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Here's a video of Mancow being waterboarded. IS THIS TORTURE?

This is the most polarizing debate in modern America. I've heard Conservatives say it IS torture and Liberals say it's not. What do YOU think? We've all heard the blowhard politicians and their ideas, and the pundits and talkers and their opinions, which get confused for news. I want to hear it from YOU.

19 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    no thats baby sh*t compared to what peaple have done to me and what i have don to them

  • 1 decade ago

    What you are forgetting is all of the psychological torture that goes along with waterboarding. The person will probably be naked and tied down to the table. There will absolutely be no countdown. People would be shouting at him, possibly hitting him. They would tell him his family is dead. The list goes on.

    What most people don't get is that the debate is not truly about torture, but about a line being crossed. It is a well known fact that most people will do what they are told if it comes from a position of authority, even if it is horrific. A prime example of this is a well known psychological study known as the Milgram Experiment.

    What I do not want is to see my country compared to Nazis of WWII,and for America to be known as an evil empire. This waterboarding is a good example of people pushing the line when it comes to torture. No the physical damage is not much of a risk, but the psychological damage will last for years and years, regardless of how "safe" the torture was.

    That person will live on, have a family, and propagate the ideal that America is an evil empire. Clearly this is not a case of leading by example.

    Just to see what the big deal was, I had friends waterboard me as an experiment. I told them to do it on and off for 1 minute. It was the longest minute of my life. I challenge any nay-sayer to try this experiment at home.

    I feel that if you do not believe this is torture, you could be one of the ones holding a bucket in your hand. Do you think you could do it? You may say to yourself that you would never, but you probably would (if ordered).

    Source(s): This is a cool study. You should check it out.
  • 1 decade ago

    While in the military service many of us were trained to deal with situations in the event that we were captured during an operation.

    Our training was far more severe than that of water boarding. On the other hand what one may feel is not considered torture may very well be devastating to another.

    We must listen to our military hero's like John McCain who have been through such ordeals. He feels that water boarding is a form of torture which is not permitted by the Geneva convention.

    If both sides adhere to the rules of engagement in war that is one thing but in the case of fighting terrorism it is obvious that the terrorists could care less about establishing rules much less adhering to them.

    My personal feelings in this situation is to use whatever is necessary to bring this entire situation to a peaceful conclusion. This is of course is an impossibility as this area of the world has been in a turmoil since Biblical times. These people are not only using torture but even after they torture our prisoners they end up cutting their heads off or tossing their bodies off of a freeway overpass.

    At best we can only come out of this victorious by making the terrorists so weak they are no longer a threat and helping to organize and strengthen the armies of our friendly allies and hope they will retaliate at the first sign of seeing their new freedom threatened.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They didnt do it right, the real way is the person is tied to the table and the table is tilted back so the water goes right up the nose as well as in the mouth, and the blindfold coveres their mouth also.

    Yes its torture because its making the person believe they are drowning even if its only for a few moments, thats emotionally destructive as well as dangerous because the person could go under too long and get brain damage.

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  • 1 decade ago

    You know what? If Americans want to waterboard Americans, people all over the world would not care. Go ahead. People have a problem when you invade another country and torture non-Americans. I have a BIG problem with that. If Americans want to torture and kill themselves, I am all for it. Just do not torture other nationals! Keep torture for yourselves!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes it is torture. It is not for our politicians and military officials to debate. If you read the United Nations Geneva Convention, a treaty which the United States ratified, you will see we are clearly in violation of it.

    No physical or mental torture, nor any other form of coercion, may be inflicted on prisoners of war to secure from them information of any kind whatever. Prisoners of war who refuse to answer may not be threatened, insulted, or exposed to any unpleasant or disadvantageous treatment of any kind. (Part 3, Section 1, Article 17)

  • Max50
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    One man's view doesn't define it.

    There are others who have done it and say it wasn't torture to them.

    Here is my point you think that we are going to war with people who follow the same rules you are nuts.

    Talk to some vets from WWII as I did and they don't see the problem much worse was done and no one had problem than.

    If pouring water on face would save people I suggest you try tap water.

  • 1 decade ago


    put yourself in his place and then answer that question.

    tell you what

    this is serious business....

    it gives people more ideas

    like our existing enemies,those who will soon become more enemies and the enemies within.

    Besides if you are tortured as many of the detainees were, it appears, you will admit to just about anything I should think. And since few 'confess' to anything the first time around, whatever is admitted to can't be trusted anyway.

    so ~~

    we need to play it down

    we really do ~

    'what goes around comes around'

    one way or another

    Its called Karma

    Some have already experienced it.

    Some have yet to experience it

    but they will ~~~~~

  • Dylan
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Not torture. Torture is when someone attached electrodes to your nipples and sends electricity through them. Torture is pulling off your toenails slowly. Torture is watching your fellow prisoners be beaten so badly they are choking on their own blood. Torture is shoving bamboo up your *ss. This is nothing. All survival trainees and special forces people in the military have this done.

  • 1 decade ago

    For everyone who says its not torture I'm having a waterboarding bbq this weekend in memory of all of the tortured service men who endured this disgusting practice. Any takers?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Again, water boarding for "demonstration purposes" isn't the same unless:

    a) you don't know the people doing it won't *really* harm you.

    b) the people doing it won't stop until you tell them what they want to hear.

    But most of all, the US ruled that it *is* torture back when the Japanese did it in WWII. If it's not torture then we owe those we convicted back then apologies and reparations.

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