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Anonymous asked in Family & RelationshipsOther - Family & Relationships · 1 decade ago

Do you consider this child abuse?

I have nothing to do with my dad anymore. He never molested me or got drunk and beat me up. He got high and beat me down all the time. He snorted lots of coke and got high almost everyday. He was always belittling and condescending. Nothing I ever did was good enough. Numerous times he slammed my head against the wall when he got mad. One specific time was when I forgot to hang up my Boy Scout uniform. Many times, he made me stand outside in the snow without a coat or a jacket when I got on his nerves. Whenever we traveled on the road, he and my stepmom would never stop when I had to urinate. They always continued on and made me hold it in. My stepmom expected kids to act like adults, nonetheless. The worst time was when I got suspended from school for cursing a girl out. My dad and stepmom fed me nothing but rice and water for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for four days straight. So in your mind, would you consider that child abuse?


Keep in mind 90 percent of the time, he loved playing head games. He was never happy unless everyone else was miserable. He never once told me he was proud of me, nor did he ever admit he was wrong. He never apologized for the way he treated me either.

12 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    Yes Of Course I would Definitely consider that to be child abuse. You know the almost the same thing happened with my brothers and I that we were also hit by our father for no apparent reason at all after he would come back home from drinking a lot, and he would usually beat my mom and the three of us due to having too much alcohol in his system and due to having an affair and having another child that he had with someone else. Since then he would tell me and my brothers that he was not our father ( even though he really is ) he never payed child Support and was never there for us when we needed him. Before my mother got a divorce back in 1983 from my father he he would always beat the 3 of us and mother until he did 't one time in front of my Uncles ( From my mother side of the family ) when that had happened my uncles in retaliation would just pick him up a throw him against the wall - there was also one time where my mother had enough and had called the police on him, when the police arrived and started to question him he had a Razor Blade in the center of his fingers and tried to cut my mothers face in front of the police officers by slapping her in the face with a Razor in his hand - but my mother was able to move just in time. And Just like your dad - my father had never apologized to us. He just told us flat out that he was not our father. So now that I am 28 years old and my brothers are 35 & 38 years old now like a little brat he starts to whine and complain about why we always refuse to speak to him and accept his messages.

    And Why we don't want to spend any time with him at all.

    - Well it is simple - the main reason is because he said that we were not his kids so why should we have to spend time with him especially if he is Physically and Verbally abusive to us - Especially if he has his own family up in Pittsburgh ?

    So Yeah in my mind I would consider this to be 100% Child That was very wrong for your Dad and Stepmother to do that to you ! It is a Miracle that you survived through all of this abuse.

    I hope this information helps You Out ! =)

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, it was child abuse. And that is not from my mind, it is legal fact. Any one of those instances when he bashed your head could have caused brain damage, if it had he would be in prison right now.

    You are lucky you got out in one piece physically. And you seem to have a managed to keep your spirit alive as well. You are a strong person inspite of these horrible people. You are a survivor.

    Never expect an apology, people like this don't admit they are wrong. Always remember that this was their problem and their fault, not yours. Forge ahead in life and be a good person to further spite them.

    And when you have children of your own, keep one thing in the front of your mind, everything they did was wrong so don't repeat their actions. I read every book on child rearing I could get my hands on so that I would never never treat my children like I was treated.

    I know some awesome people who have gone through similiar horrid childhoods, you are in good company. And you know what, I saw no anger here, no bitterness, just hurt. You are an awesome person too!

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, this is child abuse whether your dad admits it or not!

    You may not remember good times with your dad,

    but I know the Heavenly Father will never let you down!

    He loves you with an Everlasting Love!

    Your dad needs to break his drug addiction.

    When people take drugs they hurt Everyone in their path!

    (Including their spouse, their children, and their self!

    I am praying for Jesus to put a Big Body Hug around you,

    So you can feel His Love.

    I pray the Balm of Gilead come down and anoint you in a way that you cannot even believe is possible!

    I pray that your brokenness will be healed!

    I have learned to look forward, (not so much back),

    because it will hold you back!

    Press forward!

    I pray for your dad to break his drug addiction and have

    Self-Control over his anger and that the things that are broken

    will be made anew!

    And I pray that relationships will be Miraculously healed

    in The Mighty Name of Jesus! Amen!

    Source(s): KJV Holy Bible
  • Dancie
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Forgive, my friend, forgive. This is the past and whether or not you are angry, whether or not this was child abuse, does not chnage what has already happened. The best thign you can do is learn love and compassion, and try to go on with YOUR life instead of re-living your parents's.

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  • s
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Absolutely yes, this is certainly child abuse. It ranges from outright neglect to outright physical bodily harm. If someone would have known about it back then, your father and stepmother could have been reported to social services and it's possible you would have been removed from your house.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes, this is child abuse. You need to speak to someone about this, a therapist or something. You can't keep these angry feelings inside, otherwise they'll bother/haunt you forever.

    The best revenge is surviving yourself.

  • 1 decade ago

    i'm not quite sure why you are asking the question, do you need to be Reassured that it is abuse, I don't believe anyone who beg to differ. please don't take that the wrong way, it's my guess you just want to tell your story, right? it's great that you are opening up about it, my concern is that Yahoo Answers might not be the best place to open up. You have made it through that Thank God.

  • amare
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Yes; of course that is child abuse. Let's hope your adulthood is much better than your childhood and hopefully you will met someone you love and you can share your life with her.

  • 1 decade ago

    sounds abusive to me. I see no difference between physical abuse and mental in fact demeaning abuse can be far more damaging. I am sorry you were treated that way.

  • 1 decade ago

    It is child abuse. Mental, physical, and emotional abuse.

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