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Fellow atheists, dose it ever anger you that?

1. We can craft an argument backed in science and logic and the fundies just dismiss it out of hand with "you just hate god" or "read bible verse number 50 billion"

2. We take attack and attack from them, yet when one of us snaps after taking so much abuse and fires back, well, then we all get called bitter and hateful

3. No matter what qualifications we have, or what proof we bring out, middle aged housewives, men with fingers smelling of their daughters, and brainwashed children think that they are smarter than everyone with an actual degree.

4, Fundies seem incapable of typing the language they where born hearing.

Sorry, just had to get some stuff off my chest.

20 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Frustrate maybe. Anger no.

    And I have to say, just because someone has a degree, it doesn't mean they are "smart".

    I've seen a few believers ask why it is we don't believe, when so many brilliant men and women with college degrees out the yin-yang, still believe.

    And 4 is just being insulting. But I know your angry so I won't hold it against you.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1. This can admittedly get pretty frustrating. This is one of the reasons why a good approach is to start by pointing out internal inconsistencies in the other person's beliefs, rather than merely holding it up to the facts; it is harder to ignore contradictions than it is to ignore facts.

    2. The problem here is that they consider it to work the other way around just as much. They see us attacking and ridiculing their religion, and they take it as a personal attack against them or their deity, which it is seldom intended to be. This is where most of this 'why do you hate God?' and 'why do athiest hate christians so much?' and so on comes from.

    3. They have the 'qualification' of being a follower of [insert religious book here], and to them, that's all the background anyone needs in order to argue the subject. If they hear an argument that they don't understand, rather than trying to understand it and increase their knowledge, they simply reject it; they are apparently under the impression that anything beyond their limited mental grasp is irrelevant to the topic.

    4. Well, the 'athiest' thing probably comes from trying to follow the 'i before e except after c' rule, which 'atheist' is an exception to. Other than that, though, yeah...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1.) No, I don't argue with fundies.

    2.) See 1.)

    3.) Not really. I know middle aged housewives that are smarter than many people with degrees.

    4.) The complexities of English grammar and punctuation seem to escape most people. You made a few errors in your question.

  • 1 decade ago

    I will believe the atheistic creed when you actually give me PROOF that Evolution is true (not estimations or guesses) I will believe you when you can show how life is created (once again no estimations or guesses).

    You say "brainwashed children think that they are smarter than everyone with an actual degree" How come America is always last on the educational standards of the world how come we score lowest in science and math scores is BECAUSE EDUCATION ONLY TEACHES REGURGITATION not actual thought and rationalizing your question is proving your education in that you are not willing to accept other peoples ideas because that is not what you were thought.

    I am fully in science I believe it answers religion but I am willing to change my belief if science can PROVE we evolved from single cell protozoans, What love is and what ghost are? because currently science has no answer and until then you can be rude and belittle people and try to sound Intelligent

    Source(s): 50% science 50% religion
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    5. Their clergy sleep with anything on two legs then call you a "pervert" or worse because you are enough of a grown up to believe in a right to privacy for pre-martial sex.

    6. You point out bible passages that are eerie and chilling then point to all the violence in America and you "don't understand the passage."

    7. You are expected to get on your knees for a long-haired virgin male, but you are also expected not to notice the irony that christians on here indulge in deliberate anti-gay hateful name calling every day.

    8. Christians demand blind respect yet label you a "fool" or damn you to "Hell" because the bible says so if you don't buy the whole thing hook line and sinker.

    9. Always talk about loving and just their god is yet you are not supposed to notice that it is sliding in the other direction with basic civility.

    10. Some of the biggest xians on here take cheap pot shots at you personally but will moan like a cat in a trap if you do the same thing to them, even if its just a retort to THEIR personal insults.

    11. They answer questions with "real christians don't say that" when yeah they DO.

    12. They throw back serious questions because the apparent answer would make them look ridiculous.

    Yes I have noticed. Why do you ask?

  • 1 decade ago

    1. Anger? No. Irritate? Yes.

    2. See #1.

    3. That was very, very wrong.

    4. "does" and "were" for example.

    Closed-minded religion upsets me because it seems like people are wasting their lives in the pursuit of something they'll never find and wasting their intellect by blindly accepting irrational statements by an authority figure. I really don't get angry at them, a lot of the time I just have to laugh at its absurdity.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    bowled over and disgusted is slightly sturdy, yet I truthfully have seen some somewhat brainless comments from human beings calling themselves atheists, i do no longer advise products of humour to place a element throughout the time of, yet in simple terms tries at trouble-free bullying. at the instant i've got seen somewhat some questions from people who look actually nervous via what they go with to be actual animosity between atheists and theists right here, i think of they're over-reacting, even though it shows that there are some somewhat thoughtless people who're in simple terms interested in bashing human beings for his or her ideals and critiques, somewhat than attempting to return up with a valid argument, and something human beings get lumped in with this element.

  • 1 decade ago

    Why do let them bother you so? They believe what they believe, you believe something different. I couldn't care less theat they think I'm going to hell. I know that's not the case because no such place exists. I don't really see it as my job to convert anyone to my way of thinking, and those who do find this their mission usually end up pretty frustrated.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The length some will go to persevere in their ignorance no longer astonishes me.

    You couldn't convince a creationist the sky were blue if they were looking at it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, very much so.

    I try not to get too bent out of shape about it though. As you presented in #2, I'd just give them more incentive to hassle atheists.

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