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LPSR! CM Parka asked in SportsWrestling · 1 decade ago

Now the WWE is pushing Randy Orton to the moon, is anyone else starting to notice John Cena isn't that bad?

Now I've never been a big fan of John Cena but it's not for the usual reasons, i know he can wrestle better then the WWE let him (match on youtube with Cena vs. Bryan Danielson proves that) and i'm passed that age where calling everything i don't like "gay" works. I wasn't into the rapper gimmick because at the time my taste in music was bands like Slipknot (Don't ask it just happened) and after that it it was all about how the WWE made me watch everything he did ever show to the point i got sick of him and didn't want to see him. Now though the WWE has moved the spotlight on to Randy Orton so Cena has been allowed to just get on with his business in the background, i have noticed that Cena does a good job with the crap the WWE give him and i can't blame Cena for what the writers give him.

WQ1: Is John Cena overrated anymore? Barely anyone thinks he is any good... how can that be overrated?

WQ2: Is Cena being out of the main spotlight allowing you to see the wrestler as the man doing the best with crap the WWE give him? why/why not and no "He sucks" isn't a good enough answer

WQ3: Is the WWE's Main spotlight a curse that dooms a wrestler to being "overrated"? and with Orton being a heel will anyone notice if the boos change from "Your a good heel we don't like you" to "just shut up we don't want to see you?

WQ4: If you was given John Cena's role what would you do? Turn it down to be a respected mid carder or make the best of the situation like Cena does?


The Undertaker struggled to get entertaining matches out of the Big Show so John Cena failing to do it shouldn't come as a surprise... Making wrestling the big show interesting is the Holy Grail of wrestling!

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    "This won't be a popular answer, but you asked, so here's my opinion:

    He is overrated by the Cena-haters. They whine and cry about "he can't wrestle" as if he's supposed to be a Bret Hart or a Kurt Angle. In the WWE, Cena is a brawler. He was NEVER marketed, billed, or promoted as a "technical wrestler". Cena, himself, has never claimed to be a great technical wrestler. He's a brawler because he's good at, and that's what the WWE wants him to be.

    His gimmicks, championships, main events, and TV time are decided FOR him by Vince McMahon and the Creative Department. John Cena makes the WWE a lot of money, through ticket sales, PPV buys, and merchandise sales. Cena has no control over THAT, he's just the guy playing the role. The FANS are the ones paying their money.

    My personal opinion of John Cena is, he's done a helluva job carrying the WWE after the departures of Steve Austin and The Rock, and the injuries to Triple H. He was given a tremendous responsibility and he handled it admirably. I have all the respect in the world for Cena. The unwarranted hatred from some of the users here is puzzling.

    Is he my favorite wrestler? Nope. Do I enjoy his promos and matches. Damn right."

    I wrote that a year ago, and it's still relevant today. Thanks to The Rock (above) for reprinting it.

    WQ1: The Cena-haters still overrate Cena. Their opinion has not changed; Cena's role HAS. Cena is no longer carrying the WWE on his back, alone. He's just being "one of the boys" now. His TV-time is much more limited than in the past, so apparently even the Cena-haters realize how ridiculous it is to bash somebody who is not in the spotlight anymore and they have drastically curtailed their hate-filled "answers".

    WQ2: I never bought into the "Cena sux" garbage to begin with, nor have I ever bought into "the whole WWE revolves around Cena" nonsense, either. To me, then and now, Cena is just one wrestler in a company of more than a hundred. Cena may be "limited" but he has more talent and charisma than just about everybody in the WWE, and it is extremely rare that Cena gives a "bad" performance. To throw in a Bobby Heenan reference, some of the material "the writers" give Cena to work with can be called "horse manure" but Cena is usually able to make "ice cream" out of it and be entertaining.

    WQ3: Sure seems that way, doesn't it? Triple H, Edge, Jericho, Cena, Jeff Hardy...all "overrated" once they got to that top spot. The problem is Vince McMahon's reliance on making one man the focus of the WWE, pushing him to the moon, overexposing the hell out of him, and asking too much of one performer. People eventually just get sick of anybody who is shoveled down their throat. Some got sick of Hogan, and some even got sick of Stone Cold and The Rock. They spend too much time in the spotlight and their flaws get exposed; the fans come to realize that he wasn't really very good after all, start calling him "overrated" and want somebody else to entertain them.

