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Unemployment has risen to 8.9% Highest since 1983, When will Obama start to make things better?

"The Labor Department tally released Friday wasn't nearly as deep as the 620,000 job cuts that economists were expecting, and was helped by a burst of federal government hiring of temporary workers to prepare for the 2010 Census. "

These temporary Government jobs can only make it look a little better for a little while. When will there be permanant job growth?


So far I see true responses and excuses that we've heard before. Sorry but i don't buy any of the previous administration excuses, Bush had 7 years of growth. And you cannot deny that.

32 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Never. As reality sinks in, Americans will realize Obama's policies are the same tired lib-dem policies that hurt America not improve her.

  • bwlobo
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I'm wondering when Obama will own up to the fact that his plan is not working. I know he's only been in office for 100 + days, but his policies will affect the next several generations and lower the ability to have any dreams at all in America.

    Maybe this has been his plan all along. We heard Michelle tell women to not go into business... be nurses, be people who help people. That should have been a clue to many about their attitude about business. They don't think ANY business can help out anybody else. They think ALL business is just plain greed.

    So what Obama does, is to place the government in a position to own American businesses. Of course they don't think for a moment that politicians can be greedy. I mean, they just look the other way when a Democrat has tons of money stashed away in his freezer. They look the other way when a Democrat gets huge payoffs for pandering to special interest groups. They look the other way when free speech becomes hate crimes.

    They look the other way.....

    There is no permanent growth for business. They do hope there will be permanent growth for the Democratic party by influencing Hispanic voters; making more people thrown into the vicious cycle of government dependency.

    There will also be more permanent growth when the Democratic party is in charge of the census.

    Democrats are shouting "Down with free markets" but what I am hearing is "Up With Corrupt Tyranny!"

    Source(s): bwlobo
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    These stats seem to bear you out.

    (I got them from a Wikipedia link ;-)

    However, I think that IT IS relevant that we keep in mind that Obama's still fresh in office.

    Now if it doesn't work out in a year, then the haranguing of Obama by many of the neo-cons will seem (more) legitimate.

    Good point too, that the past 8 years have been good,

    but so were the 8 years before that,

    and in 1983, Reagen was in office for a few years.

    Also keep in mind, if I understand correctly,

    Bush increased the debt, while Clinton reduced it.

    While I'm politically liberal, I opposed the bailouts as bad for both of our countries--US and Canada.

    The Canadian and Ontarian governments will spend billions on Detroit 3 branch plants, meanwhile, in Ontario, Segways are banned on public sidewalks and roads.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well the job growth will be possible once other areas of the economy has been stabilized. It is in the process right now. The Census will not start until 2010 so those "temporary" jobs are going to be around for awhile. As money is released for infrastructure projects that will be more jobs added.

    Improvments so far have been 8 weeks of Stock Market ralley.

    Consumer confidence soars past forecasts in April

    "World stocks rally as 'upbeat' U.S. housing market shows the economy is recovering

    By Daily Mail Reporter

    Last updated at 5:37 PM on 04th May 2009

    World stocks rose sharply on Monday as further upbeat U.S. housing data reinforced market hopes that the world's largest economy may be beginning to show signs of a recovery.

    In Europe, Germany's DAX was up 124.65 points, or 2.6 per cent, at 4,894.10, while France's CAC-40 rose 74.18 points, or 2.4 per cent, to 3,234.03.

    Trading was somewhat subdued as investors returned from a long weekend and Britain's markets were closed for a public holiday.

    On Wall Street, the Dow Jones industrial average was up 166.86 points, or 2 per cent, at 8,379.27 soon after the open while the broader Standard & Poor's 500 index rose 18.35 points, or 2.1 per cent, to 895.87."

    No one can make people see the glass half full or half empty. That is a personal choice that they make. Does it make you feel better to blame Obama? More power to you then.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    When there is global cooling in the nether regions. He has his priorities it seems and so far they don't seem to include jobs, at least a lot of good ones. BS government jobs are coming along slowly, like GPS census takers.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    It will be awhile. It likely will rise at least another 4 or 5 percent. Unemployment is usually a lagging statistic and other areas of the economy will have to turn around first. If the economy turns the corner in say September then we probably still won't see any job growth until around Christmas..

  • 1 decade ago

    As far as I can see, he has made things worse. I was never a Bush fan and I think he did some damage, but Obama has done much worse. I can't wait until the next election.

  • C B
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    What he has done will not stimulate growth, and is not sustainable.

    The government doesn't create long term employment.

    But supporting tax cuts for businesses flies in the face of the class warfare that got him elected.

    A large portion of the people who voted for Obama thought it was a great, not just good but GREAT idea for Obama to take money from people who earned it and give it to those who didn't.

    So if you start giving it to the ones who earned it that would be contrary to that strange "I'm entitled" philosophy.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hello Sir,

    I assume you would have heard of the documentaries such as "third jihad: islam's radical.." & 2012 things. and others too they all also say in them that the economy in US is not gonna go up much and there will be many job losses.

    The Solution to the problem is "FINISH ALL RADICAL Religious persons & MUSLIMS" NOT TO SPEND TOO LOOOOONG IN MIDDLE EAST.

    and **** PAKISTAN. **** PAK Minister.

    THEY ATE USA's $10 million/billion. and US was trusty enough to give this huge amount to the most stupid/cruel/dirty/cheap/violent/radical country like pakistan (base of all terrorist and ISI org.)

    Source(s): I know pakistanis very well and what's in thier blood. COMMON SENSE is my source. which any NON-IGNORANT should have.
  • 1 decade ago

    Right after his stimulus bill kicks in > and if you believe in either one of them , I have some really good beach front property in The painted Desert that is not only scenic but has a cool breeze everyday off the Ocean .

    I' really like to talk to you about them , our great Potentate reccomends them highly .

  • 1 decade ago

    {The number of unemployed persons increased by 563,000 to 13.7 million in

    April, and the unemployment rate rose to 8.9 percent. Over the past 12 months,

    the number of unemployed persons has risen by 6.0 million, and the unemployment

    rate has grown by 3.9 percentage points. (See table A-1.)

    The number of long-term unemployed (those jobless for 27 weeks or more)

    increased by 498,000 to 3.7 million over the month and has risen by 2.4 mil-

    lion since the start of the recession in December 2007. (See table A-9.)}

    {President-elect Barack Obama said today that he has directed his economic team to come up with a two year plan to “jump start job creation in America” with the goal of adding 2.5 million more jobs by January, 2011.)

    Compare; "... the number of unemployed persons has risen by 6.0 million..." to the promised 2 million jobs coming. And who will be getting those jobs?

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