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Lv 7

Question for Black American Christians?

Whenever I see Blacks preaching, singing gospel, witnessing, etc., I cannot help but wonder: do any of them ever think, "this religion was forced on my ancestors by their slave masters"? I also cannot help but think the slaves' descendants have traded one slave master for another: the Lord and Master Jesus, a "good master", but who, nevertheless, severely punishes those who do not do as they are told.

So my question is: have you ever considered these things?


Hunter: I'm curious. Please explain to me how this question is "racist"?

Update 2:

George A: that is just one of the many stereotypes believers have of atheists. I know of no atheist, myself included, who "secretly believes in God". Trying to find a way to help take the stigmatism (in the U.S.) out of atheism and to create real communication between theists and nontheists happens to be a passion of mine. That has nothing to do with trying to "disprove God" or of wanting to believe or of secretly believing, etc. When Christians come here and ask questions of atheists do you say they must secretly NOT believe or secretly want to be atheists?

Update 3:

Chieko: Yes, others have been slaves, and there still are slaves. However, my question concerns a particular group of slaves: those who were taken from Africa to be slaves to white, Christian Americans. That you "smell a racist" due to this question says more about your mindset than it does about me or my question. Can white people never speak of slavery without being called "racist"? Can I not speak of men without being called "sexist"? And my question would hardly apply to the Jews in Egypt now would it? (Although, come to think of it, there are theories that the Jews got their idea for monotheism while they were slaves in Egypt. Hm... interesting...)

Update 4:

Thank you to all who actually answered what I asked without charging me with being a racist. I knew it was likely some would attack me, and, indeed, some have. I find it interesting and perplexing how this question can be called "racist". Sometimes I think some people are just hypersensitive to other people talking about ANY race, trait, characteristic, history, experience... the speaker does not share. That hypersensitivity may be understandable at times, but it leaves no room for real communication. Those who have charged me and this question with racism: how can a white person speak of some of the experiences of other races without being called, "RACIST"?

Update 5:

Anna: quit trying to hard to paint me a racist based on this question. OF COURSE not all people who are darker than me are Black. And OF COURSE not all Blacks were born in America. I was asking a particular group of people a question. By the way, you have NO IDEA what my own ethnic and racial heritage is. Nor do you know, at all, how I feel about people of any color or ethnicity. You try too hard to find racism, seeing it where it is not.

21 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Part of the reason why I'm no longer religious. I can't subscribe to an idea that is repeatedly used by people with agendas to keep others down and promote racism.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Why are black human beings so jewish? Now you have the common black, a 2nd type citizen of the "jewish" civilization who's desperately attempting to instruct his/her loyalty to his masters via synagogues going and training hate against non jews

  • yes, but you forget that Christianity was not first intduced to Africans by the slave masters. Thier were missionaries sent out before Slavery and there were Christians before slavery. We all converted afterwards because we had to, and Christianity promises something better after death for those who have had har lives so that is why poor and mistreated people around the world have often flocked to Jesus.

    Source(s): People will use anything to keep others down, I go from what the book says, not what some crazy people warped it to mean for thier own ambitions and motives.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    well I am not african american, but I can say i have been abandoned, I cannot say I know what an african american feels like, but as a mormon I was never embraced and ostersized by my ward and family before I even left. When I finally got saved after being an atheist, I cna say I have more freedom, I am quite an independant women and some men may not like that in th echurhc, but they did nto marry me and I am not out to get their apporval since I am not married ot them, so to think that I am gdoing as I am told is totally silly. If I did as I was told I would have the approval of everyoen and it is clear that some of th emen do not think I follow properly under authority, in fact some think becaus eI am more independant and open minded then their wives that I am a rebellious wife, but they don;t have to put up with me, my husband does. I think they feel sorry for my husband.

    Source(s): Hunter doe snot understand that God has angels and they are his servants, but God treats them better, God just wishes his kids would treat their servants the way he treats his. There will always be a chain of command, even in heaven. Even the demons have a chain of command.
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  • 1 decade ago

    I think it's an awesome demonstration of what they're are feeling from God and how they have evolved over the years and now having a black president! They were in bondage and now they're free to be as others to have the same rights. But religion is forced upon people of all nationalities. Such as the Catholics who wreaked havoc on the people of south america and native americans. Truth is inside of us as humans through the chakras and DNA of god in the past, we reach to ideals that are possibly made up by man. Man wrote the Bible as King James but left many truths out.

  • 1 decade ago

    If it weren't for those stupid slave owners, we would never know who God was/is. Christianity is not from white people. however is funny how they believed in God but didnt have the brains and common sense to know that what they were doing was wrong. wow the dominant race.....right.

  • 1 decade ago

    not really... but it seems obvious that you have... and Christianity wasn't forced upon our ancestors by slave masters... it was something they turned to as an escape from te cruelty the white people had towards them...!

  • My mom let me choose my own religion and she did chose her own too.

  • chieko
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    lol...why is it when white people think "slavery", their minds immediately turn to black people? i smell a racist..

    jews were slaves, europeans were slaves, asians were slaves, women were slaves, children were slaves...

    and in some places, slavery still exists and they aren't necessarily black people...

    now rethink your question without the color prejudice...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    it was not forced on me, and many slaves became Christian on their own, if I don't want to be a Christian then I won't be one I choose to be one

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