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curious asked in EnvironmentGlobal Warming · 1 decade ago

Verdict: deniers guilty of conspiracy and lying. Is history reoccurring?

The news is about companies (and people) who denied that smoking is harmful:

Interesting are the following excerpts:

"Cigarette companies systematically lied for decades to hide the dangers of smoking, a U.S. appeals court said on Friday as it upheld a trial judge's racketeering verdict"

"The appeals court's three-judge panel ruled that the companies, including Altria Group Inc and its Philip Morris USA unit, violated federal anti-racketeering laws by conspiring to lie about the dangers of smoking."

The court also pointed to evidence that the companies knew that second-hand smoke was dangerous, dismissing their assertions that there was no "scientific consensus."

Do you see any similarities with global warming deniers?

Do you think that fossil fuel companies will be more careful about denying agw, or will they have to be brought in court too?

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The difference is that oil companies no longer deny man-made global warming. Even Exxon has stopped funding right-wing global warming denialist groups.

    On the other hand, tobacco companies never admitted their products caused cancer until they were taken to court. So the oil companies may avoid the same consequences by freely admitting the damage their products do. However, it's still possible that someday Exxon will have to pay for funding the denial movement for so long.

  • 1 decade ago

    Cigarette consumption and fossil fuel consumption are not in any conceivable way the same.

    The oil companies would LOVE to be able to defend the position of Natural Warming vs. Anthropogenic Warming in a court of law. The downside for the oil industry would be absolutely ZERO! Their have been no adverse effects to the US economy from the Exploration or Production of fossil fuels and the economic benefits would be so simple to demonstrate that it is silly to even discuss it. The health impacts have been various and sundry and have been largely litigated already.

    What you are looking for is a "war crimes tribunal" with fossil fuels and those that produce them as the defendant. That ain't gonna happen since the US are not a signatory to the International Court and certainly are not going to allow any Kangaroo Court of the UN to adjudicate the issue!

    MTR - I agree with you about some skeptics just as I would make the same assertion about some advocates of AGW. There are some people that I would just as soon not see on the "skeptic side". I myself merely want to understand this thing. I hate being called part of an evil oil industry cadre, since I am basically retired and owe nothing to anybody! I see a lot of things that make sense and a lot of things that don't. I do know this though, that the oil companies have some brilliant researchers and I have met many. They cannot be bought off and have very high integrity. The data ( regarding paleoclimate and the cyclicity of Earth Systems)that they have collected, published and are in the confidential vault is phenomenal! They have a lot to say on this topic and are not going to be heard in all likelihood because of the political nature of the debate.

  • davem
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I do not see any similarities between the smoking and global warming issues. They're extremely different.

    What you're proposing is a change to the legal system where people are guilty without proof or even worthwhile evidence. Some countries do operate that way, unfortunately. Which one are you from?

  • 1 decade ago

    Fossil Fuel companies do not deny global warming... name me one that does..

    Global warming deniers (including me) are simply asking for "proof" go to youtube and see all you can find on global warming they show you videos of "What could happen" but there isn't any proof given for it.

    There is no relation shown between global warming and CO2.

    Global temperature has been falling for past 10 years, it isn't rising, sea levels are not rising, etc.

    Then look at it from a different view, what could happen if globe warms by 2-3 degrees, "Oh poor polar bear would die... " :( shooo sad.

    Good things that will happen if we have global warming....

    1. Increase in average rainfall around the world.

    2. More moderate temperatures due to higher humidity

    3. More crop production and forestation due to high CO2 presence in atmosphere.

    Bad things?

    1. Sea level would rise by few feet that happens anyways during high tide and no people make their house right beside the sea because they know about "High Tide" maybe supporters of Global warming don't but most people who live beside sea do.

    2. what else??? Short winter?... is that bad? Early spring... is that bad? ,,,, I don't know...

    Good thing that will happen if we have an ice age (which is what we could have if you see the trend).

    1. More Polar bears.... err....

    Bad things...

    1. Less Average world wide rain.

    2. More famine

    3. Temperature different (extreme temperatures due to less humidity and clouds)

    4. Difference in temperatures will cause more violent storms.

    5. Drop in sea level will kill most of the coral and fishes that live on those coral.

    6. Long cold winters...

    7. Short growing seasons. (short summers)

    Man... I really don't think global warming is too bad... yeah but if we're going toward an Ice age, little CO2 could really help maintain the temperature for us.

    Its not denial, but I would like you to get your facts right.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    DANGER Will Robinson!... DANGER! DANGER!


    The connection you are trying to draw has NO logical connection.

    Get the 21 IPCC models to agree that their sensitivities agree closer than an order of magnitude from one another, disprove the published science that shows the sensitivity is likely way overstated and you have the beginning of an argument. Until that time, all you have are Algore, sketchy correlations and invalid computer models.

  • Ben O
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    There's a lot of spin in that story and the journalist could easily have written it completely differently.

    The Clinton Administration sued tobacco companies for 289 billion, later reduced to 14 billion to fund anti smoking campaigns that too was not upheld by the court who instead handed down a judgment while indicating cigarette companies acted deceptively, essentially dismissed the governments claim.

    I think the AGW believers want it all their own way. They want anyone who disagreed with their theories to be punished if their theory is ever proved correct, but they don't want to face punishment themselves if the human influence on climate is found to be negligible.

    Should the scientists who predicted that the Arctic could be ice free by 2008 be prosecuted?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That's the same stupid argument that Al Gore is using.

    Smoking kills and I have dead members of my family to prove


    Global Warming is a hoax to extract more tax money from

    people for Al Gores And GE worthless carbon credits so they

    can make billions . CO2 is not Poison as the idiot Waxman

    wants you to believe. Its a power grab. The Democrats want

    to force a kinder , gentler fascism on the USA

  • 1 decade ago

    Your comment basically amounts to "Look! Here's a bunch of companies who deliberately lied and denied that smoking is harmful. Therefore, anyone who denies something is just as evil and wrong."

    Yeah, nice argument dipshit. Here on planet Earth we call that a logical fallacy.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Thinking that humans can change the climate is tantamount to the old "Russian weather machine" idea of the 70's, not to mention really arrogant to think we can change the climate. It's a crock and the Global Warming money makers know it.

  • MTR09
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Global warming is a ridiculous hypothesis, the scientific evidence is completely incongruent with the issue. It has turned into some kind of sick religion, and now one of the co-founders of Greenpeace, no less, has criticised the unscientific nature of the scare-mongering.

    The pressure put on developing countries to stop using fossil fuels is rendering them incapable of development, and MEDCs are now trying to bully them into submission.

    I urge you to watch this video, and make a rational and logical opinion. If you disagree with it then, by all means go back to cult of Global Warming.

    I suspect most of you will not watch the video, and probably you will give me abuse normally reserved for holocaust deniers, but I am just trying to allow people to see both sides of the argument.

    The guy above me is called MTR too, which one, lol?

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