    If you'll recall, we had this same situation in late '07, when Cena was at his most overexposed. Everybody wanted him gone and Orton as Champ. Cena went down with an injury and Orton was made Champ. It took less than two weeks for the fans to realize that Orton wasn't the "cure" for whatever "illness" Cena had caused and they turned on Orton, some even wanting Cena back to take Orton down. That same sentiment is starting now. Not wanting Cena to take Orton out, specifically, but that Orton has been shoveled down our throats too much and too fast, and we're sick of him; he is still not the "cure". Some complain about the "same thing every week" with Cena; we get the "same thing every week" with Orton now. Vince just doesn't seem to learn, or care what the fans think...

    Orton, like Cena, will always have his die-hard fans, but most fans are getting sick of non-stop Orton across all WWE shows and PPVs. The crowd reactions on TV prove that. Ignore the canned audio they play during Orton's TV appearances and watch the crowds. Most seem disinterested, at best. But for the number one heel in all of the WWE, he gets very little actual reaction from the live audiences. '07 all over again?

    WQ4: I would try to be as professional as Cena has been, and do the most with what I'm given.

  • vv
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    WQ1 : He is overrated by the Cena-haters. They whine and cry about "he can't wrestle" as if he's supposed to be a Bret Hart or a Kurt Angle. In the WWE, Cena is a brawler. He was NEVER marketed, billed, or promoted as a "technical wrestler". Cena, himself, has never claimed to be a great technical wrestler. He's a brawler because he's good at, and that's what the WWE wants him to be.

    His gimmicks, championships, main events, and TV time are decided FOR him by Vince McMahon and the Creative Department. John Cena makes the WWE a lot of money, through ticket sales, PPV buys, and merchandise sales. Cena has no control over THAT, he's just the guy playing the role. The FANS are the ones paying their money.

    My personal opinion of John Cena is, he's done a helluva job carrying the WWE after the departures of Steve Austin and The Rock, and the injuries to Triple H. He was given a tremendous responsibility and he handled it admirably. I have all the respect in the world for Cena. The unwarranted hatred from some of the users here is puzzling.

    WQ2 : I like that he isn't in the Main Event picture anymore. I am not criticizing him in anyway. But I am happy, he is letting younger stars be pushed into higher status. John Cena does not suck, he probably has the most passion for the business.

    WQ3 : The WWE Universe doesn't like anyone that hogs the spotlight for too long. If Randy Orton keeps getting pushed like this, people will hate him too.

    WQ4 : I would do whatever I am told to do. That shows the love & passion for the business. I think people should respect what Cena does and anyone that work their @ss off.

    Source(s): DAMN! I love this answer, all credits to The Dragon.;_ylt=AnBFJ...
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    WQ1: I've never thought that he was overrated. There's a difference between overused and overrated, and he's not used much anymore.

    WQ2: I've always thought that Cena was great in the ring. You can tell that he puts up with the WWE and what they give him, which is good. He's doing what the boss is telling him to do.

    WQ3: I mean no harm to the people that only like heels, But as long as Orton is a heel he will never be told that he is overrated. Ever. The IWC is all about heels and as long as Orton is a heel he will never be called overrated, even when he is.

    WQ4: I would make the best of the situation or ask Vince if I could at least cut my own promos and be unscripted. Cena is a genius on the mic. An absolute genius and why they won't let him show off his genius-ness, I will never understand.

    Edit: "I am Rated R" You're a tool. All of the matches at Extreme Rules are the same as JDay and yet you're basically saying that Cena is the only one who's got a rematch.

    Edit: You kept bringing up his rematch with 'Show at Extreme Rules. It's hard to have a decent match involving Big Show.

    Source(s): Teenager.
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Randy Orton's Getting A Title Push, Being Former WWE Champion And All, Maybe Cena Will Win At The 3 Hour Edition Of RAW Who Knows?

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  • Gir
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I have never been a big fan of Cena but the guy is good. He does what he is given and it shows that he has passion for the job. Cena doesn't care what the writer give him he does it and makes it the best.

    WQ1: Right Atleast IMO.

    WQ2: I have always seen Cena as a good wrestler. And it's just that hes really committed to the company. He takes what is given to him and makes it as best as he can.

    WQ3: I don't think its a curse. And I don't think anyone will notice if the heat that Orton receives changes. It's just like Chris Jericho, some just want him to shut up and others think he is a good heel(which he is :D).

    WQ4: Make the best out of the situation. I would turn what I have given into the best it can be.


  • 1 decade ago

    WQ1: Good point. I say over used not overrated.

    WQ2: I guess. I never really hated Cena, and never got how anyone did seems as how it was the writers and WWE staff, not Cena.

    WQ3: What boo's? 80% of the fans cheer Orton half the time anymore. He is not very good at getting the crowd to hate him.

    WQ4: Haha...if I was given Cena's position I would become more overrated and overused until the world got sick of me. Money is worth more than respect. (In truth though, everyone would pick the same path as Cena if given the chance.)

    Source(s): * Starred
  • I think the reason why most people hate Cena, was because he was in the title picture too long.

    I think his feud with Big Show will keep the fans cool, but it wont last long.

    John Cena knows how to wrestle, its just dumb Wwe creative booking.

    I'm not too sure about Randy Orton in the title picture is good.

    I'm sick of his gimmick, sick of the punts, and sick of that dometic look.

    Yet people shouldn't blame Orton or Cena. Its Vince Mcmahons dumb booking.

    WQ1: I don't think he is overrated, its just the fans can't take it anymore.

    How he is pushed is making people sick.

    WQ2: It wouldn't hurt for a main wrestler to step out of the spotlight for awhile.

    I think Cena and Big Show need more leeway, because they have more skills then you think.

    I'm also looking forward to Cena vs Miz.

    WQ3: It aint the spotlight, its Vince Mcmahons dumb booking!

    WQ4: I let the wrestlers do whatever they want to do in the ring, but they have to follow the script/results.

  • 1 decade ago

    WQ1: As of now he is overrated. I guess the WWE is limiting his moves.

    WQ2: I can now see that because he is a hard worker. I just hate that when Big Show put him through that spotlight, they writers should have just wrote him off of TV until Summerslam. It would have gave everyone the time to say that they miss him and what not.

    WQ3: Yea, because it becomes the usual, we see him at the beginning of the show and at the end of the show in the main event. I guess the Raw main event scene has not changed since evolution separated.

    WQ4: Make the best of the situation, you would be a midcard wrestler hoping not to be released from the WWE.

  • 1 decade ago

    WQ1: I don't know if he is overrated or not... I do know that I stopped finding him entertaining once he turned face.

    WQ2: The WWE writers may be giving him 'crap' but the onus is on him to invest in his on air personality to make it more entertaining. John Cena once said, "Writers write, actors act", and then went on to say that he chose not to work on his character, instead leaving that totally to the writers. Perhaps, if he worked on his character more instead of leaving it all to the writers, his character would be much better. Remember, he has been face for more than 5 years now. So, it's not as if he hasn't had time to work on his character since turning face.

    WQ3: That same spotlight was on Austin and the Rock not so long ago, and fans generally were happy with them. Orton in my opinion is a great heel and will continue to get legit heel heat.

    WQ4: I would like to think that if I was in Cena's situation I would take the time to work on my character, like Chris Jericho for one is known to do.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, John Cena isn't that bad. But, I don't think it's time for him to be compared to Randy yet. Randy has been in the spotlight now, for what 5 months? Cena was shoved down our throats for YEARS.

    WQ: It's just the WS. One person says he's overrated, and everyone follows. But, counting on the entire WWE universe in general, he is overrated. When was the last time John Cena was pinned cleanly? Big Show on Smackdown maybe? And that was with a distraction from Edge. And before that? While we cannot blame John Cena for what the writers give him, we can blame John Cena's character he portrays. And that character is overrated. Not in the WS, but the WWE in general.

    WQ2: I don't think there really giving him that much crap. Two PPV matches with Big Show? Then he's right back in the title picture. Anyone can put up with Big Show if its just for 2 matches. And look at his match with Show, did he do a great job with what he had? No, he did what we all expected, it was boring, and that can't all be blamed on the Big Show.

    WQ3: Ha, yes in fact it is. But, someone has to do it. And you seem set on Orton being the face of the company for a while? But, in fact, he could lose the title soon, and slowly drop back down letting Batista/ Cena take over again. But, if he does stay, yes he will more than likely get the "were tired of you" boos from the good ol' non-hypoctritical crowd.

    WQ4: Ha, like I said before, two ppv matches with the Big Show and then being put right back in the title picture hardly qualifies as Cena making the best of a situation. His match with Big Show SUCKED! And hell yeah, if I was going to be given the title 2 months from then, I'd not complain on going against the Big Show.... hell, he's got nothing to complain about, he always wins anyway.

    EDIT: ^ Uh, yes he has a rematch. Did I say anywhere that nobody else did? And what does that have to do with anything?

    EDIT: I didn't say it wasn't. But everyone has matches with Big Show, and I don't think him having a match with him suddenly justifys him putting up with what WWE throws at him,. It's just for two months and then boom back in the title picture. Not that hard to do...

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