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Janet Reincarnated
"Spiritism is a lesson of love and everlasting life in a continued pursuit of self-improvement and harmony with all the creation throughout multiple existences." My religion is Spiritism.
Catholics, spiritually speaking, what is your opinion about divorce?
To be more specific, let's say A marries B and make vows before God. After 10 years or so, A decides to divorce B. Is B a sinner?
If A marries C, is A an adultery? Is C an adultery?
And since A got married, can B get married too? If B gets married to D, is B an adultery? Is D an adultery?
Real life situation, I have a friend who is B in the scenario.
4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years agoDon't you agree that God is the one who created religious misunderstandings...? creating different languages at the Tower of Babel? Different languages = confusion = misunderstandings.
Therefore different opinions and point of views are allowed by God.
We are all in the same path!
4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years agoIs stainless steel recyclable?
I have a stainless steel pan that I want to put in the trash, but I am thinking if I should put into the recycle bin or not.
10 AnswersConservation1 decade agoDivorce: in Virginia, is the wife entitled to half the equity of the house?
Let's say they are married for 9 years.
Husband bought the house for 385,000 in 2003.
The house was appraised recently for 428,000.
There is no pre-nup agreement.
They have 2 children (ages 8 and 5)
She does not work, she has been mother full-time.
How much is she entitled?
5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoCan a woman/mother get a divorce attorney for free at the State of Virginia?
Can a woman who does not have a job, consequently has no money, get help from the Court System to get divorced? Can this same woman get at least legal help to move out of her abusive husband's house?
1 AnswerMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoIs this guitar good for a starter?
Harmony acoustic guitar, model H6340, made somewhere between 1972-1974. Not a full size dreadnaught, its a bit smaller - perhaps a 000 size.
I am thinking about buying an acoustic guitar and starting taking lessons.
3 AnswersPerforming Arts1 decade agoChristians, what is your biggest concern as a Christian? see below:?
to be an example of a good Christian to others through your actions or to convert as many people as possible?
16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoLadies, concerning skin care, what do you prefer Olay or Mary Kay?
8 AnswersMakeup1 decade agoIs it OK to dress casual in a rehearsal dinner?
My children will be flower girl and ring bearer. We are going to the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner tomorrow, and I was wondering if I should wear a more formal dress or just casual?
12 AnswersWeddings1 decade agoAlguem pode me dizer se este poema eh mesmo do Vinicius de Moraes?
Esta rolando na internet este poema como sendo de autoria do Vinicius. Alguem confirma? Eu acho que so a ultima frase eh dela, mas o poema todo nao.
Os homens bons são feios.
Os homens bonitos não são bons.
Os homens bonitos e bons são gays.
Os homens bonitos, bons e
heterossexuais estão casados.
Os homens que não são bonitos, mas
são bons, não têm dinheiro.
Os homens que não são bonitos, mas
que são bons e com dinheiro, pensam que só estamos atrás
de seu dinheiro.
Os homens bonitos, que não são bons
e são heterossexuais, não acham que somos
suficientemente bonitas.
Os homens que nos acham bonitas, que
são heterossexuais, bons e têm dinheiro são covardes.
Os homens que são bonitos, bons, têm
dinheiro e graças a Deus são heterossexuais, são
tímidos e
Os homens que nunca dão o primeiro
passo, automaticamente perdem o interesse em nós
quando tomamos a iniciativa.
Moral da História: " Homens são como um bom vinho.
Todos começam como uvas, e é dever
da mulher pisoteá-los e mantê-los no escuro até que
amadureçam e se tornem uma boa companhia pro jantar"
'Mulheres existem para serem amadas, não para serem
Vinicius de Morais
3 AnswersPoesia1 decade agoWhat does it mean to dream about raw meat?
It is the second time I have this kind of dream. A few weeks ago, I had a dream I was in a party and my nephew was eating raw meat, and he offered me a bite.
Last night, I had a dream that I was getting on a bus, and all the seats were wet, I could not sit down, but then I noticed I was holding a package. When I looked inside it, it was a piece of raw meat... The weird thing is that I am applying for a School Bus Driver position, and today was the orientation day.
What does all of that mean?
Any dream website to suggest?
8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoDon't you think this mother from Tennessee should go to jail for sending her adoptive son back to Russia?
Anyone who adopts a child, not matter from another country or not, should be held as responsible as any other biological child. As as far I know, any parent who decides to put a child in an airplane with destination to another country with no supervision would go to jail, right? Why not this woman? As an adoptive mother, shouldn't she care for her adoptive child as a biological mother would? Can she just get rid of a child for whatever reason and get away with that?
8 AnswersFamily1 decade agoWas Paul an apostle not to be messed with?
In the book of Acts 13:6-12, Paul made a man blind for opposing to his teachings.
In the Acts of Peter, chapter 1 and 2, Paul made a woman paralyzed because she was an adulterer.
Was Paul an apostle not to be messed with?
9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoA question about Medicaid. My daughter is 19 y-old and is pregnant. She is applying for Medicaid?
They are asking her to provide her parents income, since she still lives in our house. However, if my husband provide his income, she will probably be denied, because his income is good. At the same time, he does not want to take any responsibility for this pregnancy, obviously. She does not have health insurance, because she is over 18 and is not a student anymore. How can she have Medicaid, and still live in our house?
This rule simply makes no sense. How can they keep my husband, who is not her biological father anyway, financially tied to this pregnancy, simply because she lives under his roof, and at the same time, she is not eligible to be on our health insurance anymore? Makes no sense!
6 AnswersFamily1 decade agoA question about Medicaid. My daughter is 19 y-old and is pregnant. She is applying for Medicaid.?
They are asking her to provide her parents income, since she still lives in our house. However, if my husband provide his income, she will probably be denied, because his income is good. At the same time, he does not want to take any responsibility for this pregnancy, obviously. She does not have health insurance, because she is over 18 and is not a student anymore. How can she have Medicaid, and still live in our house?
This rule simply makes no sense. How can they keep my husband, who is not her biological father anyway, financially tied to this pregnancy, simply because she lives under his roof, and at the same time, she is not eligible to be on our health insurance anymore? Makes no sense!
16 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoChristians, what do you think a Christian should do in this situation?
My husband is Christian. I am not. My daughter, who is not his biological daughter, is pregnant. She is 19 y-old, just got a job and is trying hard to get things straight now that she knows she is pregnant. Although the father of the baby is hanging around and being very supportive and stuff, she doesn't want to marry him. She wants to stay in my house (our house). My husband is forcing the issue for her to move either with the father of the baby or wherever she wants. The fact is that with or without the father of her baby she (they) have no financial condition to rent an apartment or anything.
What do you think my Christian husband should do? Kick her out like "I don't care"? Is it the best Christian solution?
Your thoughts, please!
16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago