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Lv 4
Josh asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

The country is being run by angry people?

This article says that Republicans are more happy and less angry then democrats. Why are Dem's so angry?


Look at Arthur! He is a perfect example of what the article is talking about. Just a flat out angry dem.

For those who didn't read the article..... Money had nothing to do with it.

Update 2:

Westhill and David R.... You fit the discription of angry Dems too! really, what are you 3 so angry about?

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    That's hilarious. It's the republicans who are constantly angry, whining, and complaining.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Your main question is about people who are running the country, so I will answer that. Obama and his cabinet members seem so rational and cool in their public appearances that their speeches and press conferences are frankly a little boring. Republicans, on the other hand, rant in congress and on TV every day. Perhaps these characters, Republican and Democrat all have completely different personnas behind the scenes, but if they do, that means that all of them are great actors.

    Your link is all about how old people are happier than younger people. They also tend to be senile, and we certainly don't want the senile to be leading this country, do we? Never mind, maybe you do. But I think you should consider whether the great actor and communicator Reagan was really all there mentally or whether his staffers did a wonderful job of covering for him. And was the 72 year old McCain really fit for the job? He seemed pretty erratic and often showed poor judgment; he was not the same McCain many of us admired in 2000.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am neither a Republican or a Democrat. From my experiences, both groups are infested with those that fit the stereotype. The Republicans tend to better off financially and have their lives in order. The Democrats seem to be on the poor side, often times miserable college students or single moms and are under a mountain of debt. Once again, this is just from my experience.

    I feel that the Democrats are under a mindset that nothing is good enough. They need more, more and more and someone else has to be the saviour. It seems to me that the Republicans want to do it for themselves and want other people to stay out of their business.

    Reiterated: This is just from my observation.

    I mean, this is a party that voted based off of change and hope. Their hopes are so high that they can't help but be angry that they were seduced by Obamamania...if they are actually paying attention because you would have to be angry if you actually are.

    Source(s): Once again, this is just my observation. I am not a Republican or a Democrat. I don't want to be ina political party. I can think for myself and vote for myself.
  • 1 decade ago

    The only answer I can see is that,starting wars over lie's,sending combat troupes into action without the needed equipment or a plan, calling the constitution a god damn piece of paper,torturing,and almost completely destroying the economy makes Republicans happy.

    And makes Demo crates angry.

    And to answer your question "Why are Dem's so angry?-It's because we love our country!

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  • 1 decade ago

    Democrats are angry because they hate American freedom and they want Americans to have no better lives than the primitive tribes in other parts of the world no matter how hard Americans work to improve themselves. Democrats will not be happy until every person on earth is equally miserable, something that will never happen because there will always be people who try to improve their lives.

  • 1 decade ago

    lol the better question is what country is being run by happy people?

    Oh and I dunno why Dems are angry. Assuming they are human and living in the same country as the republicans I'd say the following are possible causes:

    The declining economy

    Continued conflicts which have strained our political resources and efficiency

    The collapse of medicare and Social Security

    Rampant corruption and hypocrisy

    The media (be it conservative of liberal)

    Rising Unemployment Rates

    China's proposal of a Supra currency to replace the dollar

    And of course let's not forget the majority of our ruling class is old and faces a literal plethora of biological declines that when married with the possibility that they will go down in history as the worst generation ever just doesn't get the blood pumping in the least not enough to be truly happy

    But these are just possibilities there could be a much simpler answer like maybe they got duped by those darn Nigerian Monarchs and they can't get our tax dollars back......

    Source(s): John Stewart / Colbert
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Dems just cant stand America so they lie to themselves when they have power. Its very schizophrenic on the other hand Republicans are secure in their beliefs leading to happiness

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Why do think the Dems are so big on spending and giving money to the that don't work! It makes them feel better by giving money away that is not theirs to begin with!

  • 1 decade ago

    That is why leftist Air America went bankrupt. Hate America only sells for so long and then only to the hard core haters.

  • Arthur
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Yes, all those angry Democrats.

    Why, we completely dominate AM radio with our angry rants, 24/7. We've got the angry, bitter Sean Hannity, we've got the angry, bitter Glenn Beck, we've got the angry, bitter Michael Savage, etc etc etc...

    No, wait, those are all hard core right wing Republicans. Nevermind.

    BTW, if you actually bother to read the article, you'll find that it has little to do with politics, and more to do with the fact that the happiest people were financially well off, and in positions where the current economy doesn't concern them much. But that would require actually, y'know, reading and thinking, and not just reciting talking points.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    i'm an exceedingly indignant individual owing to my father, and that i took up pass usa, and not something makes me sense extra desirable and extra alive then working. yet you dont might desire to be indignant to take up pass usa, it facilitates however.

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