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Lv 6

Why are there so many 'Christians' that have lovers?

Isn't it very non-Christian to have sex outside of marriage. Why is it that now days, this sin has become justified?

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Because we are too busy excusing immorality to actually avoid it and chastise our brethren over it.

    Heck we're even condoning homosexuality in some churches. And the Bible's admonitions against homosexuality are no stronger than its admonitions against fornication amongst heterosexuals.

    But we conveniently overlook that, and while it won't cost us our salvation - it certainly costs us our ability to witness about the wonderful life available in Christ.

    I may not like the tone of your question - but you're right to ask it. I hope my answer doesn't disappoint.

    Source(s): I've lost two marriages over infidelity. This one I know by heart.
  • 1 decade ago

    in1859 the theory of evolution was published...soon our court system and education system along with art and culture began a courtship with relativism...when philosophically people are indoctrinated that there is no absolute truth a gradual compromise has taken over 100 years to bring us to where we are today. God's standards have not changed Jesus taught that the very act of lusting was equal to fulfilling the adulteress desire. In the letter to the churches they are told to repent of there fornication' fact a great falling away was prophecy for the end times..we are seeing it now...

  • 1 decade ago

    its bcos alota christians r tryin 2 be lik the world Jesus said b in the world but dnt b lik the world dnt do wht they do and some r not readin their bibles and r putin themselves in bad situations where they r likely 2 sin where they r weak at some r not prayin and askinGod 4 strength it is not justified it's still a sin tht has conseq.

    Source(s): bible
  • Sam C
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    that's a very good question! i have been saved since jr high/early high school, but i got pregnant in college with my bf. everyone has temptations in areas of life. mine was sexual sin. like many others before me, i fell prey to satan's lie that i couldn't wait, that i should just do it my own way. sadly, it's as common in the Church as outside (as is pornography). there are a lot of people who call themselves christians but aren't (live a double life), and then there are a lot like me who truly love the Lord and yet stumble big-time. we all sin. divorce has become just as justified. it's high time to repent as a whole Church.

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  • 1 decade ago

    dude. get real. Everybody now-a days sins. No matter your religion, you usually sin at least once in your life if not more....Jesus died on the cross for "our" sins....he did that, knowing we would sin.....

    but yea, like someone else said "we are only human" ...some people are strict christians who dont have sex before marriage and some arent as strict and all depends on how strict of a christian you are ....or how strict anyone is to their religion.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Probably because most christians are humans dear.

    Oh and by the way, Jesus and John were lovers and you might agree that Jesus was christian...

    Source(s): John the "disciple whom Jesus loved" (John 13:23, 19:26, 21:7,20)
  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, it would seem people think as times change, what pleases or

    displeases God changes also, but God tells us in His word that He is

    the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. So if God didn't like

    fornication in the New Testament, He doesn't like it now. Especially

    among those that call themselves His children.

    May God bless you.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    oh, so those mass christian orgies i participated in WEREN'T described in the bible? those LIARS! What ELSE have they lied about?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    societal influences will often take control.

    Just like an addictive drug.

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