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Something is okay if it's free, but is illegal if it's paid for. Does this make sense?


Sharon: of course I mean sex :) I was trying to think of other examples where something is illegal if paid for, but okay if it's free...and couldn't. It doesn't make sense to me at all. People have sex all the time, yet when money is involved, suddenly it becomes a criminal act?

Matthew and Christine: why?

darkangel: I'm not sure if you realized that I was referring to sex. Regardless, I meant it to sound exactly as you interpreted it, because objectively I don't see what the difference is.

Caoedhen: fortunately, my 15 sec came elsewhere :)

Fernando: good point. I think this is an example of what Steve (further below you) was referring to about things the government is unable to tax.

Stevey: I think that is sort of an intentional loophole. We don't really want to throw a bunch of teenagers in jail. It's much easier to regulate from the sales aspect.

Update 2:

mike: very good point. I would have to stipulate that the affair is a personal/private one. It's the government official's job to work on behalf of his constituents. So accepting a bribe would violate an aspect of his job description.

Steve: good point. In the case of the sex trade however, I would think this would be classified as a service which is generally not taxed.

Chris: another good point. How about this for a twist? Why should it be illegal to pay for votes? In a democracy, shouldn't the people be allowed to vote for whomever they want, no matter how ill-advised? That's the thing about democracy--the people get the leader they deserve. If they want to vote for the guy who is promising them $100 each, why can't they? To nudge the premise a little farther, when a presidential candidate promises to lower taxes (or give a tax rebate, etc), isn't that exactly what he's doing--offering a bribe for votes?

Update 3:

Christine: using Thailand as your example really undercuts your argument. There are many illegal things that are overlooked there besides underage prostitution. It has nothing to do with what has been formally legislated--it's an enforcement issue. I recall a story on Yahoo News a few months ago in which a pimp was arrested for this offense. He publicly railed that the only reason he was arrested was that he hadn't bribed the local police like he usually does. That wouldn't be as much of an issue in the US. If you really want to stop underage prostitution, you have to go after the pimps. As long as prostitution is a hidden activity it is very difficult to find the them let alone arrest them. Bringing prostitution out in the open would make this easier since the brothel owners would now be known and could be more easily held accountable.

Update 4:

Matthew: some would argue that the profession of the rodeo clown also fits that description.

The fundamental difference between an elected office and the example you cited of a private company is where the citizen's responsibility lies. When choosing who to vote for, the citizen's responsibility is to his own prerogative. That's the fundamental principle of a democracy--you vote according to your own conscience, not what other people tell you is right or wrong. If you want to vote for a white supremacist, that's ok. If you want to vote for someone because he has a nice smile, that's ok too.

If a private institution is offering to pay a citizen to overlook something criminal, the citizen's responsibility is to the laws of his society. In this case, right and wrong has been established by society--not you. You may be doing what you think is right by taking the bribe, but if that conflicts with what society thinks is right, then you will be subject to prosecution.

Update 5:

Matthew: one other thing--no is job degrading, as long as the person doing it makes an effort to do it well.

14 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Since you posted this in Politics and Government, we might ignore sex/prostitution and look at bribery/lobbying. If a person is elected or appointed to office, it is expected that people will offer opinions and attempt to influence their decisions and most officials in the US take an oath to do the best for the whole country or for their constituents and do it for the salary they are paid. Receiving bribes or even gifts within the bounds of the law that appear to be paying for results is illegal, in this country.

  • 1 decade ago

    Depends... what are you getting at...

    With sex: Yep, it makes sense.

    The reason it was created was a sort of societal censor. I don't like censors, so I wouldn't like it's (banning prostitution) original creation.

    But, If you look at it from a different angle:

    It is one of the most degrading and unsafe jobs that our present society can offer. And, its uneccesary for our society to survive. Being a trashman may be degrading, but it is necessary. We have already outlawed prostitution and our society has not fallen like it would if we outlawed trashmen.

    The prostitute takes the full front of the wear of use and is exposed to many diseases and problems that not many jobs are exposed to, and like I said, its unnessary for society.

    I may not care for the original intent of the ban, but if you look at other sides, it still works out for the best.

    With votes: Well why can't a company just pay all it's members not to bring up an issues, or pay all the people at an accident to keep quiet so that the company will not get researched on. When you bring politics into a company, it becomes questionable when it becomes corruption. Where do we draw the line? I think they put a good line down. No direct money for votes involvement. It works in every viable situation. (unless you can think of a situation where it would be more ethical to have someone voted to power using money votes [that is the ultimate end])

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sex comes to mind which would make sense. Prostitution should remain illegal everywhere it is now. EDIT- Because legalized prostitution is impossible to adequately legislate. It is a magnet for human-traffickers and gang or mob activity. Leaving the moral issue aside, places like Thailand which have legalized it, have row after row of brothels where even very young children are sold like cattle.

    Source(s): Polaris Project, Angel Coalition, Make A Way Partners
  • 1 decade ago

    Is it right or does it make sense?

    For the government, the entity that decides whether something is legal or not, it makes a lot of sense to make something illegal for sale that is difficult or impossible to tax.

    This becomes an easier sale to the public if there is a moral or puritanical justification eg "the bible says it's wrong", or if there are powerful lobby groups, such as NOW, who claim a specific group of people is victimized by the sales or industry.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Weren't you on John TV last night?

    The worlds oldest profession is still illegal in almost all parts of the country, whether or not it makes sense.

    You could try a grass-roots campaign to change that... but good luck.

  • 1 decade ago


    And here I thought you were talking about votes!

    Edit -

    Your darn right it's a bribe. Not only that, they're bribing you with your own money!

    Truth is only a few voters get to collect though. Usually not you or I.

  • 1 decade ago

    The first part does but the second doesn't cus it sounds like you went to a store, bought something and the police came in and arrested you for buying something

  • 1 decade ago

    sex is the only thing I can think of that is ok when free but illegal to pay for.

  • 1 decade ago

    maybe sex or cigarettes where im from people under age can smoke but not purchase and it is illegal to sell to minors

  • 1 decade ago

    either sex, or stuff like a CD Program, you can give it to ur brother for free, but if u resell it, its illegal..

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