is the government spitting in our faces by increasing IRS funding?

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I am curious. I am not a member of the TEA PARTY. I don't disagree with them on taxation, but it seems they also seem to have other issues and not all of them I agree with.

I look at how the IRS is getting billions in more funding. I see how audits are skyrocketing, and when we are at our poorest, we get squeezed even harder. Audits cost money for a taxpayer to respond to, it is very much an inquistion. I went through one, and I was squeaky clean. However, I was made to feel like a cheater and criminal in the process, and spent about a thousand dollars on my CPA as he reviewed my records. It was demeaning. I am the people, I am a veteran. I think I deserved respect and got nothing.

I think big picture though. I think about congressmen and senators who say "I represent the little man, I represent the average Joe"

Well, I am the average Joe, and I feel that every single one of my congressmen and senators have ripped me off. Mob rule.

I am just so disgusted. The only guy I look to in congress and give him credit is that guy from Texas, Ron Paul. However, by being in congress this long and not effecting change, one has to wonder if he just uses this position to keep himself in power.

I really think our government is spitting in our faces. I really think it is no longer by the people for the people. I think it is by the people, for the congress.

Is a revolution possible? Should it happen?

I am truly curious, and welcome all views. I believe in respectful discussions. Intelligent answers welcome.

I quote Voltaire. I may not agree with what it is you have to say, but I defend to the death your right to say it.


4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The government used to function without income tax's. Income is defined by the uniform tax code as the profit's made by corporations, not personal wages. IRS buildings make good runways. Ron Paul is a god. he's the only honest one in the bunch, and he knows what he's talking about. End the Fed.

    Abolish the IRS. Nowhere in the constitution does it say we have to pay, to live here. Thank god we don't get all the government we pay for.

  • 5 years ago

    The program that is flying that Imam around the Middle East was begun under the previous Bush administration. Funny none of you people had a problem with it then. The 9/11 attacks were no more an attack by the relgion of Islam than the bombing of the Alfred P Murrah Federal Building was an attack by Christianity. Every religion has its zealots and nutcases but you don't stereotype an entire people based on the actions of those nutcases. Having a Muslim cultural center (with prayer room) a few blocks from the WTC site is no different than the prayer services that were held BY CHRISTIANS on the actual site of a bombing by a Christian fanatic. People's objections to the Muslim cultural center in New York are emotional, not rational and as emotional reactions tend to be they are based on irrational fears and ignorance. Policy shouldn't be determined by such things. As a rational and educated person I can seperate the 19 idiots who conducted the 9/11 attacks from the 6 million American Muslim's who go about their daily lives just like everyone else and had nothing to do with 9/11. If you think it is OK to deny the rights of a persecuted minority due to guilt-by-association then congratulations, you have allowed the terrorists to win and all those people on 9/11 died for nothing.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Until The United States starts implementing The Fair Tax then the IRS will be as objective as figure skating judges in the Olympics.

    In my lifetime I don't think we will see this happen as our tax system is based on controlling people's lives.

    Sorry you had to go through the audit.

  • 1 decade ago

    It is unfair to us who pay our taxes for the IRS to be sloppy and let people get away with tax fraud or not paying at all. We need to step up enforcement, and leave it to the Right to make a paranoid dither about it.

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