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Is Obama a puppet of Wall Street like past presidents?

Now please forgive my skepticism but he IS a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (as has every president been in the past with the exception of Kennedy and look what happened to him). Obama has assembled a team of the same ol' political hacks who also are members of the CFR as well as big shots at the PRIVATE Federal Reserve and Wall Street. He's already reneged on quite a few of his major platforms. So, as the saying goes, the more things change, the more they stay the same.


Sorry, I used the wrong 'their" in thelast entry, it should have been "there"

Update 2:

Hey Aborted Baby eater, one does not need to rely soley on AJ for this information. It is their for you to find if you'd take the blinders off.

18 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Given that most normal ordinary people choose to bring up our families rather than force our ideas on others, it is not surprising that politicians are despised as a breed. Obama has a limited choice of people to work with.

    However, loud mouthed bigots will try to prevent the us from benefiting from election promises by slagging of Obama and associating him with anybody else with whom they disagree. In the past, this tactic has simply given the incumbent the excuse not to fulfil their promises.

    Rather than shout fire in order to sell fire extinguishers, why not encourage alternatives to playing with matches.

    Your question ties Obama with Wall Street. Would it were that simple!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    In comment to Shard F's response to your question, which shows that attention is paid to news reports more than is common among many responders: President Obama had everyone who came to work for his administration sign a contract prohibiting lobbying activities while his administration is in power, and I believe for one year afterwards. The reason he pushed through the Stimulus Package so quickly was pretty much the same reason a surgeon rushes to stop massive bleeding before proceeding with the have to stabilize the patient before the detailed operation begins. Fixing an economy this size is a balancing act, because if one thing goes under it has reverberations on every other level. I liked that you realized he has good intentions, and he also has two websites we can use: (to which he responds---I have gotten two e-mail replies) and (where citizens can monitor how the Stimulus monies are being used and either report seeming infractions or offer input/ideas.

    Is President Obama a puppet of Wall Street? No, a resounding and certain NO. He has begun to re-regulate the banking industry (as it was under Bill Clinton) and Tim Geitner is his point man on this project (in today's AP news report). He stood up to bank CEOs and top level executives of AIG who wanted to claim humongous bonuses even though they drove their companies into the ground. He met with all major credit card company executives at the White House and brokered a deal that benefits consumers. Are these the actions of a man who is a puppet of Wall Street? Most of these fatcat executives have supported politicians who looked the other way and let them run wild, so did it not take political courage in the extreme for our new President to take candy away from these spoiled rich babies? Have a little faith...which I know is hard because of the economy, the bickering, the hateful rhetoric that has divided this nation far too long. The man we elected to be President is the real thing...he may even end up being the greatest leader we have ever had. Our job is to prevent smears from lobbyists (like from oil companies, insurance companies, HMOs, defense contractors like Halliburton and its subsidiaries, etc.) that block the changes he is trying to implement for the good of all Americans.

    Source(s): "The Age of Turbulence: Adventures in a New World" by Alan Greenspan; "The Republican Noise Machine: Right-Wing Media and How It Corrupts Democracy" by former Conservative David Brock; "Dick: The Man Who Is President" by John Nichols; "What Every American Should Know About Who's Really Running the World: The People, Corporations, and Organizations That Control Our Future" by Melissa Rossi.
  • 5 years ago

    Are you saying George Bush was a Wall Street puppet? Don't you think Wall Street could have done a better job?

  • 1 decade ago

    Oh yes, it could not be more transparent. I mean, c'mon, Geitner? No conflict of interest there..... LOL

    The most disappointing lie to me was his promise to post bills on the internet so that people could see them well in advance, and speak to their representatives about which way to vote. Hell, they rammed those "stimulus" bills through so fast that the Congress didn't even have time to read them.

    The second most disappointing was his promise to keep lobbyists out of his government. Oh, well, with the exception of the second highest ranking person in the DOD.

    He may have started with good intentions, but I fear that he has since been given "the briefing".

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  • TC
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Our political processes are controlled by oligarchs in a number of industries, including oil, defense and banking. However, that control comes mostly from lobbying congress, political contributions, and propaganda issued by media outlets owned by the oligarchs.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm going to say no to this one because I think he wants Wall Street to fail but in the meantime the oligarchy he works for will be the sole holders of the power and financial gain of this action which is more world wide focused rather than just national.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Obama's right hand man is George Soros and you ask this question?

    Worse, Obama's election campaign was financed by the greens and now it's payback time you watch those energy tax hikes and cap and trade charges come rolling in.

    When your energy and fuel is rationed and the cost of living spirals, you will find your answer.

    He is pre-ordained to limit energy use and raise taxes.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes. He is directly aligned with Wall Street. Same as Reagan, Bush Sr., Clinton and Bush Jr.

  • Apollo
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Yes he was chosen by the NWO Banking Elite who pick all the president to serve only them, and they will continue to use the CIA and the US army to rule the world.

  • 5 years ago

    Yes he is a puppet.

    Source(s): Libertarian.
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