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"Alert" -10 points: "answer" violation: view question-CLICK-"you cannot view this question at this time"?

A number of my questions have been deleted, because of what Yahoo considers "chit chatting": posting comments on responders answers.

By going to the questions section, at least the caption of the question that has been "removed", can be viewed.

And I rarely ever get an "answer" violation; but this morning I did. When I click on the "view this question" option in the Activity Details section, what comes up? "You cannot view this question at this time".

How in the h*ll is one supposed to learn what they did wrong?




"Clare": I would speculate your question was removed because "maybe" one of the following reasons:

Depending on how you phrased it, "commerical solicitation".

Possibly you've attracted a "stalker".

The helpful response you received, again, perhaps "commercial solicitation".

Otherwise, anybody's guess.


Update 2:


"person": No, I don't: that's the problem.

"Drag Queen of Yack": I think you hit the nail squarely on the head.

"8 track mind": Thanks; I needed that. Will try to get thru the day now with a "chuckle" every now and then, recalling you're very apt description of such poor idiots.


10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You didn't do anything wrong. However, it appears that you have attracted a "report monkey" stalker. You can tell them because their mothers didn't love them, and also that flat part of their craniums where daddy dropped them when they were young, lol.

  • petr b
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The only qualifications to join YA are: to be alive; thirteen; near a computer; have the ability to reach the keys ~ even if you need a highchair to get there.

    Quid Erat Demonstratum YA.

    Et voila: you are an expert, authority, anything appearing in print becomes legitimate and indisputable...........................................

    Would that YA treat their adult members in a more adult and mystical manner: That just will not happen. It would hardly ever come up if the age requirement had a higher number.

    Use of standard language and a real effort toward spelling would be a boon, aboon, baboon.

    You have to remember the general demographic of all the users of this forum.

    Police, while gathering evidence, often have to sort through mountains of well-intended but entirely incorrect solicited and unsolicited information. People will give information because they really think they know, when they're not sure, and when they know they don't know. Others will come onto the scene and linger for attention, company and generally of no use to anyone else at the site of the incident.

    I've done that which you were 'guilty' of on YA.

    I'm sure less, because of me lesser exposure to it.

    There are certainly instances that almost compel any of us to say something that is , "...loud enough to wake the baby." ( so aptly put to me by a colleague.)

    I've answered, heading the answer with (IMHO) I knew many of the posted answers were incomplete or inaccurate, without dissing the other respondents. I was compelled to actually say "come on people, how can there be a middle pedal if that piano has only two?" re: piano conformation. And if I were a saint I might have shut my mouth and prayed for them.

    [ Should one use 'conformation' while nattering on about a piano, does that mean the piano is an equine? ]

    Best, Petr B.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Just Yahoo being ridiculous. I've never gotten an "answer" violation but I got my question removed when I posted a link to a piano piece I composed and wanted feedback on it. Someone posted a very long, helpful response, and I decided to wait and see if I would get any other answers, and the next day my question was removed. I recieved a violation notice with the reason "Community Guidelines and/or Terms Of Service Violation." I might try again one more time soon, and see if Yahoo doesn't notice or care this time.

    Sorry for the rant. I have no idea how you're supposed to find out what you did wrong. :(

    Edit: You're probably right about the "commercial solititation." Guess it makes no difference to them whether those are actually my intentions.

  • 1 decade ago

    I've had several answers be reported because of the whole DYOH thing. Once, I asked for it- I read the question wrong, he did say in the description that the sources were conflicting. My fault! But every other time it has been silly things like "Do you want to test your knowledge of Pride and Prejudice?- Then answer these 10 questions!"

    Oh well. They do technically say in their guidelines that "Do your own homework" is not an acceptable answer. I guess bluntness is punishable but cheating isn't. Come on, there's a difference between "homework help" and "When was Beethoven born"?

    Lauren CB- you're a meanie head, and we don't want you here either! How else am I supposed to ask questions about Wagner action figures? (They probably exist, I have Jane Austen and Oscar Wilde action figures) :)

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 1 decade ago

    "Use of standard language and a real effort toward spelling would be a boon, aboon, baboon."

    I really, really wish that that were true. However, I've been on forums full of adults. The general standard of writing is usually just as bad as it is on Y!A.

    I've been violated for agreeing with what the questioner said. I swear that the staff just hand out violation notices at random; some of my answers in the Philosophy section probably *should* have attracted violation notices, but they are still there.

    I've had the "you cannot view this question at this time" thingy. I just signed out and did a search for the question. It was still there, and so was my answer.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, I wish that the violation notices would spell out exactly what justification was used to remove the question. So far I've had several answer removed and only one question ... the answers I don't really care about, but I challenged the removal of the question. It was promptly reinstated.

    It may be worth your while to reply to the violation notice and ask to have the question restored.

    ... and now for the "chit-chat" portion of this question:

    Lauren C-B: (you will be forever known as the "Question Pimp" in my mind now.) I hope you do take up the suggestion on Brahms and Amy Beech. (after all, they were my suggestions) It might also be nice to get a copy of all of Woodland Sketches (Op. 51) by Edward MacDowell.

  • 1 decade ago

    yahoo touts its forums everywhere,charges advertisers and internet/phone service users for service ,,,hence they repeat each q 15 to 25 times,advertisers could care less about this stuff,,,,,,most delete/vios are due to the poor judgment of two or more users,,,yahoo abdicates responsibility in allowing this in the first place,and not addressing appeals in a timely manner,,,,hollerin at yahoo is like yellin at the tv set bout the commercials,,,,,,you don't like it ,theres a new user,or a dozen only minutes away from signing for a new account,,,,,,,people using this service may be in a wheel chair,bed ridden,,crippled,take a lot of time to communicate and then feel hogtied & apoplectic cuz o this idiocy,what ought to reign is,,minus cuss words,ca ca,poo poo,etc,post every farkin question or its gonna cost someone a few hundred thousand bucks in a free speech tort case,,,courts are packed with people with a hurt pinky looking for an easy 50k,or a McDonald's spilled coffee cup,yahoo sold this same technology to the chinese so they could keep tabs on and ride herd on dissidents,,,,,,,,,,,,they made maybe hundreds of millions,yahoo just laid off 1100 people a week ago,,,,,,,user ding dongs now do the nonwork of the moderators,be more productive to call shanghai hq than calling sunnyvale,man these guys are maroons

    Source(s): see zapata q jokes and riddles,,,,a thousand monkeys on a thousand keyboards,,,,,,,,a thousand pianos,,,,,,,,,,got an insipid delete/vio for an insipid question
  • 1 decade ago

    I received my fist answer violation just a few days ago. The asker had reported me because I posted an answer that said, "Just FYI, this question is in the wrong category." It was a legitimate question...I guess...however, they posted a question about finding 80s super hero action figures in the Education and Reference>Words and Wordplay. Color me baffled. I do have to say though, I received an email from a person the other day who was obviously VERY intelligent. His question was about video game moves, also in the Words and wordplay category. I wrote the exact same thing as his answer, to which he replied, "go away! no one wants you here because you're a meanie head! i just wanted an answer to my question! don't ever answer one of my questions again, meanie head!"

    It was the highlight of my day

    Also, I don't generally "pimp" my questions, but on this one since I'm looking for as many opinions as I can get, I guess I'll "suggest" a question for you to answer! HA! No really, I'm looking for as many intelligent suggestions as possible.;_ylt=Aklbo...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That sucks. Do you even know which answer it was? Oh, and watch this question get deleted now. XD

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Basically I would say the questioner blocked you and reported you.

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