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Lv 6
Allie asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Who is abiding by established presidential protocol? Bush or Obama?

This past week Obama criticized the Bush administration 28 times in his speech that preceeded Cheney's. And that was after Obama said it was time to get along. On the other hand, Bush is quietly doing what ex-presidents are supposed to do - sit back and let the current president make or break his own legacy.

Why does Obama continue to bash Bush? I think it's extremely classless of Obama to do that, especially because Bush is doing what HE is supposed to do, and that's remain silent. But, I think Obama continues to be mean to Bush so he can leave the door open to blame Bush for Obama failures long after the prior administration should be a viable excuse for failure.

I expect to hear some babbling attacks, but I would really like to hear some good valid defense for Obama, and reasons why it's OK for Obama to toss out the gentlemanly protocol established for the Office of the US President.

13 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Obama is losing in the popularity game and he don't like this at all

    I think eventually all presidents lose some points after 100 days.

    Obama can't stand this and is getting back in a very immature way.

    In time this kind of rhetoric will just become tiresome.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    It's impossible to deal with the current mess without addressing how we got into it. Since Obama is new, that means looking at past actions.

    Sorry if it seems like Obama is "bashing" Bush, but it's really not his fault that Bush screwed up so many things so horribly that Obama has to take drastic actions, and explain them on so many fronts. Obama even goes out of his way to talk about how the mistakes of the Bush administration (without specifically calling the people out by name) were made "with the best of intentions," which is exceedingly generous.

    Tom Ridge, Colin Powell, Larry Wilkerson and others have all been vehement, vocal critics of the Bush administration lately. What do they have in common? They were part of the Bush administration. So, if the so-called "bashing" is coming from people who used to be part of the administration, perhaps you need to step back from your own partisan biases and realize that it's not about bashing.

    Is Bush remaining silent? Sure. What do you think would happen if he opened his mouth? First of all, incomprehensible gibberish would come out, and the stark contrast would remind people of how much better off we are now with Obama. Secondly, the feckless and shallow nonsense that would serve as justification would also remind people that substance we have now is infinitely better than the bluster of the past, and he would do enormous harm to the GOP.

    Also, keep in mind that Cheney, fearing prosecution, is speaking out WAY more than he ever did while in office, with many of the same lies and misinformation as before, with bashing of Obama's policies. That, to a large degree, demands a response. If the Bush administration is being bashed against protocol, it's because Cheney wants this debate in the public sphere. Funny how you conveniently ignore that piece of the equation.

    Bush is only following the old adage: "It is better to be silent and thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt."

  • 5 years ago

    Obama can call the Bush wing "How I snowed the yank human beings Wing" or How I were given elected two times wing--with the help of mendacity about Bush Or This wing shows how stupid the left wing voters are wing.

  • 1 decade ago

    Bush is doing the right thing and staying out of Obama's way so Obama can make a fool of himself all by himself.

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  • 1 decade ago

    he needs to keep reminding the americans about bush. that's why he won. bush screwed up so many things that all the dems need to do is say "bush" or "previous administration" and people shake their heads in agreement no matter what is being put in front of them.

    when americans start to get a little uncomfortable about obama policies, all he has to do is come forward and say, "i'm trying to clean up from the failed policies of the last administration." he convinces people that his socialist policies are the only way to go to clean up after bush. and people just eat it up because their hatred for bush is so great, they are willing to except anything obama says. even if it is going to destroy everything this great nation was built on.

  • DR.
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    The power is not in the Whitehouse. It is Congress that has been given the tool. We have a Constitution. It will work if we do it right.

    There is a solution. Go to:

  • The torture debate has to include Bush, unfortunately for Obama, he has to use Bush to make his case. The enhanced interrogation techniques were approved of by the previous administration. Obama doesn't play nice guy. We need the facts.

    If somebody broke the law, they should be brought to justice, regardless of who they work for.

  • V
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    The speech was on how he was changing the Bush administration policies, what would you have him talk about? Why does Cheney continue to defend the illegal use of torture? Have any of you conservatives EVER heard of the Geneva Conventions?!? Or do you feel above the law?!

  • 1 decade ago

    Both, It's that cheney guy that won't go away, and how the hell is Obama supposed to discuss this Mess at all without mentioning it, Republicans just crack me up.

  • GREG
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Lets play point the finger. WEEEEEEE

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