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Why say Jesus went on the Cross due to our sins ? ?

Is it due to our sinful character that Jesus was crucified ? Or to absolve us of our Sins, GOD set an example ?

I feel Jesus showed us that Life on this Earth does not end with Death. That Soul is the most important factor, which we can't perceive, So be a Saint like Jesus.

Now Your Views .......


Yet we still Sinnnn ....

How many Jesus has to prove it, so that we may be Pure ?

Still the West do not believe in rebirth and Effect of our deeds !

Update 2:

The philosophy that Jesus propagated was similar to the Advaitya (non-dual) at one hand for the Believers. For remaining laymen it was Faith building by Jesus through the Bible which recounts the previous prophets.

Update 3:

Dream L,

We believe when a little is proved and many tell about our forefathers.

The story here supports a Philosophy.

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I totally agree with you. I think Christians miss the mark on that one. Jesus came to be a model for us. According to my religion, Jesus is one of the most enlightened beings, and the one responsible for our planet. He came to give us his life as an example to be followed. His teachings are more important than his death. He died at the cross pretty much to say at his last moment "Father, forgive them, because they don't know what they are doing". Think about it, if we don't know what we are doing, how come we are sinners? If we don't know what we are doing, in fact we are innocent creatures. Children don't know what they are doing and they can't be held accountable, can they? The same way, we don't know what we are doing, therefore we can't be held accountable. And like children, we need to learn. That's why we are here, to learn and progress. Jesus is one of the teachers sent to this planet to give us his lesson and his lesson is primarily based on Love and Forgiveness.

    Christians forget that there is more than just believe in Jesus, we are called to follow his words and do as he told us. If we don't do what he told us, it is a mistake to think we are already forgiven. We will take the consequences for not listening to Him. But there is no punishment, my friend, because God is extremely good and merciful. Instead of punishment, burn in fire or something like that, we will return to this world over and over, until we get the message straight. That's why reincarnation is the answer and is the only reasonable answer.


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Show me the people who had seen Jesus and he being nailed on the Cross. Show me the person who had met god who told him that God sent his son Jesus to wash the sin of all the people on earth. this is the best joke I have ever heard. If God exists, then he should be a single power, how did he get a wife? His wife should also be a God then, without a wife he cannot have a son - who is the so called Jesus. How can one person's blood purify all the rest of the people's sin? this is the most insensible statement anyone could release. If the practice of drinking wine considering it as the blood of Jesus and eating the cake considering it as the Flesh of Jesus, then christians are taught to be man-eaters. Don't believe in all these senseless stories. Bible is nothing beyond a wild imaginative story.

  • 1 decade ago

    Redemption of mankind through Jesus' death on the Cross was God's plan since the fall of man in the garden of Eden.

    We are not sinners because we sin, but we sin because we ARE sinners! In the times of old, forgiveness of sin was obtained through sacrificial rites in which innocent animals were used - the sins would be transferred onto them and then scarified, and therefore the sinners would be washed clean.

    When Jesus (God the Son) became flesh and came on earth as Emmanuel (God with us), he was the only sinless man ever existed - and therefore the perfect sacrifice. When dying on the cross He was bearing the sins of all mankind and offered us a way to life eternal.

    Through His resurrection He conquered death once and for all - this is why He cried "It is finished" - His redemptive work wa completed!

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    That's an interesting fiction.

    Here's the truth

    All men have sinned and have fallen short of the Glory of God

    But while we were yet sinner God sent His onlu begotten Son to become sin for use

    By His death on the cross Jesus paid the price for our sin

    By his ressurection He has opened the door for our ressurection from this temple of flesh into elverlasting life.

    Don't ever denegrate the power of the blood of Jesus that brought us to a place to where WE may Boldly enter the throne room of God and cry Abba Father

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  • 1 decade ago

    Heb 9:26-28

    26 For then must he often have suffered since the foundation of the world: but now once in the end of the world hath he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself.

    27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:

    28 So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.


    I Jn 2:2

    2 And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world.


  • Rob P
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    He demonstrated how easily our sins are overcome and forgiven and that true life is not in the worldly form but in the spiritual everlasting one.

    Ours is to acknowledge that we are above sin and then we too shall be risen, uniting the Father with the Son and the Holy Spirit.

