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Lv 6
Emily asked in Politics & GovernmentGovernment · 1 decade ago

What have Republicans DONE?

In *ALL REALITY*, what of any substance has the republican party put into political effect for the legitimate benefit of the average American?


Wow... "kept us safe"? "built our military"?

Apparently, military might is one thing that Republicans want to claim that they have a hand in.

Oh, and "freed the slaves"? You cannot seriously be claiming that Lincoln would be a republican by today's standards.

Republicans feed on the fear they can instill in their public... pandering to the masses who have no other request than "give me my gun and don't take all my money". Tell them what they want to hear, and you can still do whatever you want (and basically, that seems to be to capitalize on a Military-Industrial complex and to continue to take as much money from big business as possible).

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Back when they were the party of civil rights, they did quite a bit.

  • 1 decade ago

    Are you for real so your basic opinion is that the Republican Party has existed for almost 200 years and did nothing for this country how stupid or you?

    How far would you like to go back they were the priority that freed the slaves in the civil war if you did not know Abraham Lincoln was a republican?

    President Teddy Roosevelt started our national Parks and was one of the biggest leaders of environmental issues in his time he was a republican

    They were the party who put the end two most of laws that allowed racial discrimination l

    They are the reason we have the silver rights act

    We are the party that ended WW 2 Korean war Vietnam War

    Which were all started by democrats?

    Vietnam War the stupid democrats go over and start a war that they won't allow our man to win than when people like you did not like them because of it they cut off the funding while the war was still going. And when we left Vietnam more than a million people were killed look up with and read about the killing fields this was the fault of the Democratic Party

    The Reagan revolution created the longest consecutive economic boom this country ever saw nineteen consecutive years them George Bush allowed the democrats to increase taxes to approve his budget with a promise from them they would cut spending they didn’t cut spending and the economic recession started so bill Clinton became president and republicans controlled Congress and cut spending and ended a lot of excessive social programs and a economic boom began and continued through Clinton's administration because of the republican party not the democrats .so GWB becomes president and cuts taxes gets into a war and allowed Congress to spend like a bunch of drunken sailors you cannot say what has occurred in this economy was the fault of the republican party it is the fault of the democratic controlled Congress. Congress and makes laws and budgets for our government the president only has the right to accept it or veto it you need to start blaming the fat cats in the democratic party who take money from every corporate *** in America to turn a blind eye to their little rip-off game not the republican party

    yes I do have a right to my guns yes I have a right to free speech yes I have a right to the freedom of religion yes I believe all men are created equally yes I believe in protecting the life of everybody including unborn children these rights are not given to me by some liberal *** democrat these rights were given to me by my creator and no one will take them away without a fight. Go get educated if you believe you can keep what you have without these beliefs you are a full

  • 1 decade ago

    Great Easy Question! They have dominated politics for the past 40 years compared to democrats, They have freed African Americans from being slaves. They currently right now can't do anything in Washington because it is being run by some left wing goons with enrealistic ideas that want make our economy worse Spending hundreds of billions of dollars.

    My Top 5 favorite Republicans of all time:

    1.Abraham Lincoln

    2.Dr. Martin Luther King

    3.Ronald Regan

    4.Benjamin Franklin

    5.Thomas Jefferson

  • 1 decade ago

    If you look at the red/blue areas on a political map, we grow your food, run the railroads,serve in the military, own the small business's. I do realize there are Dems who also do these things but the majority are Conservatives.

    Just the way it is

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  • 1 decade ago

    Freed the slaves, passed the voting rights and civil rights acts in the 60s. organized the NAACP in 1871. Had the first black delegate to their convention that year. (it took the Democrats until 1934 to seat a black man at theirs). Ended the war in Vietnam, Faced down and eventually brought the Soviet Union down. Seems like we have done quite a bit in our history. Perhaps you should try looking it up yourself. Why do you bother asking this question when you really don't want an answer. And yes Lincoln would be a Republican, so would John Kennedy and Harry Truman.

    Oh and I didn't mention the military, but we are safer with a realist in the WH rather than a liberal that "depends on the kindness of strangers" to keep the Country safe.

  • 1 decade ago

    For the past decade? Virtually nothing of benefit. They did turn a huge surplus into a deficit, drug us into an unnecessary war, compromised our Constitutional rights, tried to force their right-wing social agenda, and and generally humiliated us in front of the rest of the world. I think they benefitted their own pockets, but they certainly didn't benefit the average American.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm going to laugh when in 6 months you are asking the same question about Democrats.

    Republicans have kept you safe and kept your taxes down for years. They also have more respect for the Constitution.

    Obama and his Goons will have the whole country voting Republican by 2010.

  • Tony
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Freed the slaves

    Ended the recession of the 70's

    Kept the country safe

  • 1 decade ago

    Built our military

    Kept democrats at bay with taxes.

    Okay, you tell us what has the democrtaic party done during the history of the United States. The two things I know that they are quite proffecient at is raising taxes and make up some kind of program to assist the needy or lazy and design it so they stay on the program.

  • 1 decade ago

    Ron Paul's on the right track

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