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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 1 decade ago

Spiritually speaking, should I move across the country to be with one of my Y!A contacts?

A friend of mine, well actually we aren't friends anymore, because she turned out to be a total c*ntcake, but anyway, she met this guy playing World of Warcraft and moved across the country, well not across the country but like 600 miles, to be with him. Left her husband and everything. She and her WoW lover aren't together anymore but that's beside the point; she still lives in the state she moved to and is very happy (at least, as happy as someone with no friends and no job could be).

So if she can do this and not be seen as crazy ('cause, I don't know anyone that would think that) then why can't I just pick up and move somewhere to be with one of my contacts? They're all so lovely. My only problem now is choosing which one. Any takers? My interests/hobbies include the following:

- having fluffeh coffee

- peanut butter and pretzels and cupcakes

- cowboys smoking Marlboros

- being pissed off at gravity

- bitter death metal

- moustaches

- eagles


Samian: *hug* I really did mean to say "my hobbies/interests include but are not limited to"... and you should know I adore lemon pie.

Update 2:

nrginequalsnrgout: Indeed.

Update 3:

Kilo Romeo: I don't need anyone else to pay my rent. And I STAY in the pit, it's where I belong. xoxox

Jennifer: I love you. You're coming with me, didn't you know?

Update 4:

Bunsen & Beaker!: I am extremely intrigued.

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You sold me at Death Metal. I think I can squeeze you onto my bed if you're interested. The sex better be worth it if I'm paying your rent.

    Also, we're hitting concerts at least once a month: In the pit and nothing less.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It never shows me when you post a question, and it is really starting to chap my ***. Sorry the answer is so late. I feel like a terrible person.

    Obviously you should move here to Utah. Not only is there endless opportunity to make fun of others, I can give you all the cupecakes/peanut butter/pretzels that your little heart desires. I will even grow a mustache and take up smoking in order to replace ManWell/Vernon and MM. I'll throw in some lemonade for good measure.

    Come on, you know you want me...

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Well, I moved countries to be with someone I met in an online game, 3 years down the line I am happier than ever :)

    It has about as much chance as meeting someone randomly imo, possibly more, because you spend time talking about stuff you have in common, I spent 48 hours a week talking to my boyfriend before I decided to move over here.

    Yeah yeah, you don't know what they are really like, but I have met enough psychos in bars and social gatherings to know that statement is just as true in real life as it is in a virtual world.

    So. spiritually speaking, if you can find anyone who likes cowboys with moustaches among your contacts, go for it :p

  • 1 decade ago

    My husband's best friend was married to a woman who did the same thing. Met some guy on-line, picked up, and moved out to be with him. They're no longer together either.

    Therefore, since you know it has like NO chance of working out romantically, just do it for someone that's totally hot and for the sex! At least then it'll be fun.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Awww... I guess I should have kept playing WoW, maybe I could have stolen her...

    ...ok... not.

    You can move in with me, unfortunately I have nothing to offer other than a couple gigs of harddrive space to spare. Maybe you can fit onto it.

  • 1 decade ago

    I see you have thought this out and made up your mind-now comes the hard part-which delicious piece of R&S will you make your life long connection with??

    Choose wisely, ;)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Move here to be with the Coffee. :) My coffee tastes extra good. :P

  • 1 decade ago

    You can move in with me and Beaker...we will try our experiments on you.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I appreciate your appreciation for a man who knows the art of manscapery. :)

    My 'stache is, and always shall be, at your service, madame.

  • 1 decade ago

    What's a c*ntcake? Is it the female version of a d!ckw@d?

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