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A question about Medicaid. My daughter is 19 y-old and is pregnant. She is applying for Medicaid.?

They are asking her to provide her parents income, since she still lives in our house. However, if my husband provide his income, she will probably be denied, because his income is good. At the same time, he does not want to take any responsibility for this pregnancy, obviously. She does not have health insurance, because she is over 18 and is not a student anymore. How can she have Medicaid, and still live in our house?

This rule simply makes no sense. How can they keep my husband, who is not her biological father anyway, financially tied to this pregnancy, simply because she lives under his roof, and at the same time, she is not eligible to be on our health insurance anymore? Makes no sense!


Grandma, father and everyone else in my family are in Brazil. We are in Virgina, US.

16 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    To stop individuals like you from gaming the system.

  • tanner
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    You have to provide all the info they ask for...and truthfully or that will be considered fraud, which if they found out about, charges would be pressed, all that money would have to be paid back, etc, etc. Not a good idea to lie. It doesn't matter if she doesn't qualify, your husband can't be forced to pay for her medical bills, she's an adult. So she will just have to work to pay off her own bills. I guess the system figures if there is someone in the house who makes good money, than the household is well supported, thus financial help is not necessary, & should be given to a family who is more in need. Your daughter & the father of the baby will just have to split the costs themselves, after all, they're the ones who created this baby.

    But she may not be denied anyways, just because she has to supple your husbands income doesn't mean they will apply that to her income, they just like to know the "circumstances". The father of my child & I live together, I had to put his info down, but he was not considered in with the income guidlines, I was still able to get the medical card. Then after the baby was born, she went on his insurance & the medical card is used as secondary.

  • 1 decade ago

    Have her tell the worker that ur husband is not her father. If she doesn't have insurance she will get Emergency Medicaid and I'm pretty sure they accept anyone without insurance cuz u can't sign up for health insurance once ur pregnant. She will be fine but I don't think it's any of their business about ur husbands income and just because u provide a roof over her head doesn't mean u will pay for everything and they can't and won't assume that. Good luck to her and u

    Source(s): On mediCal and my parents let me live in a house they own and they make loads of money
  • 1 decade ago

    Medicaid is different state to state. The fact is, your husband is responsible for your daughter, in a sense, because she is living in his house and he has been providing for her lo these many years.

    But I do believe that because she is pregnant, they will not deny her. She should also apply for WIC, and WIC will help cover the cost of food for her and her baby until the baby is five years old; cereal, beans, peanut butter, tuna fish, carrots, cheese, milk, eggs, formula, etc.

    DO NOT LIE, nor advise her to lie on her application. It is fraud, a felony, and she will be instantly dropped from the rolls and will have to wait to apply again, and then it will be harder to get accepted once she has committed fraud.

    If she has to move out and get her own apartment, so be it. This is what "grown up" is all about and it's the life she chose. If you have like an apartment she can live in -- basement, garage that's been converted and she has to pay rent, that might help a lot.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I had the same problem with food stamps. I'm currently living with my boyfriend and his family and they make good money, BUT I buy my own food because I'm a vegetarian and they aren't. Anyways, I never like went back and reapplied, but when I went and applied for Medicaid (I'm 8 weeks and 4 days pregnant) they didn't ask any financial information. They just wanted check stubs, etc. Did she go to the interview alone? And did she tell them that she's no longer eligible for his insurance? That unless she gets medicaid, she's screwed?

  • 1 decade ago

    Is your husband her parent? Has she been legally adopted by him? If so, I would provide the income and include with the application an explanatory letter signed by your husband stating that he is allowing his daughter and grandchild to live in his house, but that he will be providing no other financial help or other assistance.

  • 1 decade ago

    When I applied for medicaide they asked for my parents income information, becuase I also lived at home. and I thought that I wouold also be denied, but my social worker told me that my parents income wouldnt be considered if I was over the age of 18, and I didnt have to fill out their income if I didnt feel like providing the information.

  • Ignore rude comments.

    First off, you should call DHS and let them know that he isn't her real father and is not financially obligated to do anything for this pregnancy. She should still get it, most pregnant women will qualify even if they make a substancial amount of money. They should also ask for every name in the house and how they are related to the person applying, she'll have to name him and say 'step father' so they know he isn't necessarily responsible for her. Your best bet is to call and find out what you shoud do or if you have to submit his information even. Whatever you do tell her to be as honest as possible since they will hold her responsible for any payments necessary if they find she with held information from them.

    Good luck and congrats grandma!

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    is mindless is sturdy! We taxpayers do no longer opt to fund her indiscretions. Pursue investment from the father, as that's his duty additionally. additionally, she will artwork for most of the 9 months. she will commence any time now. Edit a million) maximum respondents right here have not spoke back judgementally, yet particularly count-of -factly in that SHE needs to take duty and could choose YOUR (no longer our) help in so doing. in case you probably did no longer choose solutions, you ought to no longer have posed the question. A secondary component - Your daughter is on the comparable time to be lauded for protecting the baby and not doing the cowardly element. I do wish her achievement with the youngster.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    It makes perfect sense to me since she does not require aid to put a roof over her head and food in her mouth. She's living with her parents, how much aid does she really need?

    Pregnant at 19 & no job or no job with benefits? Where is the father in all this? Can't he help? Could he not put her onto his benefits?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    can you use a different address? Maybe have her use a relatives address and tell them that you help her pay bills. I got medicaid when i was pregnant about 5 years ago but i had a job, no health insurance and i was living with my fiancee but i just didn't tell them we were together. if she is denied get her prenatal care at a pregnancy center or the health department. good luck, i know the system sucks.

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