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Why would a person who professes to be an atheist?

come to the R&S site and try to use scripture to tell Christians how to live and talk?

Most of the time the scripture used is misquoted or taken out of context. For example they tell us that we are not to judge them or anyone else. If the Bible is clear about anything, it is clear about the importance of judging on a regular basis in order to properly serve and honor God. To ignore this fact is to ignore the Scriptures. God expects us to judge. In fact, we are sinning against God if we refuse to judge! (Read that again, please)

"Judge not, that ye be not judged?" This verse of Scripture from Matthew 7:1 is often quoted out of context by people who are terrified at the idea of someone preaching against sin or pointing out any form of error in anyone, especially in themselves.

As for Matthew 7:1, the context (verses 1-5) allows judging after you have first judged YOURSELF. Jesus did not make a blanket statement against judgment. He simply pointed out a RULE for judging.

Psa. 37:30) A righteous person will talk of judgment. He will not REFUSE to judge. He will talk judgment.

Hate the evil, and love the good, and establish judgment in the gate….." (Amos 5:14-15) How can we hate the evil and love the good if we refuse to judge? We can't. We are SINNING when we refuse to judge.

I speak to your shame. Is it so, that there is not a wise man among you? no, not one that shall be able to judge between his brethren?" (I Cor. 6:1-5) If judging is wrong, then Paul needs to confess and repent for misleading these Christians! He clearly told them to JUDGE PEOPLE.

If judging people is wrong, how can we obey Romans 16:17-18? II Corinthians 6:17? II Timothy 3:5-6? I John 4:1?

I could name many instances where scripture is misquoted to try to make it refer to something it doesn’t but space doesn’t allow it.


Captain Bunkum..If you would read the whole question, I just answered you.

Update 2:

A Friend...Thanks

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    because very often it is painfully obvious that christians are unable to follow their own rules

    Perhaps you could explain the full meaning and context of "Judge ye not lest ye be judged" and somehow squirm your way out of it applying to you. It clearly instructs people not to be judgmental. Christians believe the only ultimate judge is god - or do you have a hypocritical get-out clause for that one as well?

    And while you're busy attacking atheists, perhaps you might also like to remember to love thy neighbour and turn the other cheek.

  • pretto
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    You're mostly correct that a few atheists love to intent crisis, however identical to any organization of humans there will likely be a few well and a few now not such a lot and 'venom dripping from their mouths' turns out just a little robust. There's not anything approximately being an atheist that makes you intelligent; it is easily a loss of notion in any divine being. Though you might argue that it takes a better measure of autonomy and unbiased considering to move towards based devout teachings, that is in no way a assurance and, identical to a few devout humans, a few atheists would possibly easily be following a widely wide-spread fashion.

  • 1 decade ago

    tit for tat? They do it to us because so many of us do it to them?

    I think you missed the point on the judging thing. We are told to think on God's judgements; his verdicts. Not to make our own, but to discover, dwell on and act on his judgements.

    Your scripture there...

    Pslam 37:30 The key here is that you talk about it. And to be precise, the word is mishpaṭ. This is the same word used in Micah 6:8, where we are told to act justly. It refers to things that have already been judged by an authority; verdicts. In this case, God.

    Amos...same word, mishpat.

    Corinthians. Read what comes before that, in ch5. Paul says explicitly to not judge those outside the church, only those in the church.

    Romans 16...again, talking about disputes inside the church.

    II Cor 6....I'm not even sure how you're trying to interpret that. Maybe implying that you have to judge in order to separate? Kinda thin there.

    II Tim 3...talking about "traitors", means someone that claims to be among you but is not with you. Again, in the church.

    1 John 4, man you're really stretching. It's talking about people trying to lead you away from Christ, judging the credit of their ideas based on comparing it to scripture.

    And in every case, we are told to remove ourselves from the thing judged against. Not come closer to ridicule them, but just get away from them as a way of dedicating them over to God (Old Testament concept of charam).

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Biblical Christianity is completely unreasonable and irrational.

    If you claim to be a believer in a biblical God, then you profess to believe in a God that cannot, by definition, exist. It is impossible.

    A God who demands his people to commit genocide 5000 years ago can do the same thing today or tomorrow, lets make no bones about that. An eternal God does not grow in character or change with the times. God is God, period.

    To presume that God loves everyone, and that a person by virtue of their disbelief sends themselves to hell, despite God's efforts to save them is ludicrous. The resurrection is not enough to make modern man believe in Christ because it probably never happened - there is no evidence outside of the bible, and a study of the character of God alone shows that the Bible is a completely unreliable source for any kind of truth.

    That is why we rub scripture in your face. That is why we try to force your eyes open to the myth that you throw your life to the mercy of.

    When challenged, most Christians will take the Bible out of context to 'prove' themselves right, but the fact of the matter is that a case for the Bible is tantamount to a rollercoaster ride around the truth.

    You say that God works in mysterious ways, and it is not for us to know certain mysteries, and I say that he who drinks the kool-aid has stopped asking questions and will bend the truth into a pretzel to justify the empty glass.

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  • 1 decade ago

    If you will do some research you will find in the majority of instances where the word "judge/judging" is used it is Greek for "criticizing".

    This is where they are coming from. You are right about discerning judgment in spiritual things. They may not quote correctly or cite Scripture properly but they don't want to be criticized any more than you do. Criticize their facts and philosophy without criticizing them. God bless

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I do that all the time, because I am trying to help you realize the reality of what is really in the book you promote as beneficial for humanity.

    As a former Christian I spent years of my life reading the bible, and have found that typically most Christians are not very aware what is really in it.

    I understand you utilize apologetics and displacement theology to excuse all the stuff that would actually effect your life, and am just trying to point out that religions based on the bible are harmful to humans.

    The entire premise of the book is that mankind is inherently evil and requires innocent blood to pay for the mistakes it makes. It forces followers into a negative image of humanity and the future, that requires the destruction of a majority of humans so that the tiny minority can live in happiness and peace. Thats horrible philosophy that leads to negativity, broken families and war, and history consistently shows this in action.

    I am trying to help you see the falacy that exists in promoting bad philosophy.

    Your welcome.

    Source(s): P.S. 20,000 Christian denominations refute your claims of being able to accurately define biblical meaning and interpretation. I know you are convinced that Jesus wouldn't mislead you with bad interpretation and doctrine, but so is every other Chistian in existence, all disagreeing on many versions of interpretations with you.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Why would a person come to R&S and use scripture to tell an atheist how to live?

    But maybe we are just trying to get the religious to read the ENTIRE Bible instead of just the verses that they use to justify their bigotry, hatred, and the judging of others.

  • Leo
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    When I quote scripture I make sure I am doing so accurately. Funny, though, how you haven't mentioned self professed Christians who quote scripture but who aren't married to the idea of accuracy.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    by trivializing and minimizing and ridiculing the dogmas we keep the relgious on the defense--logically this makes it more difficult for them to try and insert their drivel into schools and the government. By ridiculing the relgious we are performing a public service.

  • 1 decade ago

    Isn't that was Christians do? So only Christians can read the bible and use it for quotes.

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