  • 1 decade ago

    The Bible is a book of time immemorial and in this 21st Century, at certain parts of the word, the Bible is still popular but in other parts, it is merely a work of literature without the Author. General a story of historical or fictional has a time of interest. I do not know what you do mean by "God". If God is in the meaning of "One who can do everything", then we have to define this "everything that He can do". Jesus, to my knowledge, did not live like us. He did not marry, If marriage is a sin (sexual relation), the whole earth would have been dump. He did not not have children So how does he know "family". A human or other lively being's first duty is to give the way for new generation to earth for maintenance of the earth and existence of its lives. One should marry and should have at-least one child, else his not going to know what human life is. Next is fame and name - If I say Mr. PNQ was a great Scholar or Scientist, you do not have any idea or picture about Mr. PNQ but the idea - about one person 'a Jesus Christ' a five letter word which gives a photograph drawn by a good artist or painter, of different actions - like film wall-posters. Then what else, his advices - of-course, those advices are very attractive and practicable, if tried. If one likes advices, anybody can give good advises "to be good human beings". So, Jesus was merely a name of an age, no reliable figure, no reliable advice and a lot of stories only. It gives us a lot of moral inspiration. That is why, if 4 people starts talking and a good news-media announces, a person for long, he becomes great.

    Bible is not a history. Let us believe Jesus was a man who lived and the Ruler of that time did not like him. They took him to the cross. We do not have idea of the other side of Jesus, if any, being a human, how can he be free from selfishness. Every sin is the result of selfishness. If one is hungry, he would eat what he gets, without looking to whom the food belongs or owned.

    But, who was his grandfather and grandmother, it is hidden in the Bible? Every favourable person is the son of God. instead of Maria, there would be another female name.. Unless we do have clarity, such matters are purely commercial - expectation in return. I advise, we need not to believe every miracle faced by others. Belief is our own interest and our only liking. Belief is not expectation as the missionaries say. It is me to decide whether I have to believe using my mind and my brain. After all, what is belief. Missionery would spread roumours that he met the lotto and so on his and the Atlas (greek hero) has lifted the Earth . Let us ask, how much it is useful for our present day life, to follow those lies and advises (unless we expect great wealth), then let us start living in truth now itself. There is not scientific life-style, nor scientific beliefs. These religions and Bibles were of a part of the life-style of a time of a group of people and NEVER was OURS. They might have dreamt many and wrote many Bibles. God has given human the power to know and affirm and take decision; to reject or accept and if we did not utilise our powers, it is in vain. The God who created them is the one who created us. Your God is your own and my God is mine. I should not insist you to accept my God by you as it is selfish motive, to live proudly without any labour. This is the first Sin and in such case they would say "they are sinners". All the Christian Saints were sinners - spreading their ignorance of God and Life and take advantage of it. I can provide more proof and more logic on this matter, but all my efforts to prove God's existence (as said by them) were futile to make me a fool. I do not know the meaning of God or the difference between you and the God.

    Source(s): Sin is a misspelling. There is only help and service which when was disinterested, said to be sin. One can help another, some can help many and some can help the world. But each help has the opposite harassment. e.g., selling my wealth - my father's belonging (not acquired by me) and, helping the nation - donating - is not a help, but a sin.
  • 1 decade ago

    The Bible says it all very clearly;

    Jesus died to pay the price for the world's sin. He rose again to claim victory over death and the grave.

    Jesus isn't a saint, sorry.

  • Brown
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Are you aware of the fact that jesus as historical person is a matter of great debate among bible scholars

  • 5 years ago

    You mistake what the sacrifice grow to be all approximately. For around a million,3 hundred years, consistent with annum on Passover, the Jews might sacrifice a suitable Lamb to God for forgiveness of their sins. This lamb represented Christ Jesus. Jesus died on Passover (celebrated via Christians now through fact the Lord's Supper). In different words, he grow to be the suitable Lamb of God sacrificed on Passover to get forgiveness "as quickly as and for all circumstances." meaning that instead of being sacrificed each and consistent with annum for forgiveness, he died as quickly as. basically like the Jews mandatory a sacrifice consistent with annum for their sins, we as Christians would desire to say sorry each and all of the time, through fact we are imperfect, born in a sinful state and subsequently ought to comprehend we don't "have a golden value ticket." basically like the Jews mandatory forgiveness on a ordinary foundation, we do too. the only distinction is that this: we don't ought to sacrifice consistent with annum, the Christ died as quickly as and so we don't decide on a ordinary sacrifice. We do decide on ordinary forgiveness meaning we ought to consistently word of our movements and not purely think of, we are forgiven, subsequently we don't ought to attempt to be extra valuable. Even Christ grow to be in Hell for 3 days, so do you suspect he went to a burning hell? through fact this is no longer what the bible teaches.

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